Optional Objective/s |
1. Do not trigger the alarm. |
Reward/s | . | . | . |
Money: | 332 £ | Bonus: | 125 £ |
XP: | 280 XP | Bonus: | 150 XP |
Gear: | N/A |
This Child Liberation activity can be found in the south east corner of the City of London borough, right next door to London Bridge. It has three groups of children to liberate, a foreman to kill and a single alarm bell which we’ll need to avoid activating to complete the optional objective.
If you approach from the west side of the restricted area, you’ll see an open door at ground level and the sole alarm bell just inside. There is a Blighter that will patrol up to the bell occasionally, so wait for him and then throwing knife him into submission when he stops to look at the bell. Do the same for the Blighter behind the bell who’ll come to investigate.
The alarm is just inside the western door (left). Two of the three groups of children can be found at ground level (right).
Once the alarm has been sabotaged we can cause as much or as little chaos as we want and still earn 100% synchronization. We’ll need to kill the foreman. He is located in the northeast corner of the factory floor along with a pair of guards. He’ll cut laps of the room so corner assassinate him out of sight if possible.
Once the foreman is out of the way, there are also three groups of children to liberate who can be found in the following locations:
- Along the southern wall on the ground floor.
- In the northwest corner of the ground floor.
- On the second floor in the northeast corner, directly above where we killed the foreman.
Once you have killed the foreman and freed all of the children, the memory will be complete.
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