Optional Objective/s |
1. Discover all of Kenway’s memorabilia collection (7 Artefacts). |
2. Complete the piano puzzle without hitting a false note. |
Reward/s | . | . | . |
Money: | 500 £ | Bonus: | 100 £ |
XP: | 500 XP | Bonus: | 125 XP |
Gear: | Outfits: Defender’s Garb |
Part 1: Investigate the Search Area¶
After the memory begins, you’ll find yourself in control of a carriage. Ride on over to the location specified and enter the green search area to look around.
We’ll need to search for a clue inside the search area – and it’s a pretty easy one! Stick your Eagle vision on and use it to look at the small pirate ship sculpture above the gate to the mansion opposite the park.
Spotting this will trigger a cut-scene.
Part 2: Infiltrate the Mansion¶
We’ll now need to infiltrate the mansion to find a secret stash of goodies. There are multiple entrances around the mansion but I’d recommend the open window to the second floor, just to the right of the main gate. This will help us earn an optional objective!
Use Eagle Vision to inspect the ship above the gate (left). Infiltrate the building via the open window right of the gate (right).
Sit above or below the window and wait for the patroller in the hallway inside the window to look away before hopping inside and assassinating/throwing knifing him. Move up the hallway and look for the open door on the right. Observe the Thug in here before entering and dispatching him. The first Artefact [Artefact 1/7] is the Glass Cube on the desk near the windows.
Return to the hall and look to the next open doorway on the left. This is the top of a set of stairs and a guard will patrol in a lap around the room, stopping at regular intervals. Deal with him when you get the opportunity. There is a Pirate Hat Artefact [Artefact 2/7] on the table behind the top of the stairs.
Keep on the walkway here and continue into the other wing of the mansion. There is a series of three rooms running adjacent to the hallway and there are two guards inside. There is an open door at the far end of the hall and a locked door we can open with lock picks (if you have invested in that skill) close by. Use Eagle Vision to identify and mark the guards in the next room and plan a move in to take them out. There is a Treasure Map Artefact [Artefact 3/7] on a table here.
Keep an eye out for artefacts like the Pirate Hat (left) and the Map (right) as you move through the mansion.
Return to the stairs and proceed to ground level. With your back to the stairs, if you look on the right hand side of the room, mounted on the wall beneath the stairs you’ll find a Pair of Swords Artefact [Artefact 4/7] . On the left hand side, in an almost identical position are a Pair of Pistols Artefact [Artefact 5/7] .
From the base of the stairs, enter the open doorway to the left. The locked door ahead contains a chest. Further down the hallway is a Model Ship Artefact [Artefact 6/7] on a table along the left hand wall. At the end, there is an open door with a guard inside, but we can leave him alone as there is nothing of interest for us there.
Return to the base of the stairs and enter the opposite hallway. We’ll want to avoid opening the door with the golden object behind it for now – doing so will void or optional objective for collecting the artefacts! Look down the hallway to the left to find a final Model Ship Artefact [Artefact 7/7] on a table here.
Move back and enter the locked door to the golden piano-shaped object to continue.
Part 3: Find and Solve the Puzzle¶
After the scene, we’ll be in a room with a piano – the golden object we’ve been seeing in Eagle vision. In order to proceed we’ll need to complete a small puzzle. Stick on your Eagle Vision and look above the bookshelf on the far wall from the entry with Eagle Vision on to spot a code. The code is:
D – A – D – E – F – D.
Approach the piano and press the keys that correspond to the code to unlock a secret passage.
Use the piano (left) with the code on the wall (right) to open a hidden passage.
Mosey on down the sexy new stairs that have just appeared and investigate the object on the small desk on the opposing end of the room. Doing so will trigger a scene.
Part 4: Escape the Mansion¶
Once you regain control, interact with the ship’s wheel mounted on wall. This will open another secret passage.
Follow the tunnel here all the way to the end and climb the ladder to exit to the streets and complete the memory.
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