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Hogwarts Legacy

All Revelio Field Guide Pages in Hogsmeade

Seren Morgan-Roberts
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This page details where to find all 30 hidden Field Guide Pages in "Hogsmeade" iconHogsmeade. To find them, you will need to use "Revelio" iconRevelio. Hidden Revelio pages will give you interesting facts about certain shops, foods, buildings and places of interest around Hogsmeade.

Hogsmeade Revelio Field Guide Page Locations

Except for one field guide page found in a locked room in "The Three Broomsticks" iconThe Three Broomsticks, the other 29 pages can be found at any point in the game once you have access to Hogsmeade. Unfortunately, you’ll be around level 15 once you have "Alohomora" iconAlohomora and can reach the final page.


This field guide page can be found by using Revelio near the bridge right before the main entranceway into Hogsmeade.

A field guide page can be found before the main entrance into !Hogsmeade.

Ollivander’s Wand Shop

You can find a field guide page outside the entrance into Ollivander’s Wand Shop. Ollivander’s Shop is in central Hogsmeade.

A field guide page can be found outside Ollivander’s Wand Shop.

The Three Broomsticks Revelio Page

This page can be found inside The Three Broomsticks tavern. You’ll need to go all the way into the tavern to the roaring fireplace at the back to find the field guide page.

Get cosy by the fireplace…and also grab another field guide page!

Three Broomsticks Private Room

This page is located within the private room on the top floor of The Three Broomsticks tavern. In order to get into this room and retrieve the page, you’ll need Alohomora, the lockpicking spell. To unlock Alohomora, you’ll need to complete The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament quest.

This is the only field guide page in Hogsmeade that is locked behind a door.

Butterbeer Barrels

This field guide page can be found by using revelio near the large Butterbeer barrels outside of The Three Broomsticks tavern.

These Butterbeer Barrels can be found outside The Three Broomsticks.

Ceridwen’s Precarious Cauldrons

This page can be found outside Ceridwen’s Precarious Cauldrons shop, which can be found opposite "Tomes and Scrolls" iconTomes and Scrolls shop.

Ceridwen’s Precarious Cauldrons.

The Dogweed and the Deathcap Tree

This page can be found inside The Dogweed & Deathcap shop. More specifically, you’ll find it next to the large tree growing inside.

The Dogweed & Deathcap tree field guide page.

Hogsmeade Community Garden

This field guide page can be found in the small vegetable garden in central Hogsmeade, down the path from J. Pippins Potion Shop.

The !Hogsmeade Community Garden.

Gladrags Wizardwear

This Revelio page can be found right outside the door to Gladrags Wizardwear, the clothing boutique in Hogsmeade.

Gladrags Wizardwear field guide page.

Gladrags Mannequin

Inside Gladrags Wizardwear shop, near the entrance, you’ll find a pink female mannequin. Use Revelio to reveal in front of it.

Gladrags Mannequin field guide page.


This page is found in Dervish Banges shop, which is adjoined to Gladrags Wizardwear. Look for the colorful telescope sitting on a table near the large bird skeletion.

The Sneakoscope is found in Dervish Banges.

Mounted Hog’s Head

This Revelio page can be found behind the bar at the Hog’s Head Inn. It can be a little tricky to grab it without interacting with the bartender as he’ll be standing right in front of the mounted Hog’s Head.

The Mounted Hog’s Head field guide page.

Hog’s Head Docks

This page can be found out on the dock behind Hog’s Head Inn, near a pile of crates overlooking the water. You can get there either by heading out the back door of the inn, or by going around the back of the building.

Head round the back of Hog’s Head Inn to grab this field guide page.


This page can be found outside the entrance to "Honeydukes" iconHoneydukes, the sweet shop which is found in the northern region of Hogsmeade.

A field guide page outside Honey Duke’s sweet shop.

Exploding Bonbons

Head inside of Honeydukes and look for the man near the back of the shop. Nearby, you can use revelio to reveal this field guide page.

Exploding Bon Bons revelio page.

Fizzing Whizzbees

This field guide page can also be found in Honeydukes. Look for the pyramid of cylindrical boxes and the poster of a butler holding sweets!

Fizzing Whizzbees field guide page.

The Magic Neep Cart

To find this field guide page, first head to "The Magic Neep" iconThe Magic Neep plant and seed shop in the western region of Hogsmeade. To the right of the vendor, you’ll find the page next to his cart.

The Magic Neep cart.

Abandoned Shop

This page is found outside the Abandoned Shop building. This building can be found on the northern outskirts of the town, down the hill from The "Dogweed and Deathcap" iconDogweed and Deathcap shop.

Abandoned Shop field guide page.

J. Pippin’s Potions

This field guide page can be found inside J. Pippin’s Potion Shop. The potion shop is found in the northwest region of the town.

J. Pippin’s Potions Shop field guide page.

Hengist of Woodcroft

For this field guide page, you’ll want to locate the large bronze statue beneath a huge tree in the northern potion of Hogsmeade.

Look for the huge bronze statue and use revelio nearby!

Magical Mail

This field guide page is located within the Magical Mail post office, which can be found in the northern part of Hogsmeade.

Head into the Magical Mail post office to find this field page.

Scrivenshaft Cats

This page can be found at the back of Scrivenshaft’s quill shop in the northern part of Hogsmeade. Amongst the numerous cats, you’ll be able to use revelio to reveal this page.

Scrivenshaft’s Quill Shop is over run with cats!

Spintwitches Sporting Needs

This field guide page can be found inside "Spintwitches Sporting Needs" iconSpintwitches Sporting Needs. It’s located just in front of the mannequin near the checkout counter.

Spintwitches Sporting Needs revelio page.

Tea Shop Decor

This field guide page can be located inside the Steepley & Sons tea shop in the northern region of Hogsmeade. Look for the stack of cakes!

Tea Shop Decor revelio page.

Enchanted Staircase

This page can be found inside the Tomes and Scrolls shop, which sells Conjuration Recipes. To activate the enchanted staircase, interact with the book on the console table beneath the window and near the fireplace.

(1 of 2) The page can be found at the base of the enchanted staircase

The page can be found at the base of the enchanted staircase (left), use revelio to reveal it. (right)

Brood and Peck

A field guide page can be found inside "Brood and Peck" iconBrood and Peck, the “pet shop” of Hogsmeade! This shop is found near the town’s northern bridge.

Brood and Peck field guide page.

Water Well

This field guide page can be found near the well in central Hogsmeade. The well is found near some stairs.

This page is found near the water well in central Hogsmeade.

Zonko’s Joke Shop

This page can be found by using revelio right outside the door to Zonko’s Joke Shop. The Joke Shop is a brightly colored shop found in central Hogsmeade.

Zonko’s Joke Shop revelio page.


When you head into Zonko’s Joke Shop, turn left to find the "Dungbomb" iconDungbomb revelio page near a shelving unit of striped boxes.

This is the second of three revelio pages in Zonko’s Joke Shop.

Frog Spawn Soap

Head down the stairs to the bottom floor of Zonko’s Joke Shop and you’ll find another revelio page near the shelving by the checkout counter.

This page can be found near the checkout counter and the shelving unit of soaps.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    31 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    9 August 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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