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My Time at Sandrock

How to Make a Civil Furnace

Seren Morgan-Roberts
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This page offers a guide on how to make a "Civil Furnace" iconCivil Furnace, which is the upgraded version of a basic furnace in My Time at Sandrock.

A shiny new furnace!

How to Unlock the Civil Furnace

To be able to build or upgrade to a Civil "Furnace" iconFurnace, you’ll need to first obtain the blueprint from "Qi" iconQi at the Research Center. It costs 14 "Data Discs" iconData Discs but you’ll also have to wait 4 days before you can receive the blueprint! If you’re in a hurry, consider speeding up the process by paying some extra Data Discs!

How to Upgrade Your Civil Furnace

If you don’t fancy making a new furnace, you can choose to just upgrade your current one instead! We’d recommend you do make a new furnace as two furnaces are better than one! It’s more efficient to make a separate upgraded machine so you can have two going at once. But it is cheaper to just upgrade a current one so its down to player preference - perhaps you already have lots of furnaces and you could just upgrade one of those instead.

To upgrade an existing furnace(or any other machinery), interact with the machine to open up the UI, then select the arrow icon on the top left of the screen.

Upgrading your furnace to a Civil Furnace!

Required Materials to Build the Civil Furnace

Icon Material Amount: Upgrade / Assembly Station
Item_Drop_Bronze_rods 1.png Bronze Stick x4 / 0
Item_Drop_Shelf_Bronze.png Bronze Frame 0 / x1
Item_Drop_Ore_Marble.png Marble x2 / x4
Item_Drop_bloodstone_furnace_core.png "Bloodstone Core" iconBloodstone Core x2
Item_Drop_Tube_Bronze.png Bronze Pipes x1 / x3
Item_Machine_tool_upgrade_0.png Machine Upgrade Kit x1 / 0

As shown above, there are different amounts and types of materials needed depending on if you upgrade your furnace or make a new one. If you upgrade an existing Furnace, you’ll need x1 Machine Upgrade Kit, x2 "Bloodstone Core" iconBloodstone Cores, x2 Marble, x1 Bronze Pipe and x4 Bronze Sticks. In total, you’ll need the following materials and raw resources for the upgrade:

But if you want to make a whole new furnace, you’ll need x4 Marble, x1 Bronze Frame, x3 Bronze Pipes and x2 Bloodstone Cores In total, you’ll need the following materials and raw resources for a Civil Furnace built from scratch on the Assembly Station:

  • 39 Copper Ore Item_Drop_Ore_Copper.png
  • 26 Tin Ore 20 Tin Ore Item_Drop_Ore_Tin.png
  • 4 Marble Item_Drop_Ore_Tin.png
  • 10 Clay Item_Drop_Clay.png
  • 6 Bloodstones Item_Drop_Corundum.png

The Civil Furnace on the Assembly Station.

How to Make Bronze Sticks (Upgrade only)

You will only need Bronze Sticks if you’re upgrading a furnace - this is not a required material for making a Civil Furnace on the Assembly Station. Bronze Sticks can be made in the "Processor" iconProcessor. You’ll need x2 "Bronze Bars" iconBronze Bars for every Bronze Stick. So for a total of x4 Bronze Sticks, you’ll need x8 Bronze Bars.

How to Get Bronze Bars

Bronze Bars can be made in the Furnace with x3 Copper Ore and x2 Tin Ore. You’ll need to build a furnace before you can forge Bronze Bars yourself!

The main way obtain these materials is to mine them in "Eufaula Salvage Abandoned Ruins" iconEufaula Salvage Abandoned Ruins.

Icon Material Amount
Item_Drop_Ore_Tin.png "Tin Ore" iconTin Ore x2
Item_Drop_Ore_Copper.png "Copper Ore" iconCopper Ore x3

Copper Ore can be found in abundance in Eufaula Salvage Abandoned Ruins. You’ll need x3 Copper Ore for each Bronze Bar, so for 8 Bars you’ll need x24 Copper Ore.

Tin Ore can only be found in the mines once you’ve reached and unlocked at least the 3rd level of the Abandoned Ruins. To get to deeper levels of the mine, you need to search for door ways and holes downwards - most of the time they’ll be hidden behind depris so you’ll need to dig through it. It can be mined from silver spikey crystals. Once you’re at levels lower than the 3rd level, tin ore is very common and easy to mine. To make 8 Bronze Bars, you’ll need x16 Tin Ore.

