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Hogwarts Legacy

In the Shadow of the Study - Crucio

Seren Morgan-Roberts
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This page offers a guide on how to complete In the Shadows of the Study, which is a quest within the Sebastian Sallow Relationship quest line in Hogwarts Legacy. During this quest, you’ll learn the Cruciatus Curse - "Crucio" iconCrucio - which is the first of the Unforgivable Curses that you can choose to learn with Sebastian.

It’s time to learn (or not) the Cruciatus Curse.

How to Start In the Shadow of the Study

You will be able to begin this quest when it unlocks at Level 16. You’ll have also needed to complete the In the Shadow of the Bloodline quest. Firstly, you’ll need to meet with Sebastian outside the Slytherin common room. After speaking with him, you’ll need to follow Sebastian to go and speak with Ominis about the whereabouts of Salazar Slytherin’s Scriptorium.

Ominis is not happy about Sebastian’s plan!

Once you’ve located Ominis, you’ll be required to convince him to tell you of the whereabouts of the Scriptorium. It doesn’t take much convincing, even though Ominis hates the Dark Arts. You’ll get two choices about how to respond to his story about his Aunt Noctua but both will yield the same result.

How to Open the Scriptorium Door

Ominis mentions that there’s a hidden door into the Scriptorium in this very corridor. In order to unlock it, you’ll need to first fire "Confringo" iconConfringo at the three unlit braziers nearby. There are two right in front of Ominis and one down the corridor to the right. You’ll need to light all three in quick succession to open the door.

(1 of 3) Light the two braziers ahead of you.

Once the door is open, follow the stairs down to a hallway. The first thing you’ll want to do in the hallway is use "Reparo" iconReparo to repair the broken wall decoration and pick up the note on the alcove to the left of it. The note was written by Ominis’ Aunt Noctua - there are 5 of these notes to collect in the passages leading up to the Scriptorium. After repairing the broken wall, Ominis will tell you he can speak Parselmouth (snake language). After he speaks a few words in Parselmouth, the grand door will open up.

(1 of 2) Repair the wall

Repair the wall (left), then speak to Ominis so he opens the door. (right)

Slytherin Lock Puzzle Solution

In this next area, you’ll be required to figure out a series of Slytherin Lock puzzles. In this first room, you’ll find a Slytherin Lock right next to a door. The door has a circular symbol and an infinity loop beneath it. To the left, you’ll be able to interact with the Slytherin Lock. The lock is timed and if you don’t match the right symbols, the snake will bite you! All you’ll need to do is match the symbols on the door (circle and infinity loop) with the symbols beneath the snake by rotating the two separate wheels.

(1 of 2) First memorise the symbols on the door

First memorise the symbols on the door (left), then match the symbols beneath the snake. (right)

Once that door’s open, you’ll want to leave it for now and locate the second door that’s around the corner. This door has a devil like symbol and a z-shape below it - the first symbol is a bit scratched up but you can get the gist of it. Now to find the corresponding Slytherin Lock!

The lock in question is found in the room behind the half opened gate - you can crouch beneath the gate to gain access. Input the matching symbols and the second door will open. Before you leave this room, pick up the note left by Noctua in the alcove to the right of the lock.

(1 of 2) Use Lumos to see the symbols more clearly

Use Lumos to see the symbols more clearly (left), then match the symbols on the corresponding lock. (right)

Next, head through the newly opened second door to find a new room with a third door - this door has an alpha symbol α and a scratched up triangle symbol. If you head around the room you’ll be able to find a gear chest and another Noctua note but no Slytherin Lock.

The lock you’re searching for is actually through the first door you opened, so head back out and find the first opened door. Follow the passage around and drop down into the level below to find another Noctua note and a Slytherin Lock.

(1 of 2) In this next room you’ll find another Slytherin Lock door

In this next room you’ll find another Slytherin Lock door (left), the corresponding lock is hidden behind the first door you unlocked. (right)

In the Shadow of the Study: Use Crucio or Not?

Head back around and pass through this third door. As you pass into this next room, the door will close abruptly behind you, leaving you and the Slytherin boys trapped. The final Noctua note can be found here, next to her skeletal remains.

Sebastian reveals that to open the door, you and Sebastian will need to use Crucio to open the creepy door. First though, you’ll need to speak to Ominis to convince him to use the curse. No matter if you choose you or Sebastian to talk to Ominis, the outcome will be the same - Ominis will not use the unforgivable curse.

When you next speak to Sebastian, he’ll reveal that he knows the Cruciatus Curse and can teach it to you. One of you needs to use the curse on the other in order for the door to open. You’ll be given the following choices:

  • Very well. I don’t want to learn the Cruciatus Curse : You can decide to not learn the unforgivable curse and avoid ever using the dark arts. If you choose this answer, you won’t learn the curse and Sebastian will use Crucio on you.

  • I want to learn the Cruciatus Curse. But you must cast it on me. - You’ll learn the Crucio Curse but you won’t use it on Sebastian - instead he’ll use it on you. He is grateful to you for doing this.!

  • Teach me the Cruciatus Curse and I’ll cast it on you. - You’ll learn the Crucio Curse and you’ll use it on Sebastian. It will be very hard to watch your friend be in excruciating pain but it opens the door. There’s no punishment for using the curse, but you might feel morally bad IRL!

(1 of 2) You can either be crucio’d

You can either be crucio’d (left), or do the crucio-ing - it’s your choice! (right)

The biggest decision you’ll make here is whether to learn the spell or not. You can choose to learn the curse or you can remain “good” and let Sebastian do all the evil stuff. Whatever your answer, the door to the Scriptorium will finally be opened.

In the Scriptorium, you’ll find several gear chests and sacks, which you can find by using "Revelio" iconRevelio to highlight them. Beneath the large snakey head, you’ll find Slytherin’s Spellbook. Head up the stairs into the small study area to find Sebastian and give him the book. Once you’ve finished your talk with Sebastian, you’ll want to leave the Scriptorium via the door at the back of the room. Before the quest is finished, Ominis will give you both an earful and Sebastian will “promise” not to pursue the Dark Arts further.

Can you use Crucio whenever you want?

Unfortunately for players looking to be the next Voldemort, you won’t be able to use Crucio whenever you want. If you try to cast it without any enemies around, your wand will spark and the spell will not go through. So don’t get any ideas about torturing any first years!

No using Crucio outside of combat, I’m afraid!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    31 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    9 August 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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