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Not to be confused with Astrology, Astronomy Class is based on studying constellations and science. It’s serious business for various reasons. This introduction to the fifth-year Astonomy Class provides players a good insight through the polish Goblin-Made lens of their Witch or Wizard.

Astronomy Class

For those who have already found the Astonomy Class Floo Flame, just fast-travel straight to that location. For those who haven’t, fast-travel to the Charms Class Floo Flame, head up the spiral stairwell and continue to the top floor of the Astronomy Tower. Once they hit blue walls covered in gold-painted stars and constellations, players will know when they’re in the correct location.

(1 of 4) As soon as Witches and Wizards see the Astronomy tapestry hangings, they’re in the right place.

Astronomy Class begins in the evenings for obvious reasons, so Wizards and Witches may have to wait for the Class to begin. As players take a seat in the round-tabled classroom, Adelaide Oakes is giving Tarot Card reading, which is highly frowned upon by Astrologists, including Professor Shah. She introduces herself by stating that “Astronomy is not Divination,” Students won’t find “the mysteries of the cosmos charted out on your palms, or at the bottom of your teacups.” Each to their own, we guess.

After a quick lesson on the painstaking patience it takes to unravel these mysteries, Professor Shah takes students to the observation deck. Once up there, our protagonist is left without a telescope of their own. Luckily a kind student is on hand to share, Amit Thakkar is a knowledgeable soul who helps protagonists learn how to focus and line up constellations. Follow the steps below to nail using a telescope each time. Just use R-Stick to focus on a constellation to pass this part of the class.

Next, chat with Amit; he will be nice enough to borrow his old telescope, which has better specifications than most. This can be found by heading down under the observation deck on the circular table. Don’t forget to ignite the dragon font for a cheeky field guide page and check the chest to the left for 43 gold.

Head back up the stairs to have a chat with Professor Shah about learning more about Astronomy, where three different dialogue options appear:

  • “Thank you for your insights.”
  • “I notice you dismissed Divination. Why?.”
  • “What are "Astronomy Table" iconAstronomy Tables?”

The first option ends the conversation, with the second option, Professor Shah will set off on a rant about the legitimacy of “so-called disciplines taught here.” The third option gives Witches and Wizards more insights into ancient stone slabs around the countryside. Set up by the devotees of the Astral Arts, Astronomy Tables were used by Wizards and Witches near and far for stargazing.

The final part of the Astronomy Class is following Amit Thakkar to the castle walls to pursue an Astronomy Table. Start things off by simply following Amit, then start leading the way when entering the castle. This is a simple shift-and-move operation, using the primary cast and a fire spell to remove spider webs.

(1 of 4) There’s three discoveries to be made under the observation deck. The first is a dragon font that reveals a field guide page when lit with any fire spell.

As Witches and Wizards walk outside, they’ll spot the Astronomy Table. Start the final part of this lesson by placing the telescope onto the support of the table by pressing DualSense-ButtonSquare-Filled Square or Xbox-ButtonX-Filled X. Next, follow these simple steps to guide the telescope into the ideal position:

  • DualSense-Stick-L-Filled L-Stick points the telescope in the desired direction.
  • DualSense-Stick-R-Filled R-Stick rotates the telescope.
  • DualSense-L2-Filled R2/ DualSense-R2-Filled L2 or Xbox-TriggerLeft-Filled LT/ Xbox-TriggerRight-Filled RT zooms in and out, respectively.
  • DualSense-ButtonCircle-Filled Circle or Xbox-ButtonB-Filled B kicks Witches and Wizards out of the Astronomy Table mini-games.

The aim is to find the constellation pictures on the lens in the stars above. Wizards and Witches must rotate and zoom the telescope to match the circles up with the respective stars. An excellent method to line up constellations quickly is to match the big circle with the largest star in the constellation.

(1 of 5) Follow Amit towards the castle wall.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    31 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    9 August 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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