Chocobos in Type-0 are used as transportation on the overworld map. When you go to the overworld, you’ll see the chocobo symbol in the lower right, along with two buttons. Pressing these will bring up a list of the chocobos you own and selecting one will allow you to ride it. Doing so will allow you to avoid any random encounters. However, you can’t ride chocobos forever, as at some point, it will drop you off and run away, depleting your numbers of that particular type.
Upon first visiting the Chocobo Ranch at Akademeia for the first time, talk to the NPC right by where you teleport and you will receive a total of 20 free ordinary Chocobos (10 male and 10 female), as well as three Gysahl Greens. When you reach Free Time 2.3, you will be able to talk to the NPC by the stables and can start breeding Chocobos.
Near the beginning of the game, one of the only sources for acquiring Chocobos will be wild ones on the overworld (left). Once you progress enough, you will be able to breed them (right) at Akademeia.
When you have a male and female Chocobo, you will be able to start breeding by talking to the NPC by the stables. Although you can combine any male and female, only specific combinations will yield a new type. Once you have picked your two mates, you will then have to pick a type of Green to use. At the beginning, you only have Gysahl Greens, but you can find, and even buy, some different ones, which affect certain things when breeding.
Name | Breed | Greens Needed | Notes |
Chocobo | Chocobo + Chocobo | -- | Can also be found on overworld, in any region except Rubrum. |
War Chocobo | Chocobo + Chocobo | Gysahl Greens | -- |
Combat Chocobo | Chocobo + War Chocobo; War Chocobo + War Chocobo | Gysahl Greens | -- |
Assault Chocobo | Combat Chocobo + Combat Chocobo | Gysahl Greens | -- |
Swiftwind Chocobo | Combat Chocobo + Combat Chocobo | Mimett Greens | -- |
Fleetfoot Chocobo | -- | -- | Find roaming in Jubanla region, as well as Roshana region |
Turbo Chocobo | Chocobo + Fleetfoot Chocobo; Fleetfoot Chocobo + Fleetfoot Chocobo | Pahsana Greens | -- |
Sonic Chocobo | Turbo Chocobo + Turbo Chocobo | Gysahl Greens | -- |
Name | Breed | Greens Needed | Notes |
Supersonic Chocobo | Sonic Chocobo + Sonic Chocobo | Mimett Greens | -- |
Sidestepping Chocobo | Supersonic Chocobo + Supersonic Chocobo | Mimett Greens | Can be found roaming in Berith Desert. |
Evasive Chocobo | -- | -- | Found roaming in the Innsmouth region. |
Sneaky Chocobo | Evasive Chocobo + Chocobo; Evasive Chocobo + Evasive Chocobo | Mimett Greens | -- |
Stealth Chocobo | Evasive Chocobo + Evasive Chocobo; Sneaky Chocobo + Sneaky Chocobo | Reagan Greens; Mimett Greens | -- |
Knight Chocobo | Supersonic Chocobo + Swiftwind Chocobo; Swifthand Chocobo + Swifthand Chocobo | Reagan Greens; Sylkis Greens | -- |
Ninja Chocobo | Stealth Chocobo + Stealth Chocobo; Stealth Chocobo + Swifthand Chocobo | Sylkis Greens | -- |
Master Chocobo | Ninja Chocobo + Ninja Chocobo; Knight Chocobo + Ninja Chocobo | Sylkis Greens | -- |
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