This page offers a guide on how to get Copper Ore in My Time at Sandrock.
Copper Ore is a very important resource in the game as you’ll need it to make Copper Bars and Bronze Bars, which can then be made into more complex and advanced materials.
How to Mine Copper Ore¶
Copper Ore is the most abundant ore in the Abandoned Ruins mines. Before you can access the Abandoned Ruins, you’ll need to complete the main quest, Picking Up the Slack, in which you build a Crane Lift.
Once you’ve got access to the Abandoned Ruins, Copper can be found on every level of the mines - including the first level meaning you can get a bunch in no time at all. You’ll get the most Copper Ore from mining big Copper Crystals found in the mines, but you’ll also get some ore from clearing the blue-brown debris that blocks your path.
Copper Ore.
Purchasing Copper Ore¶
As well as being mined, Copper Ore can also be purchased from Eufaula Salvage Shop for around 4 Gols each. This price will fluctuate as the cost of goods frequently change in Sandrock.
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