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Hogwarts Legacy

All Astronomy Wing Revelio & Field Guide Pages in Hogwarts Legacy

Craig Robinson

The Astronomy Wing of Hogwarts is home to 23 different Field Guide Pages, which come in many different methods. These items are scattered throughout the wing, ranging from the very top of the tower, all the way down to the dark dungeons below. So, to track them, we’ve curated a list of all Astronomy Wing Field Guide Pages in Hogwarts Legacy.

All Astronomy Wing Field Guide Pages in Hogwarts Legacy

Below you’ll find each of the Field Guide Pages split into separate headings catogrized by the area or associated Floo Flame. Each of these headings will include images of Field Guide Page locations and then notes below to help guide you to them. Note the number in the heading is associated with the image position, so you can easily match the image and directions to get there.

Astronomy Tower Field Guide Pages

(1 of 6) The Moth mirror is near the top of the Astronomy Tower

  1. Astronomy Tower Moths: Climb the wooden stairs near the Astronomy Tower Floo Flame, and continue up the stairs, around a circular pathway. You will then enter another room, with a moth mirror to the left of the door behind some armor. The moth you need is up even more stairs, on the left side of the door, as you enter the telescope bay at the top of the tower. Remember to light the mirror with Lumos, and then retrieve the Moth using Lumos, and then escorting it back to the mirror, and clicking on the mirror to complete it.
  2. Astronomy Tower Brazier: When you reach the telescope bay at the top of the Astronomy Tower, you will find a set of stairs on the bay platform going downwards. This brings you to a storage area at the bottom of the bay. Net to some covered statues is a dragon brazier, which you will need to cast Confingo on it to get the page.
  3. Astronomy Telescope Revelio Page: Walk up to the giant "Astronomy Telescope" iconAstronomy Telescope, front and center of the platform and cast Revelio in front of it. This will reveal a Revelio page for your collection tab in the Field Guide.
  4. Tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy: Go to the Astronomy Floo Flame, and then go down the stairs. You will come across a hallway, with a painting of some green fellows sitting around a body of water. Cast Revelio and get the Revelio Page for the "Tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy" iconTapestry of Barnabas the Barmy.
  5. Astronomy Tower Levioso Statue: Go up the stairs from the Charms Classroom Floo Flame, and turn right when you reach the top. Immediately as you enter the room, you will find a white statue. Cast Levioso on it and get the field page from its orb in its hand.

Charms and Fig’s Classroom Field Guide Pages

(1 of 3) A flying book is inside the blue astronomical study area beside the Charms Floo Flame.

  1. Charms Flying Book: Teleport to the Charms Class Floo Flame, and head into the magic study area on the right. You will find a flying book in the vicinity. (You may need to wait a moment for it to appear as it flies around the wider area) When it appears, cast Accio to grab it.
  2. Dark Tower Cell: Head down the hallway’s steps, and enter the Charms Classroom proper top the right of the statue in the middle of the hall. You then need to head up the stairs in the classroom, pick the level 1 lock, then go up the stairs. You will find a cell with a level 2 lock when you reach the roof. Pick that, and you can get a Field Guide page for the Dark Tower Cell.
  3. Fig’s Gargoyle: Teleport to the Professor Fig Floo Flame, and then look right. You will see fencing around the wooden floor you are on, and a gargoyle overlooking the area on the stone wall. Cast Confringo to activate the brazier, then Accio to pull the page.

Dark Arts Tower Field Guide Pages

(1 of 10) There’s a moth mirror next to the Dark Arts Tower Floo Flame.

