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Hogwarts Legacy

All Revelio Field Guide Pages in The Library Annex

Scott Peers
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There are 20 "Revelio" iconRevelio Field Guide Pages to be found in The Library Annex section of Hogwarts Castle, in Hogwarts Legacy. We’ll show you how and where to find each of them on this page.

All Revelio Field Guide Page Locations in The Library Annex of Hogwarts

Note that the second phrase for each subheader below doesn’t always denote the exact location of a page, but rather the closest or most convenient Floo Flame to reach it. You’ll need specific spells to acquire some of these pages, which you can see in the overview detailed in the table below.

Palmistry Model - Divination Classroom

The first Revelio Field Guide Page that we’ll cover in The Library Annex can be found by fast travelling to the Divination Classroom Floo Flame. From here, go up the stairs and climb the ladder to enter the classroom. At the top of the stairs you can cast Revelio to reveal the page for a "Palmistry Model" iconPalmistry Model.

(1 of 2) Cast Revelio when you enter the classroom to reveal the page.

Cast Revelio when you enter the classroom to reveal the page. (left), The description for the Palmistry Model Field Guide Page. (right)

Flying Field Guide Page - Divination Classroom

Starting again from the Divination Classroom Floo Flame, this time go up the small set of stairs to the west and look to the south. You should see a page flying around here, although you may need to wait a short while since it travels between the spiral staircase. All you need to do is use "Accio" iconAccio to catch it.

You’ll find this Flying Field Guide Page near the Divination Classroom Floo Flame.

Arithmancy Classroom - Animal Puzzle Door

This one can be found just a short walk from where you found the previous flying page. You’ll need to head over the walkway to the northwest, where you’ll find an animal puzzle door. You need to input the symbol for “4” on the left, and “3” on the right to open it. The symbols are shown in the screenshot below. Once you’re on the other side of the door, head up the stairs and open the door at the top to enter the "Arithmancy Classroom" iconArithmancy Classroom. You can cast Revelio as soon as you enter to reveal the page for it.

(1 of 3) The solution to the animal puzzle door leading to the Arithmancy Classroom.

Portrait of Sir Cadogan - Divination Classroom

To find the "Portrait of Sir Cadogan" iconPortrait of Sir Cadogan you should fast travel to the Divination Classroom Floo Flame again, then make your way down the spiral stairs. Turn left at the bottom (not taking the second set of spiral stairs) to go down the straight staircase instead, heading southwest. Go straight ahead up the stairs opposite, then turn right at the balcony. You can cast Revelio here to reveal the page for the Portrait of Sir Cadogan.

(1 of 2) You’ll find the page just in front of the portrait.

You’ll find the page just in front of the portrait. (left), The description for the Portrait of Sir Cadogan page. (right)

Flying Field Guide Pages - Central Hall (2 Pages)

You will find two Flying Field Guide Pages in the Central Hall of The Library Annex. Fast travel to the Central Hall Floo Flame and then go down the stairs to the west. You should see one flying in the air to your left here, and another on the right side of the room, although each can fly on either side of the room at different times. Use the Accio spell to catch them.

(1 of 2) You’ll find one flying page on the left side of the room.

You’ll find one flying page on the left side of the room. (left), The other flying page should be found on the right, but it can fly anywhere in the room. (right)

Central Hall Fountain - Central Hall

As you’re still in the Central Hall, you’ll find the central Hall Fountain at the… center of the hall! Cast Revelio near it to reveal its associated Field Guide Page.

(1 of 2) You’ll find the page just in front of the fountain after casting Revelio.

You’ll find the page just in front of the fountain after casting Revelio. (left), The description for the Central Hall Fountain page. (right)

Moth Puzzle Field Guide Page - Central Hall

Another one for the Central Hall. Look to the east from the "Central Hall Fountain" iconCentral Hall Fountain to see a black mirror with decorative moths around its frame. You’ll also see a student named Lenora Everleigh here if it’s daytime. You’ll need to speak with her first and go through the dialogue options in whatever way you choose, then cast "Lumos" iconLumos in front of the mirror when you’re ready. This will reveal the location of the moth, which you can find down the stairs to the southwest, as you turn left at the bottom of them. Cast Lumos to attract the moth, then take it back to the mirror and decast Lumos to secure it there. A page will pop out when you do.

(1 of 4) Cast Lumos in front of the mirror to reveal the location of the moth.

Statue Field Guide Page - Central Hall

This Field Guide Page can be acquired from a statue found in a locked room in the Central Hall. Go to the northeastern side of the hall and down the stairs, turning right to find a locked door which requires Level I "Alohomora" iconAlohomora to open. Once inside, you’ll see a statue at the end of the room to your left. You need to use the "Levioso" iconLevioso spell to extract the page from it.

(1 of 2) Open the locked door here using Level I Alohomora.

Open the locked door here using Level I Alohomora. (left), The statue will be located here, but in this case we already acquired the page from it. (right)

Brazier Field Guide Page - Central Hall

Yet another one for the Central Hall, this one can be found on the balcony at the northern side of the hall. You need to cast a fire-based spell such as "Incendio" iconIncendio or "Confringo" iconConfringo to light the brazier. It will then reveal a page that you can pick up.

(1 of 2) You need to cast a fire-based spell such as Incendio or Confringo to light the brazier.

