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My Time at Sandrock

Appetite for Construction: How to Build the New Water Tower

Seren Morgan-Roberts
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Disaster has struck again in Sandrock, and this time the town’s Water Tower has been destroyed in an attack! !Yan and Matilda have tasked you with building a brand new Water Tower and the town’s water supply depends on it. This page will detail everything you need to know about how to build the three components of the Water Tower: the "Tower Frame" iconTower Frame, the Water Filter, and the Water Tank. The Water Tower is a required build for the main quest "Appetite for Construction" iconAppetite for Construction.

It’s time to fix up a new Water Tower for the town!

Appetite for Construction: Machine Requirements

Before you jump into building the required components, you’ll likely need to upgrade a few of your workshop machines. You probably have some of them, but most players probably won’t have needed the Civil Processor until now. To make all the different materials and components, you’ll need:

Once you’ve got all those, you can begin crafting the required parts for the Water Tower.

Water Tower: All Required Materials

You’re going to be crafting three separate components for the "Water" iconWater Tower, and there is some overlap in the required materials. Below, we’ve listed the full total of each required material. In the separate sections further down this page, you’ll find the recipes for the Tower Frame, "Water Filter" iconWater Filter, and the "Water Tank" iconWater Tank.

Material Amount
"Iron Plate" iconIron Plate 20
"Steel Frame" iconSteel Frame 2
Bronze Pipes 8
"Plastic Shell" iconPlastic Shell 8
"Iron Latch" iconIron Latch 8
Manganese Steel Bar 6
"Valve" iconValve 2
"Pumping Pipe" iconPumping Pipe 2
"Filtration Core" iconFiltration Core 2

To craft all three components of the Water Tank, you’ll need the following raw materials:

*Less is required if you obtain some Steel bars from recycling Iron Scrap!

Read on to find out how to make all the separate processed materials as well as how to obtain all raw materials too!

How to Build the Tower Frame

The Tower Frame is one of three components needed in the construction of the Water Tower. Below are the required materials:

Material Amount
"Iron Plate" iconIron Plate 6
"Steel Frame" iconSteel Frame 2
"Plastic Shell" iconPlastic Shell 8
Bronze Pipes 4
"Iron Latch" iconIron Latch 8

The Tower Frame is the base of the new Water Tower.

How to Make Iron Plates

Since you need "Iron Plate" iconIron Plates for each component of the Water Tower, we recommend making all 20 required Iron Plates. For this, you’ll need a whopping x3 Steel Bars for each plate, totaling x60 Steel Bars for all 20 Iron Plates.

(1 of 2) To make Iron Plates, you’ll first need to build a Civil Processor

To make Iron Plates, you’ll first need to build a Civil Processor (left), you’ll then need several Steel Bars to craft enough. (right)

Steel Bars can be obtained either through smelting at a Civil "Furnace" iconFurnace or by recycling Iron Scrap at a "Civil Recycler" iconCivil Recycler. To smelt a Steel Bar, you’ll need x3 Iron Ore, x1 Graphite, and x1 Dinas. The raw material numbers listed above are calculated based on if you smelt all 60 Steel Bars. However, an alternative approach could be to produce around half or two-thirds of the bars via smelting, and then obtain the rest from recycling Iron Scrap. This will not only be a bit more time efficient as you’ll have two machines going at once, but it also means you don’t have to dig up so much Iron Ore and Graphite from the "Gecko Station Abandoned Ruins" iconGecko Station Abandoned Ruins. In fact, since you need Iron Latches obtained from recycling Iron Scrap, you’ll very likely get some Steel Bars as a by-product as well! Unless you have multiple Civil "Recycler" iconRecyclers, you probably don’t wanna produce all Steel Bars via recycling as you need to recycle lots of Plastic and Rubber Scrap too.