  1. Dark Arts Tower Moth Mirror: As you load next to the Dark Arts Tower Floo Flame, you will find a mirror on the left-hand wall. Cast Lumos to reveal the location of the Moth., Now, you must open your map and teleport to Fig’s Classroom. The moth is on a pillar opposite the Floo Flame. Cast Lumos, and bring it back to the Mirror. To return to the mirror, travel west down the green corridor, then down the stairs one floor. From there, turn left, follow the corridor back to the Dark Arts Tower Floo Flame, and bring the moth back to the mirror.
  2. "Augurey Skeleton" iconAugurey Skeleton: Go down the main staircase in the Dark Arts Tower, from the Tower Floo Flame, and down one floor. There is a glass cabinet with a skeleton on display on the other end, near the magical violins playing music. Cast Revelio, and reveal the Augurey Skeleton Revelio Page.
  3. "Hebridean Black Skeleton" iconHebridean Black Skeleton: Travel to the Dark Arts Classroom Floo Flame, then enter inside the classroom. Go to the balcony at the back of the classroom, and turn around to face the massive skeleton above. Cast Revelio, and you shall find a Revelio Field Page for it.
  4. "Serpentine Beast Window" iconSerpentine Beast Window: Teleport to the Dart Arts Classroom Floo Flame, then go down the stairs next to it. Keep going forward from the bottom of the stairs, and move to the snake-stained glass window on the wall next to the angled wall at the end of the hallway. When you get there, cast Revelio to get the page.
  5. "Boggart Closet" iconBoggart Closet: Go to the bottom floor of the Dark Arts Tower, or teleport to the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, whichever is closer. At the bottom of the Dark Arts Tower, you wind a door at an angle, guarded by two Gargoyles. A Revlio Page is inside that room, but you must have Alohomora level 2 to get there.
  6. "Painting of Illyius" iconPainting of Illyius: Go to the bottom floor of the Dark Arts Tower, or teleport to the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, whichever is closer. Look for the Gargoyle door, then look to its right towards the corridor that goes near the stairs. There is a painting at the end of the hallway, which you can Revelio to get a field guide page.
  7. Pungent Passage Moth Mirror: Head up the stairs from the Gargoyle door at the bottom of the Dark Arts tower, using the side stairs to their right. Go up the stairs, then open the door on the right. As soon as you open the door on the right, you will find a Moth Mirror. Cast Lumos to reveal the hint, and now walk down the corridor. You will arrive at the Bell Tower’s West Wing. From here, look left; you will find a moth near the Centaur statues. Now return the moth to its portrait.
  8. Pungent Passage Revelio: Go up the side stairs from the Gargoyle door, and through the passageway to the Bell Tower’s West Floo Flame. Cast Revelio partway into the corridor, and it will reveal a page to collect.

Transfiguration Field Guide Pages

(1 of 3) Inside the Stone area near the lake next to the Transfiguration Courtyard. You need to cast Levioso against the statue.

  1. Transfiguration Courtyard: Teleport to the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, and then enter the stone walkway beside the garden to the east. Inside there, you will find another statue with a ball. Cast Levioso on the statue to get the page.
  2. "Wyvern Fountain" iconWyvern Fountain: Teleport to the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flame, and walk up to the Wyvern Statue in the middle of the Guardian. Cast Revelio, and you can grab it.
  3. "Partial Transfiguration" iconPartial Transfiguration: Go to the Transfiguration Classroom, and look to the left of the room. Cast Revelip, and you shall see a page near a glass dome, with a half-transmuted rat inside.

Dungeons Field Guide Pages

Head to the Dungeons by going to the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Flame, turning around from loading in, and going through the doors on the left-hand side. From there, go forward, and turn right to the stairs, and then descend them. You will then meet a door on the right. Go through, then continue all the way down the stairs.

(1 of 3) In the main corridor of the basement lies the sleeping dragon.

  1. "Sleeping Dragon Statue" iconSleeping Dragon Statue: There is a sleeping Dragon Statue as soon as you enter the Dungeons main corridor on the left-hand side.
  2. Potions Classroom: Head down the dungeons corridor, and you will see a door at the end thats locked. When you can open it, cast Revelio, and you’ll get the potions room Revelio Page. GO further into the room, and you will find a Gargoyle at the top of the class, Cast Confringo, then Accio to grab the Field Guide Page.
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There are two field guide pages missing on this guide, both of which are in the Dungeons. Past the Alchemy class, there is a flying page that can be obtained with Accio. Nearby, there is a door with a Level I lock. Beyond that door lies a frog statue that can be interacted with into a hidden room. To your left, near another frog statue, is a Levioso statue, which has the final field guide page in the area.

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Hey mate. I'm aware of them, but I believe some of the basement areas count for other castle areas. I could be misremembering, however. Either way, I appreciate your comment in case my memory has failed me, and they do indeed count for Astronomy.

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There are two field guide pages missing on this guide, both of which are in the Dungeons. Past the Alchemy class, there is a flying page that can be obtained with Accio. Nearby, there is a door with a Level I lock. Beyond that door lies a frog statue that can be interacted with into a hidden room. To your left, near another frog statue, is a Levioso statue, which has the final field guide page in the area.

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Hey mate. I'm aware of them, but I believe some of the basement areas count for other castle areas. I could be misremembering, however. Either way, I appreciate your comment in case my memory has failed me, and they do indeed count for Astronomy.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    31 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    9 August 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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