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Hogwarts Legacy

All The Grand Staircase Field Guide & Revelio Pages in Hogwarts Legacy

Craig Robinson
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The Grand Staircase is one of the many regions within Hogwarts castle. This is by far one of the easiest areas to collect almost all of the Field Guide and "Revelio" iconRevelio Pages in the area. However, there are a few sneaky ones, which require some solid main story progression to complete. So, to assist you with finding these pages, we have made a list of all The Grand Staircase Field Guide & Revelio Pages in Hogwarts Legacy.

All Grand Staircase Field Guide & Revelio Pages in Hogwarts Legacy

Below is a list of all the Field Guide and Revelio Pages within the Grand Staircase. We have split each area into sections corresponding with the appropriate closest Floo Flame. Most are accessible with a few basic spells you pickup in the early story. However, you must progress towards the late main story missions in the winter term to grab a few of them. So you’re better doing this area once you have Companion stories unlocked, and have "Alohomora" iconAlohomora level 3. Otherwise, you cannot 100% this region.

If you need any assistance with getting to level 3 Alohomora, we have location guides for:

In each of the subheadings below, you’ll find a list of images corresponding with their notes. Moth Field Pages will require two screenshots though, to show the starting point of the mirror, and the moth location. So, if you need a visual aid, feel free to match the images and notes for each field guide and Revelio page in The Grand Staircase.

Grand Staircase Field Guide & Revelio Pages

This are of the Grand Staircase consists of all the small stairways and the main Staircase Tower region. We highly recommend anchoring around the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, unless there’s a quicker area Floo Flame you can teleport to. If there is, we will mention where that is in the notes below.

(1 of 9) At the top of the stairs from the Grand Staircase Floo Flame.

  1. "The Hogwarts Architect" iconThe Hogwarts Architect: Teleport to the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, then go up the immediate flight of stairs. When you reach the first level, there is a statue between the two sets of stairs. Cast Revelio, and get the Hogwarts Architect Revelio Page.
  2. Grand Staircase Moth: Teleport to the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, go up the stone steps as if you’re going to the Hall, then turn right into the double doors. A Moth Mirror is in the middle room between the staircase and the hall. Cast "Lumos" iconLumos to get the hint, then Get the Moth from the Headteacher’s chair in the Great Hall.
  3. House-Elf Recipe Book: Go down the small circular stairs next to the Grant Staircase Floo Flame. A few steps down, you’ll reach a cabinet. Cat Revelio, and you get the House Elf Recipe Book.
  4. "Hufflepuff Barrels" iconHufflepuff Barrels: Go all the way down the small circular stairs near the Grand Staircase Floo Flame. You will reach a cellar. Find a stack of barrels near the Hufflepuff entrance, and cast Revelio. You can get the Hufflepuff Barrels Revelio page.
  5. Grand Staircase Flying Book: Look towards the main Grand Staircase Tower, and await near the bridge from the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, and a book will eventually pass over you.
  6. Honeydukes Passageway: Make your way to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame. Now, look into the Grand Staircase. You will notice a statue of a Witch in the passageway between the South and Grant Staircase regions. Cast Revelio, and you’ll get the statue’s page.
  7. "Moving Staircase" iconMoving Staircase: Teleport to Ravenclaw Tower, and then go into the Grand Staircase. Go up the stairs using along the outside stairs, until you bridge back to the middle section. You will then see a small balcony on the right. Cast Revelio, and get your Moving Staircase page.
  8. Staircase Brazier: Teleport to the Grand Staircase Tower Floo Flame, then return to the Staircase area. Along the wall near the door is a brazier you can blast with "Confringo" iconConfringo, and collect the page with "Accio" iconAccio.

Ravenclaw Tower Field Guide & Revelio Pages

The Ravenclaw Tower is another area of the map with a few pages to grab. Go to the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame, or the Ravenclaw Common Room if you so happen to be Ravenclaw.

(1 of 5) Where the Ravenclaw Tower hallway and the Grand Staircase meets is a !Levioso Statue.

  1. Ravenclaw Levioso Statue: Teleport to the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame, then walk towards the Grand Staircase. Along the pathway, you’ll find yourself a "Levioso" iconLevioso statue to interact with.
  2. "Ravenclaw Bust" iconRavenclaw Bust: If you’re a Ravenclaw student, you will get this during the tutorial. If not, then go to the Ravenclaw Tower, then make your way to the Ravenclaw staircase. Go up the stairs, until you see a bust on the right on the wall. Cast Revelio, and you will get it.
  3. "Ravenclaw Doorknocker" iconRavenclaw Doorknocker: Climb all the way up the small spiral staircase in the Ravenclaw Tower, and cast Revelio. Ravenclaw members, teleport to your Common Room and walk through the main door instead.
  4. Ravenclaw Moth: Go to the Ravenclaw Tower, and then turn south to get to the small circular stairs. Follow the stairs all the way to the bottom, and then use Lumos to get the hint. Now, you must go back up the stairs, towards the animal magic door puzzle. The moth is against the wall. Bring it back down to get your Field Page.