How to Make Steel Frames

"Steel Frame" iconSteel Frames are made on an Industrial Worktable using x4 "Cast Iron Rod" iconCast Iron Rods, x6 Manganese Steel Bars, and x4 "Copper Screw" iconCopper Screws. For the two frames required, you’ll need a total of x8 Cast Iron Rods, x12 Manganese Steel Bars, and x8 Copper Screws.

Manganese Bars can be made at the Civil Furnace using x3 Iron Ore and x2 Manganese Ore. Like Iron Ore, Manganese Ore is found in Gecko Station Abandoned Ruins. You’ll have to get to at least Layer 3 to start finding Manganese Ore nodes.

(1 of 2) Steel Frames require Copper Screws, Cast Iron Pipes, and Manganese Steel Bars

Steel Frames require Copper Screws, Cast Iron Pipes, and Manganese Steel Bars (left), Manganese Ore can be obtained from nodes in Gecko Station Abandoned Ruins. (right)

Copper Screws can be produced using "Copper Bars" iconCopper Bars at the Grinder. 1 Copper Bar will make x2 Copper Screws, so you only need 2 Copper Bars to make x4 Copper Screws.

You can make Cast Iron Rods at the Civil Processor using x2 Steel Bars. In total, you’ll need x8 Steel Bars to make x4 Cast Iron Rods. As you can probably tell by now, you need a whole heap of Steel Bars to make the Water Tower, which means you need a load of Iron Ore, Graphite, and Dinas. For the Steel Bars to produce the Cast Iron Rods, you’ll need x24 Iron Ore, x8 Graphite, and x8 Dinas.

How to Make Plastic Shells

"Plastic Shell" iconPlastic Shells can either be obtained by recycling Plastic Scrap at a Civil Recycler or by using x4 Plastic at a Civil Processor. You can quarry Plastic Scrap Piles found around Gecko Station Abandoned Ruins. If you haven’t already, you will need to upgrade your tools and make yourself an Iron Pickaxe.

When you recycle Plastic Scrap, you have a 100% chance of getting 1 to 2 bits of Plastic, and you also have a 50% chance of getting a Plastic Shell. If you’re lucky you may not even have to make any Plastic Shells, and you may just get them all via recycling. It is more likely, however, that you’ll have to make at least some of the Plastic Shells. If you were to make all x8 Plastic Shells, you would need x32 Plastic.

In addition to all the Iron Scrap you’re gonna need, you’ll also have to use the Civil Recycler to recycle some Plastic Scrap.

How to Make Bronze Pipes

To make Bronze Pipes, you’ll need a Grinder and 2 "Bronze Bars" iconBronze Bars. Bronze Bars are made with x3 Copper Ore and x2 Tin Ore. For the Tower Frame, you need x4 Bronze Pipes, but you also need an additional x4 Bronze Pipes for the Water Tank so you’ll need a total of x8 Bronze Pipes, made with x16 Bronze Bars. So, in total, you’ll need x48 Copper Ore and x32 Tin Ore for all the Bronze Pipes required.

You can craft Bronze Pipes at the Processor.

How to Get Iron Latches

Iron Latches are a byproduct of recycling Iron Scrap. You have a 20% chance of getting an Iron Latch from one lot of Iron Scrap so for the 8 Iron Latches required you may need to do a fair bit of recycling! As mentioned, you will need a Civil Recycler to recycle Iron Scrap.

Iron Scrap can be obtained from quarrying junk piles in Eufaula Scrap Yard. The Ruined Bus Frame is a particularly rich source of Iron Scrap.

Iron Latches aren’t the most common by-product of recycling Iron Scrap so you’ll have to recycle lots of obtain 8!

How to Build the Water Filter

The Water Filter is made using a few different unique parts, which we’ve listed below:

Material Amount
"Iron Plate" iconIron Plate 6
"Filtration Core" iconFiltration Core 2
"Pumping Pipe" iconPumping Pipe 2

The Water Filter component will make sure the water is safe to drink!

We’ve already gone over how to make all the Iron Plates required for the three Water Tower components - see above for details!