You need to cast a fire-based spell such as Incendio or Confringo to light the brazier. (left), The brazier will spit out a page when you light it. (right)

Statue of Gregory the Smarmy - Central Hall

This one can be found in the southern corner of the Central Hall. Just go down the stairs here and turn left to find the statue. Use Revelio to reveal its associated page.

(1 of 2) Cast Revelio in front of the statue to reveal its page.

Cast Revelio in front of the statue to reveal its page. (left), The description for the Gregory the Smarmy page. (right)

Greenhouse Tree - Greenhouses

For the next one we’ll be entering the Greenhouses, which you can find the entrance for to the northeast from Central Hall. Alternatively you can fast travel to the Floo Flame if you have it. The "Greenhouse Tree" iconGreenhouse Tree is right next to the Floo Flame, so you can’t miss it. The page can be revealed on its southern side.

(1 of 2) Cast Revelio on the southern side of the tree to discover its page.

Cast Revelio on the southern side of the tree to discover its page. (left), The description for the Greenhouse Tree page. (right)

Dirigible Plums - Greenhouses

This one can also be found in the Greenhouses. Head through the door just east of the Greenhouse Tree, then take the door on your left once inside. Go down the stairs and cast Revelio to reveal the Field Guide Page for "Dirigible Plums" iconDirigible Plums.

(1 of 2) Cast Revelio at the bottom of the stairs to reveal the page.

Cast Revelio at the bottom of the stairs to reveal the page. (left), The description for the Dirigible Plums page. (right)

Flying Field Guide Page - Library

This one can be found in the actual Library of The Library Annex. You can travel to it using the associated Floo Flame or just walk down the steps through the doors on the western side of Central Hall. Either way, once inside make your way up the spiral stairs on the northwest side of the library, and look up once you reach the top. You’ll see a flying Field Guide Page here which you can acquire using the Accio spell.

You’ll find this flying Field Guide Page in the Library, best viewed from up the spiral stairs.

Moth Puzzle Field Guide Page - Library

This page can also be found in the library, on the same floor where you caught the flying one. Go to the southern corner to find the black moth mirror, and use Lumos to reveal the location of the moth. You’ll find it on the northwestern side the library, sitting on a book pedestal between the spiral staircases. Use Lumos to attract the moth and take it back to the mirror, then decast Lumos to place the moth and reveal the page.

(1 of 3) Cast Lumos to reveal the location of the moth.

The Old Librarian - Library

This Revelio page can be found in the same place where you found the moth, on the northwestern side of the Library at the top of the spiral staircases. Just cast Revelio in front of the painting to discover and read it.

(1 of 2) Cast Revelio to reveal the page in front of this painting.

Cast Revelio to reveal the page in front of this painting. (left), The description for The Old Librarian page. (right)

Enchanted Books - Library (Restricted Section)

This Revelio page can be found in the Restricted Section of the Library. You may need to complete Secrets of the Restricted Section before you gain access to this part of the library, or you can open the doors with Level I Alohomora. Once inside, go down two flights of stairs and look immediately to your left to find the enchanted book in question. Cast Revelio to discover the page and read it.

(1 of 2) Cast Revelio near the enchanted book to reveal its page.

Cast Revelio near the enchanted book to reveal its page. (left), The description for the Enchanted Books page. (right)

Statue Field Guide Page - Library (Restricted Section Basement)

You can find another Field Guide Page in the basement of the Restricted Section. Continue through the linear path heading east until you go through a door to enter the basement. Go down the steps to your right to see the statue ahead. You’ll need to cast Levioso to extract the page from the statue.

(1 of 2) You’ll find the statue at the bottom of the stairs.

You’ll find the statue at the bottom of the stairs. (left), Cast Levioso to extract the page from the statue. (right)

Professor Sharp’s Auror Badge - Potions Classroom

You can reach the Potions Classroom from the Floo Flame of the same name, or head down the stairs on the southwest side of the Central Hall and turn left. Go through the doors to the southeast, then through the single door to your right on the other side. You’ll find the page for "Professor Sharp's Auror Badge" iconProfessor Sharp’s Auror Badge on his desk at the eastern end of the room.

(1 of 2) Cast Revelio at the desk to reveal the page.

Cast Revelio at the desk to reveal the page. (left), The description for Professor Sharp’s Auror Badge. (right)

Moth Puzzle Field Guide Page - Potions Classroom (Long Gallery)

To reach this moth puzzle, exit the Potions Classroom and go down the spiral staircase to your right. Follow the linear path down to a door, which there may be a Level I Alohomora lock on depending on where you’re at in the story. Go through this door when you’re able to and follow the corridor (aka the Long Gallery) down until you see the black moth mirror to your right. Cast Lumos to reveal the location of the moth, then continue on down the corridor to the northwest, up the stairs into the room with two trolls in display cases. You’ll find the moth on the display case to your right. Take the moth back to the mirror and decast Lumos to place it and reveal the page.

(1 of 3) Cast Lumos next to the mirror to reveal the location of the moth.

Gorgon Portrait - Potions Classroom (Long Gallery)

This last Revelio page for The Library Annex can be found at the end of the Long Gallery, behind an animal door puzzle near the trolls on display. The door is located on the southwestern side of the room, and you can see the answer to the puzzle in the screenshot below. Once you’re in the room behind the puzzle door, cast Revelio to reveal the page from the portrait in front of you.

(1 of 3) Enter these symbols in the left and right blocks to open the door.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    31 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    9 August 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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