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Does the thought of killer cabbages and healing herbs feel exciting? Herbology Class takes a look into both of these amazing herbs and vegetables plus more. Potion making can be just as useful as powerful Spells, but that knowledge is useless without the right ingredients. Herbology class is an introduction to growing ones own items for potion-making and the potting table, a place where Witches and Wizards can plant seeds and farm these items should they have the seed packets in their possession.

Herbology Class

Head from the Central Hall and grab the North exit to enter the greenhouses. Both stairways lead to the giant tree in the middle; just take the left-hand door from here to enter Professor Garlic’s Herbology Class. Witches and Wizards can also fast travel to the Greenhouses Floo Flame to arrive right outside Herbology Class also. The green-fingered Professor is naturally minded right down to her quirky use of the English language, introducing Witches and Wizards as the newest “rose in our garden.”

(1 of 4) Head down the stairs in the Great Hall and take a right.

There’s a gardening pun in everything Professor Garlic says, so strap in for the worst dad jokes found in the Wizarding World. Like most Professors in Hogwarts, she is a keen believer in the importance of knowledge. She explains that the prudent Herbologist treats all things that grow the same, stating they are “no more afraid of the "Venomous Tentacula" iconVenomous Tentacula than the Bouncing Bulb.”

In Witches and Wizards’ first Herbology class, they will be adjusting their hearing and grip on reality whilst learning how to replant "Mandrake" iconMandrakes. For those who haven’t read the Harry Potter books or watched the films, Mandrake’s screams are so loud they can disorientate and even break glass with their supersonic abilities.

Press DualSense-ButtonCross-Filled X or Xbox-ButtonA-Filled A to pull the Mandrake out of their usual pots to get the lesson underway. As the glass in the Greenhouse begins to crack, thanks to their horrible screams, Professor Garlic quickie prompts students to place them in the new pot and pat soil the soil around them. Re-pot the Mandrake by pressing the right thumb stick down, which should “envelop the root like a warm, dirty blanket, putting the Mandrake right at ease,” According to Professor Garlic.

Wizards and Witches should approach Professor Garlic and speak to her about the class and more. After being congratulated on handling the Mandrake well, players can opt for “I enjoyed it” or “I nearly went deaf.” Both conversational outcomes vary, but the result is the same. Garlic then offers Dittany Seeds to our protagonist, but of course, we already have a packet thanks to our chaotic trip to Hodsmeade to replenish our supplies. “A prepared student is bound to bloom,” according to Garlic, who then reveals Wizards and Witches have their potting table available.

The potting table is available anytime for Witches and Wizards to come and plant seeds to grow herbs and other plants. Every seed will show a brief description alongside growth time and yield, which is how many desired items will grow. Pots can also be emptied by clicking down DualSense-L3-Filled L3. Once planted, Garlic revealed Dittany is used for making "Wiggenweld Potion" iconWiggenweld Potions, arguably the most critical potion in the Wizarding World for its healing properties.

(1 of 5) Pull the Mandrake from its old pot by pressing X/A

Finally, Professor Garlic introduces the protagonist to plants that have their uses without the need to brew them. Going up the stairs, across the Herbology Class balcony and into the second wing of the Greenhouse should lead to "Chinese Chomping Cabbage" iconChinese Chomping Cabbages. Hit DualShock4-ButtonSquare-Filled Square or Xbox-ButtonX-Filled X to pick as many as possible, then return to Professor Garlic. Then, hold down DualSense-L1-Filled L1 / ![Xbox-Bumper Left-Filled](/assets/front/images/controls/xbox-filled/Xbox-Bumper Left-Filled.svg) LB to open the tool wheel and use the R thumbstick to set the Chinese Chomping Cabbage in an open slot. Witches and Wizards can then use DualSense-L1-Filled L1 / ![Xbox-Bumper Left-Filled](/assets/front/images/controls/xbox-filled/Xbox-Bumper Left-Filled.svg) LB to use the carnivorous cabbage to attack the nearby training dummy.

Next is a quick chat with Leander Prewett who uses some colorful language when referring to the cabbages and explains that Witches and Wizards shouldn’t be above using one when defending against the Wizarding Worlds’ various threats. Return to Professor Garlic to tell her the good news; she’ll be happy to see how green-fingered our fifth-year student is. Players can answer with “As am I. Plants offer so much” or “Don’t care much for plants, honestly.” Use which one suits the Witch or Wizard best as the outcome is more or less the same but with different dialogue. Professor Garlic will then bid Witches and Wizards farewell, ending the Herbology Class main quest.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    31 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    9 August 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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