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Optional Objective/s
1. Do not let the target exit the factory.
Reward/s . . .
Money: 750 £ Bonus: 125 £
XP: 600 XP Bonus: 150 XP
Gear: Schematic: Mirage Gauntlets

Part 1: Defend the Carriage

We’ll begin this mission in control of a horse carriage and we’ll see a couple of carts go racing by along the street in front of us. A pair of objective markers will appear in the distance – the blue is a friendly and the red is a bad guy.

Defend the target carriage (left) before hopping over to drive (right) when the coast is clear.

You guessed it, we’ll need to catch up with our ally and defend him from the attacking hostile cart. Boost up and use your gun when the enemy aura’s turn yellow for quick shots and exploit your shunting prowess to destroy the evil cart of doom. Unfortunately, he’s not alone and as you begin attacking him, another pair of carts will show up. You’ll need to repeat the process until all three are out of commission.

Once it is safe to do so, hop onto the friendly’s cart and take the reins. Drive it over to the next objective marker.

Part 2: Infiltrate the Factory

At this point we are now going to have to approach the factory marked by the large, square restricted area ahead, locate the foreman and pickpocket/loot a deed from him.

The easiest way to do this is to use your Rope Launcher to reach the roof of the factory. On the southern side of the main building, there is a small balcony area with a sniper atop it and an opening to the factory behind. Drop down from the roof and air assassinate the sniper before proceeding inside.

As you enter, take cover beside the crates on the right. Whistle the guard that you can see ahead to your position for a cover takedown. This will likely draw another guard from upstairs as well, but if you wait a moment or two he should return back to the upper floor. If he does come to check you out, give him the corner assassination treatment as well.

There are two more enemies on this floor with you. There is another patroller on the far side of the room from the entry point and the foreman whom we need to pickpocket/loot who is in a small enclosed office area on the far right of the floor. Wait for the patrolling guard to walk to the left and crouch walk up past where the guard we whistled was standing and along the walkway here to reach the office.

Find the Sniper on the south side of the factory (left) and use the entrance behind her. Sneak through the guards here to find the target in an office (right).

Sneak in and either pickpocket the target or throwing knife/assassinate him to death before looting his corpse for our objective item.

With the deed in hand, backtrack to the window through which we entered. Use the Rope Launcher to pull yourself across the rooftops for a quick getaway.

Once you have escaped the restricted area and make your way to the green objective marker to end the level.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    13 December 2015
  • Last Updated
    11 February 2021
  • Guide Author

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Assassin’s Creed Syndicate drops us into Victorian age London to liberate the city (and by extension the world) from Templar influence one dead body and borough at a time. The most modern Assassin’s Creed title yet sees numerous new features for the series including: revolvers, trains, horse drawn carriages, Batman-style rope launchers and gang warfare all of which lend Syndicate a fresh feel after years of similar, annual experiences. In our extensive Assassin’s Creed Syndicate guide, we’ll take you through the game from beginning to end, show you how to handle all those secondary memories and just about everything else the game has to offer!

Our guide includes:

  • Every story mission (and how to get FULL Synch for each one!).
  • All secondary memories covered (London Stories, The Dreadful Crimes, etc.).
  • All Secrets of London.
  • How to takeover and conquer every borough.
  • Hunting/Harpooning/Crafting - it’s all in here.
  • Associate Activities and miscellaneous side-tasks explained.
  • Complete achievement/trophy unlock guide.

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