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Optional Objective/s
1. Kill everyone in the building with the gas.
Reward/s . . .
Money: 410 £ Bonus: 75 £
XP: 250 XP Bonus: 100 XP
Gear: Belts: Dark Leather Belt

Part 1: Infiltrate the Building

We’ll begin the memory on a rooftop overlooking the entrance to a building that we need to enter. Unfortunately, there are a number of guards hanging out here and to make things less painful, we’ll need to dispatch a few of them before we can access the glowing door.

Whilst it is entirely possible to bum rush the enemies and take them down in melee combat, if you want to grab the easy ‘Look Out Below’ achievement/trophy we’ll need to be a little more patient. There is a set of hanging barrels directly in front of the door with a stationary guard underneath. If you wait a minute or so another pair of the patrolling guards will also come and stand underneath it, allowing you to crush the lot with a single knife throw.

There are multiple enemies at the entrance (left) wait for them to gather beneath the barrels to kill three at once (right).

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Look Out Below

Kill three enemies with a single stack of hanging barrels.

Trophy icon

If you went with the barrel solution, this should leave a pair of guards to deal with and plenty of cover and hiding places from which to get them.

Whilst you are infiltrating, one thing you’ll need to be careful of however is a group of three Thugs that will cut a lap around the building and you should let them pass before making your move for the entrance, unless your level is equal to or higher than theirs and you fancy a fight of course!

When the area is clear, approach the door and interact with it for a scene.

After the scene, you’ll have a new buddy. Follow him through the ground floor of the distillery building (there is a chest here to loot along the right hand wall whilst you are at it) until your objectives update.

Part 2: Destroy the Machinery

We’ll now be tasked with moving up through the floors of the building and interacting with a series of valves to sabotage the machinery and there are quite a few enemies as you go.

In general, to complete the optional objective we’ll need to sneak through the rest of the floors of the building whilst avoiding the guards. To do this, you’ll want to use cover and hiding places as well as Eagle vision to identify the enemy positions so that you can avoid patrols. If you do get spotted, simply jump up or down through the center of the room and hide until you become anonymous again before trying again.

If you are having difficulty avoiding patrols, it is possible to sneak up and grab guards before knocking them out (Don’t assassinate!). Knocking them out will not count as a kill and you’ll still be able to earn the objective. It should be noted before we begin the next section that the green gas is bad. Standing in this for too long will drain your health, so it’s best to not do so. The gas will also slowly rise through the building as you move between floors and sabotage subsequent valves, so be careful!

Choking out guards will not count against the optional objective (left). Our goal is to sabotage all four valves in the building (right).

Climb the first set of stairs. On this level there are a pair of valves to interact with and three Thugs. Two will be in the office behind the top of the stairs containing the first Valve [Valve 1/4] – you’ll want to hang out on the wall above the office and wait for them to look away or to move out of the room before approaching it. A third Thug can be found on the walkway by the Valve [Valve 2/4] on the far side of the room, again maneuver around the patrol route to get at it. Once both valves have been sabotaged, continue up the next flight of stairs.

Exit the door here to find a small balcony area with a chest. Head back through the door and locate the next set of stairs leading up.

The third Valve [Valve 3/4] is found in a small alcove by the top of the stairs. There are an additional three enemies here. One will patrol between the valve closest to the stairs and an office leading to the second valve. The other two will patrol from the same office to the Valve [Valve 4/4] on the opposite side of the room and back intermittently, independent of one another. Sneak around their patrol patterns and sabotage both valves before continuing to the top floor.

The top floor features a lever that we need to pull and four enemies. Once will remain stationary to the left at the top of the stairs, whilst the other three will patrol. I found it easiest to hop onto the machinery in the center of the room, wait until the guards are clear before jumping to the lever and quickly interacting.

Part 3: Escape the Building

As soon as you pull the lever, we’ll need to escape the area. The lever pull itself will have had the effect of placing a number of green objective markers around the room. Simply climb up and approach one of these for a scene to end the memory.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    13 December 2015
  • Last Updated
    11 February 2021
  • Guide Author

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Assassin’s Creed Syndicate drops us into Victorian age London to liberate the city (and by extension the world) from Templar influence one dead body and borough at a time. The most modern Assassin’s Creed title yet sees numerous new features for the series including: revolvers, trains, horse drawn carriages, Batman-style rope launchers and gang warfare all of which lend Syndicate a fresh feel after years of similar, annual experiences. In our extensive Assassin’s Creed Syndicate guide, we’ll take you through the game from beginning to end, show you how to handle all those secondary memories and just about everything else the game has to offer!

Our guide includes:

  • Every story mission (and how to get FULL Synch for each one!).
  • All secondary memories covered (London Stories, The Dreadful Crimes, etc.).
  • All Secrets of London.
  • How to takeover and conquer every borough.
  • Hunting/Harpooning/Crafting - it’s all in here.
  • Associate Activities and miscellaneous side-tasks explained.
  • Complete achievement/trophy unlock guide.

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