Optional Objective/s |
1. Save Ms. Attaway’s omnibus from its pursuer. |
Reward/s | . | . | . |
Money: | 660 £ | Bonus: | 100 £ |
XP: | 360 XP | Bonus: | 125 XP |
Gear: | Kukris: Bold Eagle Kukri |
Part 1: Carriage Pursuit¶
We’ll begin this mission in control of an omnibus carriage with a new lady to chat to. An objective marker will appear in the distance, so drive across the river.
Upon reaching the far side of the bridge, you’ll see another omnibus being attacked. Boost up and use your gun and shunting prowess to destroy the aggressors before they have a chance to finish of the omnibus. This can be difficult as the omnibus seems to be incredibly fragile for an object of its size. If you fail to protect it, simply re-load the previous checkpoint until you are successful!
Cross the bridge (left) and then take out the hostile carriage attacking the onmnibus (right).
Our goal at this point is to track down a specific hostile courier carriage and kill the driver. This is marked by a green search area on the map, which will transition to a red objective marker when you get close enough. As with the previous enemy, simply shoot him when he flashes yellow or ram his cart until it gives up on him.
Read the message that pops up on the screen and dismiss it to update your objectives. Move to the next objective marker for a scene.
Part 2: Attack the Compound¶
Following the scene, we’ll need to head inside the nearby compound and destroy some carts. Hire the Rooks standing nearby and hop the fence. There are 8 enemies to kill in here, but with Rooks on your side it shouldn’t be too difficult. If you want to go it alone, note that there are a pair of fire barrel with 2-3 enemies around each that we can hit with hallucinogenic darts to thin out some numbers before kicking off any fight.
Use darts (left) to help thin out the numbers. Push the cart in between the omnibuses and shoot the explosives (right).
When the area is clear, find the cart with the glowing objective marker and push it. Once the cart is located directly between a pair of wagons, let go, back away and shoot the explosive crate on top from a safe distance.
This will end the memory.
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