How to Make Filtration Cores

A "Filtration Core" iconFiltration Core is made on the Intermediate Worktable. You need two cores, and for each one you need x2 Fiber Mesh, x6 Graphite, and x2 "Copper Pipe" iconCopper Pipes. So, in total you’re gonna need x4 Fiber Mesh, x12 Graphite, and x4 Copper Pipes.

Graphite and Fiber Mesh are obtained from mining in Gecko Station Abandoned Ruins. You’ll need to go down there to get a heap of Iron Ore and Graphite for the Steel Bars, so you should have no issue obtaining extra Graphite and some Fiber Mesh at the same time. The only bad thing about Gecko Station is that a week pass costs 300 Gold, which can feel like quite an investment if you’re living paycheck to paycheck!

How to Make the Pumping Pipes

A "Pumping Pipe" iconPumping Pipe is made at the Intermediate Worktable using x5 "Rubber Tube" iconRubber Tubes, x4 "Glass" iconGlass, and x4 Rubber Rings. You need x2 Pumping Pipes, so you’ll need x10 Rubber Tubes, x8 Glass and x8 Rubber Rings.

(1 of 2) Get the Grinders out as you’re gonna need to make a lot of Rubber parts

Get the Grinders out as you’re gonna need to make a lot of Rubber parts (left), to create the required Pumping Pipes. (right)

Rubber Tubes and Rubber Rings are both made on the Grinder using x3 Rubber each. For the 2 Pumping Pipes, you’ll need a total of x54 Rubber, plus the extra x8 Rubber needed for the "Rubber Shell" iconRubber Shells in the Water Tank component.

Glass can be made at any Furnace using x4 Dinas. You can also get the occasional piece of glass when quarrying Junk Piles in Eufaula Scrap Yard.

How to Build the Water Tank

The Water Tank is the third component in the construction of the Water Tower. Below are the required materials:

Material Amount
"Iron Plate" iconIron Plate 8
"Valve" iconValve 2
Bronze Pipes 4
Manganese Steel Bar 6

The Water Tank requires lots of Iron-based materials.

We’ve already gone over how to make all the Iron Plates required for the three Water Tower components - see above for details! Additionally, you can find some information on the production of Bronze Pipes in the Tower Frame section.

How to Make Valves

For the Water Tank, you’re gonna need x2 "Valve" iconValves. You make Valves at the Intermediate Worktable using x2 Bronze Bars and x1 Rubber Shell. So, for two valves, you’ll need double the materials - x4 Bronze Bars and x2 Rubber Shells.

Rubber Shells can be made on the Processor using x4 Rubber, and it’s also a common drop from recycling Rubber Scrap - a 50% chance to obtain one from the Recycler. You’ll need a maximum of x8 Rubber to make the x2 Rubber Shells.

To make Valves, you’ll need more Bronze Bars and Rubber Shells.

How to Make Manganese Steel Bars

Manganese Bars can be made at the Civil Furnace using x3 Iron Ore and x2 Manganese Ore. You had to make Manganese Steel Bars for the Steel Frames in the Tower Frame. So, in addition to the x6 Steel Bars for the frames, you’ll need an extra x12 Manganese Steel Bars for a total of x18 Manganese Steel Bars. In total, you’ll need x54 Iron Ore and x36 Manganese Ore.

You’ll need a Civil Furnace to make Manganese Steel Bars.

How to Install the Water Tower

Once you’ve built all three components, head over to "Water World" iconWater World with the components in your inventory. Place them down and watch the cut scene!

Take all three components over to Water World and install them!

Appetite for Construction Rewards

After installing the Water Tower, speak with Yan to obtain your reward. You’ll get the following:

  • I_Prompt_icon_ExpUp_EN.png +3,000 Experience

  • gold.png 6,050 Gols (a 50 Gol bonus from Yan, how generous!)

  • +20 RP with Everyone!

  • I_Prompt_icon_TownHall_01.png +60 Reputation

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    PM Studios
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action, RPG
  • Guide Release
    22 May 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 January 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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