The world of Hogwarts Legacy has surprises crawling around every corner, sometimes literally. Among the vast amount of spells and treasures you can find, there are beasts to adopt. Once you gain the ability to capture them in the fall, you can snatch them up and add them to your Room of Requirements Vivarium. Here these creatures will frolic around, mate if you so choose, and give you ingredients in return for just a bit of care. The guide below goes over how to find a shiny beast in Hogwarts Legacy to give your Vivarium a splash of unique colors.
A shiny mooncalf in Hogwarts Legacy.
Where to Find Shiny Beast¶
Shiny beasts are pretty interesting as they are something you just stumble across while exploring Beast Dens. The first one you may encounter is in the Brood and Peck, where the shopkeeper has a shiny niffler right in the area where you use Revlio to get a page. If you look at the niffler, you will notice it has a cross next to its name, indicating that it is a shiny beast.
A shiny beast in the wild.
In the wild, you won’t really be able to tell which beast is shiny just by observing the herd. When you get near them though, a cross will be next to their name. Look out for this when shiny beast hunting to save yourself a lot of time and space in your Nab-sack. Shiny beasts are always mixed in with regular ones and don’t have special spawn points.
How Often Do Shiny Beasts Spawn in Hogwarts Legacy?¶
Shiny Beasts aren’t as rare as you may initially think. Unlike the painful odds of Shiny Pokemon, beasts with special coloring are a lot more common. In fact, in our tests, we found a shiny beast around every 30 minutes to an hour of searching Beast Dens. Furthermore, there are some shiny beasts that are easier to spawn than others. Here are some tips for finding shiny beasts.
- If they spawn at a certain time of day, change the time to spawn a new beast until you get a shiny.
- Typically, beasts like Mooncalf are easier to find in shiny form since changing the time of day to respawn the herd is much less time-consuming.
- If you don’t see a shiny at first, go to another area and then come back to the non-shinies will despawn.
- Try to move between two to three different dens when shiny hunting to make more of your time while you wait for respawns.
-Try to breed for them.
While you can just catch a Beast Den’s inhabitants to clear it out, it’s much faster to just let things repopulate. Please note that shiny beasts won’t be worth more money than other beasts and won’t produce more materials. Shiny beast are purely cosmetic change that gives you a bit of an extra challenge.
Can You Get Shiny Mount in Hogwarts Legacy?¶
Yes, you can get a shiny mount in Hogwarts Legacy. The catch is that the only way to get it was to pre-order the game as the Onyx Hippogriff is a shiny mount. There are currently no other shiny mounts in the game. With that being said, you can catch and breed for shiny Thestrals, Hippogriffs, and Graphorns.
Can You Breed Shiny Beasts?¶
Yes, you can breed shiny beasts or normal beasts and get a shiny baby. This is another way to go about shiny hunting, as it takes around 30 minutes to get a single baby. If you use all your pins, you can breed a total of twelve pairs of beasts at once if you have all three Vivariums and have placed four breeding pins in each of them.
Depending on what creatures you currently have in pairs, this can be a quick way to try and spawn a shiny. In fact, it seems that you may even be able to save your game right before the clock ticks over and the baby appears to get a shiny. Of course, we don’t have access to how the code works for baby beast quite yet so this will take more testing.
Interesting, I wasn't aware of this