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N/A - There are no optional objective/s in this memory.
Reward/s . . .
Money: 1,500 £ Bonus: N/A.
XP: 850 XP Bonus: N/A.
Gear: N/A.

Part 1: Park Investigation

This memory begins on the sidewalk of a narrow roadway in the northeastern portion of the City of London borough. After speaking with the fellow here to initiate the memory, make your way over to the Park investigation marker nearby. In the search area you’ll find the body. Inspect it.

Checking out the body will result in three additional clues appearing in the Park for us to find. Activate Eagle Vision to have them appear highlighted in gold to make things easier. You’ll want to inspect the following:

  • Handbag – Located on the ground by the tree directly behind the body.
  • Packet – Is found on the ground right next to the corpse.
  • Knife – Near one of the entrances to the Park. With Eagle Vision on, follow the trail of bloodstains from the body to reach it.

Investigate the body (left) before looting the nearby clues (right).

Finding all four of the clues (body included) in the Park investigative zone will give us two additional search areas to examine – Dr. Alton’s office and Gilbert’s House. Both of these are located a block or two over to the east of the Park. Let’s make our way to the northern marker – Dr. Alton’s Office first.

Part 2: Dr. Alton’s Office Investigation

Dr. Alton’s Office search area has our first group of suspects, Dr. Alton, Clare and Mr. Shelby, whom we can speak with (although we’ll do that after finding the clues of course) and also features another five clues which we’ll need to discover. Again, activate Eagle Vision to make this task easier. You’ll want to inspect the following:

  • Doctor’s Note – Located on the reception desk on the lower level of the building.
  • Mr. Shelby’s Medical File – This is found on a desk in the office on the second floor.
  • Prudence’s Medical File – This is also found on a desk in the office on the second floor.
  • Personal Note – Located on a desk on the top floor of the building in the room with the bed.
  • Baxter’s Medical File – Also found on a desk on the top floor of the building in the room with the bed.

Loot the clues in Dr. Alton’s Office (left) and then chat with the suspects (right).

Speak with the suspects nearby and exhaust all possible conversation options. Dr. Alton can be found on the top floor of the office building (we’ll want to ask him about: Prudence, Medicine, Treatment). Clare can be found by the reception desk on the ground floor (ask her about: Baxter, Park Meeting, Prudence and then Alton’s Cut). Mr. Shelby is by the base of the stairs on the ground level of the doctor’s office (speak to him about: Prudence, Treatment).

At this point, there is nothing left to do at Dr. Alton’s Office or the Park, so make your way over to the other investigation area – Gilbert’s House.

Part 3: Gilbert’s House Investigation

There is a single clue to find at Gilbert’s House as well as another suspect to interrogate - Gilbert. Activate the Eagle Vision ability to locate the clue. Inspect the following:

  • Letter from Prudence – This is found on a desk on the second floor.
    With the clue in hand, return to the ground floor and speak with Gilbert (we’ll want to ask him about: Prudence, Dr. Alton). Following the conversation, you’ll unlock another nearby search area – Prudence’s House. Head over to the new marker and when you arrive, you’ll have to enter the search area via a top floor window.

Part 4: Prudence’s House Investigation

The Prudence’s House search area has another suspect to speak with, Lulu once we’ve done investigating and another two clues to locate. Switch on your Eagle Vision to find the clues faster. You’ll want to inspect the following:

  • Unsent letter to Dr. Alton – On a small corner stand.
  • Prudence’s Diary – on a chest of drawers by one of the windows.

After finding all the clues, a marker for Lulu will appear. She is located down on the street outside of the apartment building. Once you have found her, walk up and begin your interrogation (you’ll want to talk about: Prudence, Baxter). Following the conversation, you’ll unlock another nearby search area – Baxter’s House. Head over to the new marker and when you arrive, you’ll have to enter the search area via a second floor window.

Part 5: Baxter’s House Investigation

Baxter’s House has a plethora of clues to find – seven in total. Again, we’ll want to activate Eagle Vision to make the task of tracking them all down much easier. You’ll want to inspect the following:

  • Scattered Papers – On the floor just inside the eastern window.
  • Scattered Papers – On the floor by the bookshelf to the right of the desk.
  • Scattered Papers – On the floor in front of the desk.
  • Scattered Papers – On the desk.
  • Scattered Papers – On the floor by the bookshelf to the left of the desk.
  • Paper Packets – On the floor just inside the western window.
  • Knifes - On a small side-table just inside the western window.

Enter Baxter’s house via the window (left). Loot the clues within (right).

Now that we have all the clues in the case all wrapped up, it’s time to re-speak with a few of our suspects for a little additional information. We can speak with Claire (ask about: Medicine) and Dr. Alton (ask about: Cut Cheek) at Dr. Alton’s Office.

At this point you’ll have all the clues at your disposal and will be able to choose and accuse one of the persons of interest. The answer is Dr. Alton.

Once you have accused correctly, the memory will be complete.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    13 December 2015
  • Last Updated
    11 February 2021
  • Guide Author

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Assassin’s Creed Syndicate drops us into Victorian age London to liberate the city (and by extension the world) from Templar influence one dead body and borough at a time. The most modern Assassin’s Creed title yet sees numerous new features for the series including: revolvers, trains, horse drawn carriages, Batman-style rope launchers and gang warfare all of which lend Syndicate a fresh feel after years of similar, annual experiences. In our extensive Assassin’s Creed Syndicate guide, we’ll take you through the game from beginning to end, show you how to handle all those secondary memories and just about everything else the game has to offer!

Our guide includes:

  • Every story mission (and how to get FULL Synch for each one!).
  • All secondary memories covered (London Stories, The Dreadful Crimes, etc.).
  • All Secrets of London.
  • How to takeover and conquer every borough.
  • Hunting/Harpooning/Crafting - it’s all in here.
  • Associate Activities and miscellaneous side-tasks explained.
  • Complete achievement/trophy unlock guide.

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