As part of your catching-up-to-speed studies, Hecat provides extra work to catch up on. In the Hecat Assignment 2. you are tasked with using your newly earned Incendio spell on enemies, and dodging ten attacks. However, the game does not tell you where to go, unlike most of the quests in the game. So, to make your life easier, we’ve made this walkthrough for Hogwarts Legacy’s Hecat Assignment 2 mission.
Hogwarts Legacy Hecat Assignment 2 Walkthrough¶
(1 of 2) Fight your fellow wizards in the Champion Duel to complete the Hecaret Challenge 2 in Hogwarts Legacy.
Fight your fellow wizards in the Champion Duel to complete the Hecaret Challenge 2 in Hogwarts Legacy. (left), Head into the Forbidden Forest and fight appropriately levelled enemies for Hecart Assignment 2. (right)
When you get the Hecat Assignment 2, you’re expected to find your own combat in the game, rather than be told where to go by the Field Guide. So, you have a few options. You can potentially do any of the following and reliably get the challenge done.
- Complete the Wizard Duels in the Clocktower
- Go into the Forbidden Forest
Method One: The easiest method of doing this is in the Clocktower Duels. Head over to the tower and visit Lucan Brattlebury, who awaits you in the tower, and participate in the Championship round of the crossed wands wizard duel. If you pick a partner in this round, it will be a 2v4. This offers plenty of enemies you can use your Ignatio and dodge rolls on. If you are nearing victory thanks to your pattern, you can deliberately lose and do the battle again. You also get restored to full HP so it makes it really easy to complete Hecat Assignment 2 that way
Method Two: However, if you do not want to do the wizard duels, or that is not available to you, then you can head over the Forbidden Forest. When you walked to Hogsmaede you should have picked up the Forbidden Forest Floo Fire point, which you can fast travel to. Go there if you do or don’t, then head int the forest. Several level 9 enemies are in the immediate area as you follow the path. There’s one Bogart, and, if you go right, a few spiders are knocking around. If you go left, you’ll come across a few level 9 Poachers. All of these are fairly easy to beat if you are in the appropriate level area, which you likely will be thanks to side quests, main quests, and the Field pages you pick up along the way. Make sure to dodge roll, and use your Ignatio on five enemies, and complete the challenges set upon you.
Once you are done, you may fast-travel back to Hecart in the Dark Arts Tower. Upon returning, you are given the Expelliarmus, and complete the assignment. Feel free to try it out on the dummy, and equip it to your spell bar from the red spell section of your spellbook!
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