The location of the dungeon on the overworld (left), as well as a map of the dungeon itself (right).
Blast Site (or Ultima Ground Zero as it’s officially known in the game which is actually the remnants of Lorica, destroyed by the Ultima bomb) is only accessible by going through Black Tortoise Crevasse , and it can be quite a dangerous dungeon. There isn’t a lot of good loot here, but if you want to get all of the l’Cie Crystals or finish all of the Tasks, then you will need to come here.
Juggernauts (they are basically Demonicorns, but they are fire-elemental) are one of the primary enemies you will face in the Blast Site and while they’re not too bad, the small size of the areas can make them a threat. The only other challenging enemy here will be in the final room, which houses three The Losts, enemies similar to Freaks/Akkad. Concentrate on one at a time, so you don’t have all of them spamming their projectiles.
Area | Enemies | Items | Notes |
Blast Site (1) | -- | -- | -- |
Southeast Crater (2) | Juggernaut, Kukulcan | Mobilization Strategy | -- |
Southeast Cavern (3) | Kukulcan (2) | X-Potions (8)/Megalixirs (3)/Shock Armor/U2-Shock Absorber | -- |
Trail of Ruin (4) | Juggernaut | -- | -- |
Trail of Ruin (5) | Perkunas | X-Potions (8)/Megalixirs (3)/Shock Armor/H2-Shock Absorber | -- |
North Crater (6) | Juggernaut/Perkunas | Lorican Diary | -- |
Trail of Ruin (7) | Kukulcan, Perkunas | X-Potions (8)/Megalixirs (2)/Soldier’s Gloves/Shock Armor | -- |
West Cavern (8) | Juggernaut, Perkunas | -- | -- |
Sanctum Access (9) | -- | l’Cie Erragal’s Crystal | -- |
Inner Sanctum (10) | The Lost (3) | Adamant Shell/H5-Shock Absorber/Topaz Shield | -- |
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