(1 of 2) Tin Ore is found on the deeper levels (after 3rd level)

Tin Ore is found on the deeper levels (after 3rd level) (left), the tin ore is spiky and silver. (right)

Alternatively, if you don’t fancy going mining, you can purchase Bronze Bars from Hammertime - the smithing shop. Prices fluctuate in Sandrock, but one Bronze Bar will cost around 45 Gols. Or, you could purchase some Tin Ore and Bronze Ore from "Eufaula Salvage Shop" iconEufaula Salvage Shop. Bronze Ore costs 4 each and Tin Ore costs 8 so it’s cheaper than purchasing the Bronze Bars outright.

How to Make a Bronze Frame (Assembly Station only)

To make a Bronze Frame, you’ll need to first upgrade or make an Intermediate "Worktable" iconWorktable! If you haven’t made one already, head over to our guide to learn How to Make a Worktable!

The Bronze Frame is made with x5 Bronze Bars and x4 Bronze Rivets - so you’re going to need x7 more Bronze Bars (x21 Copper Ore and x14 Tin Ore).

The Bronze Frame is required to make the Civil Furnace on the Assembly Station.

How to Make Bronze Rivets

Before you can make Bronze Rivets, you’ll need to purchase the recipe from the "Commerce Guild Store" iconCommerce Guild Store for around 30 Gols depending on the cost fluctuation.

You can make 2 Bronze Rivets on the grinder for x1 Bronze Bar - so to make 4 you’ll need x2 Bronze Bars.

You can make the Rivets on the Grinder.

How to Get Marble

Marble is easily obtained from quarrying hard rocks and the "Monument" iconMonument ruins in the desert near your workshop. You only need either x2 Marble for the upgrade or x4 Marble for the Assembly Station build!

Hard rocks can be quarried for Marble

How to Make Bloodstone Cores

You can only make Bloodstone Cores on an Intermediate Worktable. To make 1 Bloodstone Core, you’ll need x3 Bloodstones and x5 Clay. You need x2 Bloodstone Cores for both the upgrade and the Assembly Station build, so regardless of your chosen method, you’ll need x10 Clay and x6 Bloodstones.

Icon Materials Amount
Item_Drop_Corundum.png "Bloodstone" iconBloodstones x3
Item_Drop_Clay.png "Clay" iconClay x5

The Bloodstone Core can be made on the Intermediate Worktable.

How to Get Clay

You can get Clay pretty easily from just mining the debris in Eufaula Salvage Abandoned Ruins. If you’ve been mining at all, you should have a decent amount of clay in your inventory already!

Alternatively, you could also buy some Clay from the "Ceramic Gate" iconCeramic Gate shop for around 12 Gols, depending on price fluctuation.

How to Get Bloodstones

You can get Bloodstones in a couple different ways. The easiest way to obtain them is to mine the hard rocks in the desert near your workshop.

Or, later in the game, you can also make them in the "Ore Refinery" iconOre Refinery. You could also just purchase them from the Ceramic Gate Shop for around 40 Gols - but that’s pretty pricey for a material found right outside your backyard!

How to Get Bronze Pipes

Bronze Pipes can be made using the "Grinder" iconGrinder. To make 1 Bronze Pipe, you’ll need 2 Bronze Bars. So if you’re upgrading your furnace, you’ll only need x2 Bronze Bars to make a single Bronze Pipe, but if you’re building a new Civil Furnace, you’ll need to make 3 Bronze Pipes using x6 Bronze Bars.

Icon Item Material Finishes in:
Item_Drop_Tube_Bronze.png Bronze Pipes 2 "Bronze Bars" iconBronze Bars Item_Drop_Bar_Bronze.png 1:15

As outlined above, you can get both Copper Ore and Tin Ore by digging in the mines. For the upgrade, you’ll need x6 Copper Ore and x4 Tin Ore and if you’re making the Civil Furnace on the Assembly Station, you’ll need x18 Copper Ore and x12 Tin Ore.

You can make Bronze Pipes on the Processor.

How to Get a Machine Upgrade Kit (Upgrade only)

You’ll only need the Machine Upgrade Kit if you’re upgrading your furnace rather than making a new Civil Furnace. Machine Upgrade Kits can be dropped by monsters. The Alpha "Wild Yakmel" iconWild Yakmel in the desert outside your workshop has a decent chance of dropping a Machine Upgrade Kit.

Alternatively, you could just purchase some from Hammertime. They cost around 120 Gols each, but this price can fluctuate.

Purchase the Machine Upgrade Kits from Hammertime.

How to Use the Civil Furnace

The Civil Furnace can be used to make even more kinds of bars and metals than you could with the basic Lvl 1 Furnace! You can now make the following (as well as the other items you could make in a Lvl 1 furnace):

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    PM Studios
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action, RPG
  • Guide Release
    22 May 2022
  • Last Updated
    10 January 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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