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My Time at Sandrock

Unsuur Romance Guide - My Time at Sandrock

Jessica Dillon
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"Unsuur" iconUnsuur is one of the first characters you will meet in My Time at Sandrock, but he is difficult to date. This is due to many of his liked and loved gifts not becoming available until you have sunk quite a few hours into the game. While this seems a bit overwhelming, romancing Unsuur can still be done in a timely manner. The guide below goes over where to find Unsuur, what his favorite gifts are, and how to deal with romancing him in the early hours of the game.

Unsuur can often be found walking through the middle of Sandrock.

Where to Find Unsuur

Unsuur is a member of the Civil Corps who watches after Sandrock’s safety. His house is located across from the water tower, right beside the Civil Corps office, but he is rarely there. He can often be found patrolling the center of town near the General Goods Store throughout the day. Additionally, "Justice" iconJustice is a member of his social network, so getting to know him better will also increase your friendship with Unsuur.

How to Romance Unsuur

To date Unsuur, you must first get 400 friendship points. From this point on, you can use a Heart Knot, purchased at the General Store for 128 Gols, to ask him to be your boyfriend. You will need to speak with Unsuur and give him gifts daily. You can also complete commissions and quests for him when they pop up to move things along quickly. If you are looking for some extra points, then spar with him, play critters, and go on Play Dates when they unlock.

After Unsuur accepts the Heart Knot, you will need to gain 900 more points before you can propose. At this point, dates will also unlock which gives you more of a chance to earn points with Unsuur. Proposals can be initiated by purchasing the Engagement Ring for 2,000 Gols. This can only be obtained from the Mysterious Man, who visits on the 20th and 21st of each season. For a more detailed look at the friendship and marriage system, check out our guide here.

Best Gifts to Give Unsuur

Unsuur is a bit hard to build up points for when you are first starting the game. Not only do you first have to gain access to the ruins before finding most of the items he likes, but his loves are from higher levels that you must work your way towards when exploring the ruins. The table below goes over the items that Unsuur loves and likes.

Gift Level Gifts
Love Diamond, ⁠Gold⁠, ⁠Opal, Rosestone, ⁠"Sunstone" iconSunstone
Like ⁠ ⁠⁠"Artwork: Windmill" iconArtwork: Windmill⁠, ⁠"Agate" iconAgate, ⁠"Amber" iconAmber⁠, "Chromium Ore" iconChromium Ore, ⁠Condensed Power "Stone" iconStone⁠, Fluorite⁠, ⁠"Intoxicating Dream" iconIntoxicating Dream⁠, ⁠Lapis Lazuli, ⁠"Magnesium Ore" iconMagnesium Ore⁠, ⁠"Moonstone" iconMoonstone⁠, ⁠"Perfect Builder" iconPerfect Builder⁠, ⁠Perfume Apple⁠, ⁠"Royal Jelly" iconRoyal Jelly, ⁠"Sandcoral" iconSandcoral⁠, "Sandrock Beauty" iconSandrock Beauty⁠, ⁠"Shadowy Figure" iconShadowy Figure⁠, Silver Ore⁠, ⁠Spicy Fish Soup⁠, ⁠"Spinel" iconSpinel⁠, ⁠Titanium Ore⁠⁠, Zinc Ore, Zinc Titanium Alloy⁠

To put it simply, Unsuur loves different types of rocks, with a few random items thrown in, like Perfume Apples. Luckily, Unsuur doesn’t have any likes or hates, so you can give him just about anything you want until you are able to reach his likes and loves. Diamond is his most loved gift and will get you 17 points, but you will need to wait for the Shipwreck Ruins to have a decent chance of finding any.

In addition, the ore he likes will become available once you unlock the Mole Mine Order Station. Since it will take quite some time to get any character to the Boyfriend level, we advise that you visit Unsuur daily to gain what points you can while focusing on the story to unlock the areas where you can find his gifts. Keep in mind that Unsuur also has quite a few quests he’s involved in, so you can get some extra points from completing those. While romancing him in the early game is a bit hard, it’s not impossible to get a good stockpile of friendship points early on.

Unsuur Player Gifts

As you become closer to Unsuur, he will send you gifts in the mail. The gifts that Unsuur gives out are mostly ones that he himself likes. If you don’t have a use for them, then just give them to Unsuur over the next few days. The table below contains every gift that Unsuur will send you.

Friendship Level Gift
Buddy x1 "Amber" iconAmber, x1 "Bloodstone" iconBloodstone
BFF x3 Fluorite, x3 "Spinel" iconSpinel
Boyfriend x3 Diamond, x10 Opal
Fiance x1 Engagement Ring, x1 "Moonstone Pendant" iconMoonstone Pendant

Many of these gifts are valuable, so you may wish to sell them or use them in crafting. Unsuur will also give you presents on your birthday that are in a similar vein to the ones listed above.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    PM Studios
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action, RPG
  • Guide Release
    22 May 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 January 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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