Poison snake cannibals
Remobra are small little critters with two enormous wings allowing them to fly around. Otherwise they’re basically snakes. They hang around high in the air, usually out of reach. Use a Sonic Bomb to take advantage of their sensitive hearing. This causes them to fall out of the ground. Remobra are hungry all the time and so Raw Meat can also be placed to lure them to the ground. Additionally, if you kill one Remobra and instead of carving the body leave it there, other Remobra will flock to the ground because they are cannibals, letting you add to your Remobra kill count.
Apparently Remobra are heralds of Elder Dragons, but you’re not going to find many of them around Elder Dragons so it makes you wonder.
Remobra will attack unprovoked. They can spit poison balls which can be really frustrating if you don’t have Antidotes on you. They can also use their tail to whip at you a little bit, and finally, if they’re feeling particularly trollish, they’ll dive-bomb out of the air to send you flying. What a way to say hello.
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