Lower Grand Staircase Field Guide & Revelio Pages

Now it’s time to get the very few amount of the pages available in the Lower Tower. Chances are if you’re a Slytherin player, you will have these. You will also need to complete the Shadow of the Study puzzles to complete this section too.

(1 of 2) At the far end of the Slytherin Dungeon near the drawbridge exit.

At the far end of the Slytherin Dungeon near the drawbridge exit. (left), Inside the Scriptorium, a hidden room is only accessible once you progress through the Sebastian Relationship storyline. (right)

  1. "Kelpie Statue" iconKelpie Statue: There is a statue in the Slytherin Dungeon area of the Grand Staircase. Go to the far end of the Dungeons from the Lower Staircase Floo Flame, near to the bridge exit. When you find the statue, cast Revelio. You will likely have this is you’re a Slytherin player.
  2. Salazar Slytherin’s Scriptorium: Now you need to get access to the Scriptorium. To do so, you must have the "Crucio" iconCrucio unlocking companion quest for Sebastian. If you do, then proceed with the mission as normal. We have a Shadow of the Study walkthrough for you to assist with the mission. If you have done it, then the entrance is beside the Basilisk entrance to the Slytherin Common Room.

Quad Courtyard

The Quad Courtyard is a very small part of the castle, tucked away in a garden between several parts of the castle. Luckily, this area is very short, and you can still be on the way to the juice that is still yet come.

(1 of 3) On teh curved wall to the left of the Floo Flame is the brazier you need to light with Confringo.

  1. Brazier: Teleport to the Quad Courtyard Floo Flame, and take a look for a gargoyle brazier along one of the walls to the south of the Flame. You can see a Gargoyle perched on the curved wall. Cast Confringo to light the Brazier, then Accio to grab the page.
  2. Flying Book: Around the trees right next to the Quad Courtyard Floo Flame, you will find a flying book that circles the general area. Revelio if you need help spotting it. When you do find it, cast Accio and grab it.
  3. Levioso Statue: Go up the stone steps near the Quad Courtyard Floo Flame, and you will find a !Levisoso Statue on the right. Cast Levioso, and its page is all yours.

Trophy Room Field Guide & Revelio Pages

Now it’s time for the juicy part. There’s a lot around here, and you’re going to need to be nearing the end of the game to get almost all of these Revelio Pages. This is the part you’ll need to be onto the Fitzgerald Trial, and have Level 3 Alohomora unlocked to fully complete this section. But, if you don’t, you can still get most of these anyway, and comeback later.

(1 of 11) Right at the start of the Trophy Room area.

  1. "Troll Armour" iconTroll Armour: Teleport to the "Trophy Room" iconTrophy Room, and directly in front of it is Troll Armour. Cast Revelio to get the page.
  2. Goblet of Fire: Next to the Trophy Room Floo Flame, you will find an entrance to the central trophy area. In the middle of the room is the Goblet of Fire, which you can cast Revelio to add to your collection.
  3. Trophy Room: Opposite the Goblet of Fire in the central room is another page you can reveal called the Trophy Room.
  4. House-Elf Armour: Walk through the central area from the Troll Armour, and you will see some more themed armour. Cast Revelio, and you will grab the House-Elf Armour Revelio Page
  5. Centaur Armor: On the outer edge, between the Elf and the Troll armour is another piece of armour called the Centaur Armor. Once again, reveal it with Revelio to access it.
  6. Headmaster’s Office Gargoyle: Open up the lock near the Elf Armour, and go up the stairs. Eventually, you’ll reach a dead end, or a spiral staircase if you’ve done the Polyjuice Plot quest. Cast Revelio, and you can get a Revelio Page for the Headmaster’s Gargoyle.
  7. Headmaster’s Moth: Next to the Headmaster’s Gargoyle is the Moth Mirror for the area. Cast Lumos, and then go find the hint. You need to return to the area with the level 1 locks. The moth will be perched on the beams in the thin wooden corridor below the small spiral stairs leading to the Headmaster’s area.
  8. Sleeping Portraits: If you can get access to the Headmaster’s Office, then you can do so. When you go up the spiral stairs, and reach the landing to the office, you will find several portraits of sleeping people. Cast Revelio to get the page for them.
  9. Sorting Hat: The Sorting Hat is on the desk in the Headmaster’s Office. Cast Revelio, and claim your Field Page for the Hat.
  10. Quill of Acceptance and Book of Admittance: This Field Page is in the locked door below the Headmaster’s Office. To enter, you need to get into the Headmaster’s Office, break the level 2 locks to the outside balcony, then break the door on the outside with the level 3 lock. Head cyanide, pick up the key in the room, then open the heavily locked door below the office. Enter the room, follow it, then cast revelio and the book and quill to get it.

Congratulations, you have found all The Grand Staircase Field Guide and Revelio Pages. If you need more information, feel free to check out our other Field Pages in other wings, like Astronomy, Library Annex, South Wing, The Bell Tower, and more.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    31 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    9 August 2023
    Version History
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