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Hogwarts Legacy

All Astronomy Tables in Hogwarts Legacy

Ben Chard
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As you progress during your adventure in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll soon gain the ability to see and use "Astronomy Table" iconAstronomy Tables out in "The Highlands" iconThe Highlands. These are one of the Exploration Challenges and will reward you with cosmetic gear as you complete each milestone.

When do Astronomy Tables Unlock?

Before you can begin your search for the Astronomy Tables, you’ll first need to progress the story far enough for them to become available. You will need to progress through the Main Quest until you complete the Astronomy Class, after which you’ll obtain the Telescope and will complete the first one, which counts for the "South Hogwarts Region" iconSouth Hogwarts Region.

Beyond the small amount of EXP you obtain for completing each table puzzle, you won’t get anything else for them. The rewards come from completing the Challenge Milestones in the form of astrology themed cosmetics that you can apply to your gear.

Tables Cleared Reward
5 Starry-eyed Seer’s Scarf
10 Starry-eyed Seer’s Ensemble
15 Starry-eyed Seer’s Cape

Where to Find Astronomy Tables

The map markers for these Astronomy Tables won’t show up until you’ve completed the relevant Quest. After which, you can find them in the following locations along with the solutions to their puzzles.

Clagmar Coast Astronomy Table

(1 of 2) Head here in !Clagmar Coast

Head here in !Clagmar Coast (left), this is the sign for Lupus. (right)

Cragcroftshire Astronomy Table

(1 of 2) Go to !Cragcroftshire for this table

Go to !Cragcroftshire for this table (left), this is the sign for Cetus. (right)

Feldcroft Region Astronomy Table #1

(1 of 2) This is the first of two tables in the !Feldcroft Region

This is the first of two tables in the !Feldcroft Region (left), this is the sign for !Lacerta. (right)

Feldcroft Region Astronomy Table #2

(1 of 2) This is the second of two tables in the !Feldcroft Region

This is the second of two tables in the !Feldcroft Region (left), this is the sign for !Horologium. (right)

Forbidden Forest Astronomy Table

(1 of 2) Go to the !Forbidden Forest for this table

Go to the !Forbidden Forest for this table (left), this is the sign for !Draco. (right)

Hogsmeade Valley Astronomy Table

(1 of 2) Go to !Hogsmeade Valley for this table

Go to !Hogsmeade Valley for this table (left), this is the sign for !Leo. (right)

Hogwarts Grounds Astronomy Table

(1 of 2) This table is on the !Hogwarts Grounds

This table is on the !Hogwarts Grounds (left), this is the sign for !Phoenix. (right)

This is the “missing” 15th table. The Highlands tracker only states 14 tables but you need 15 for the Challenge. This is because it’s located within the "Hogwarts Grounds" iconHogwarts Grounds and will be most likely the last one you find.

Hogwarts Valley Astronomy Table #1

(1 of 2) This is the first of two tables in !Hogwarts Valley

This is the first of two tables in !Hogwarts Valley (left), this is the sign for !Corvus. (right)

Hogwarts Valley Astronomy Table #2

(1 of 2) This is the second of two tables in !Hogwarts Valley

This is the second of two tables in !Hogwarts Valley (left), this is the sign for !Capricornus. (right)

Manor Cape Astronomy Table

(1 of 2) Go to !Manor Cape for this table

Go to !Manor Cape for this table (left), this is the sign for !Sagittarius (right)

Marunweem Lake Astronomy Table

(1 of 2) Go to !Marunweem Lake for the next table

Go to !Marunweem Lake for the next table (left), this is the sign for !Canis Major. (right)

North Ford Bog Astronomy Table

(1 of 2) Off to !North Ford Bog for this table

Off to !North Ford Bog for this table (left), this is the sign for !Centaurus. (right)

Poidsear Coast Astronomy Table

(1 of 2) Go to !Poidsear Coast for this table

Go to !Poidsear Coast for this table (left), this is the sign for !Hydra. (right)

South Hogwarts Region Astronomy Table #1

(1 of 2) You will complete this table as part of the story

You will complete this table as part of the story (left), this is the sign for Lyra. (right)

South Hogwarts Region Astronomy Table #2

(1 of 2) This is the second of two tables in the !South Hogwarts Region

This is the second of two tables in the !South Hogwarts Region (left), this is the sign for !Scorpius. (right)

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    31 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    9 August 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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