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Looking for every Treasure Vault in "Hogwarts Valley" iconHogwarts Valley? Don’t worry, we’ve found them all already. That’s right, we’ve marked them on our astounding interactive map as can be seen on the table below. For those who want a bit more information and how to solve the puzzle of opening each Treasure Vault in Hogwarts Valley, we have that angle covered too. See below the Map Link table mentioned for screenshots of each Treasure Vault and detailed instructions on how to get there and solve them. We’ve even included what Witches and Wizards will receive too because we love looking after our readers.

Every Treasure Vault In Hogwarts Legacy

See below for every Treasure Vault in Hogwarts Valley. Scroll down a little bit further for more detail on each location:

Location Map Marker
South-East of Central "Hogwarts Valley" iconHogwarts Valley Map Link
East of "Brocburrow" iconBrocburrow Map Link
North Of "Brocburrow" iconBrocburrow Map Link
North-West Of West "Hogwarts Valley" iconHogwarts Valley 1 Map Link
North-West Of West "Hogwarts Valley" iconHogwarts Valley 2 Map Link
North East Of West "Hogwarts Valley" iconHogwarts Valley Map Link
South-East Of West "Hogwarts Valley" iconHogwarts Valley Map Link
South Of West "Hogwarts Valley" iconHogwarts Valley Map Link
South-East Of "Keenbridge" iconKeenbridge Map Link
South-West Of "Keenbridge" iconKeenbridge Map Link
West Of The Mine’s Eye Map Link

South-East of Central Hogwarts Valley

Find Crimson Quidditch Gloves in this Treasure Vault.

Head 300 meters South-East of the Central Hogwarts Valley Floo Flame to find a ruined building covered in vines. Use a fire spell such as "Incendio" iconIncendio to clear them quickly. This will need to be done twice for the entrance on the rear wall and also the left-hand outside wall. The Treasure Vault cube can be found to right of this under a tree. Use "Accio" iconAccio to move to to the right of the Treasure Vault door up to a second floor where the Treasure Vault Sigil resides. Once the Block has been places, fly up and perform "Levioso" iconLevioso on it to unlock the Treasure Vault. Head down the Treasure Vault corridors and stand on with of the spinning cove cirular floor buttons to switch to a secret room containing the Treasure Chest.

East of Brocburrow

Find a Rustic Sleeping Cap in this Treasure Vault.

From the "Brocburrow" iconBrocburrow Floo Flame, head East and take a right at the Merlin trial on the path. The Treasure Vault can be found built into the hillside. Take a right from the entrance to find a Keystone embedded into a stone pillar. Use Accio to pull it into place and to unlock the Treasure Vault door. Head down the corridor to find three piles of bones, use Accio again to lift them into the central room feature for them to eventually form into a dome. Once all three Skeletons have been formed they will reveal a Treasure Chest (Use revelio to see it). Use "Depulso" iconDepulso to remove the bones and open the Treasure Chest.

North Of Brocburrow

A set of Blue Solar Protection Goggles can be found in this Treasure Vault.

Head North from the Brocburrow Floo Flame past the lake and the foot of the hills to find a Treasure Vault with a stone brick wall blocking the entrance. Find the Treasure Vaults Cube to the right of the door up the hill. Use Accio to bring it to the Treasure Vault Sigil, then cast "Glacius" iconGlacius on to open the door. Head to the main room and run through the freestanding arch then back through. Turn around and cast "Revelio" iconRevelio to find the Treasure Chest.

North-West Of West Hogwarts Valley 1

Find a pair of Silver Four Eyes Spectacles in this Treasure Vault.

Grab a broom and head up the mountain side from the West Hogwarts Valley Floo Flame. Witches and Wizards will know they’re in the right place due to it being guarded by "Thornback Matriarch" iconThornback Matriarchs and other Spiders. Wipe these out and head up the path to the left of the Treasure Vault entrance to find "Venomous Hatchling" iconVenomous Hatchlings and a "Venomous Scurriour" iconVenomous Scurriour guarding the block needed to open this Treasure vault. Use Accio to bring it back to the entrance and drop it on the plate in front of the Entrance, then cast Incendio to open the Treasure Vault. Enter the Vault and follow the corridor down until finding the last room. Walk through the freestanding archway, look back and use Revelio to find the Treasure.

North-West Of West Hogwarts Valley 2

Find the chest in a dark corner at the back of the final room. Don’t forget about using Revelio!

Head South from the previous Treasure Vault by just over 160 meters. The Entrance for this Treasure Vault is carved into the cliff face of the mountain, and is also guarded by "Thornback Scurriour" iconThornback Scurriours and the like. Head straight in to the last room to find the Treasure Chest.

North East Of West Hogwarts Valley

A pair of Gold Wooden Spectacles can be found in this Treasure Vault.

Head North-East from the previous Treasure Vault for around 170 meters to find the next Treasure Vault dug in under a rocky hill. Use Accio to move the cube nearby onto the sigil on the floor, then cast Levioso on it. Head into the Treasure Vault to find a room with three retracting brick walls. The Treasure is on the right as Witches and Wizards enter the room.

South-East Of West Hogwarts Valley

Find a Silver Scarf in this Treasure Vault.

Head South from the last Treasure Vault for around 360 meters or fly South-East from the West Hogwarts Valley Floo Flame. Witches and Wizards will find the Vault Door sealed with bricks, so head above to find the Treasure Vault Cube near the ruined archway. There can be a glitch in Hogwarts Legacy that sinks the Cube into the Floor of the path above. Simply save, exit the game and load said save to fix this issue. Use Accio to move it onto the sigil in front of the entrance then cast Levioso on it to open this Treasure Vault. Enter to find "Inferius" iconInferius waiting, use an upgraded Incendio to deal radius fire damage to make quick work of them. The Treasure Chest can be found behind a spiders web at the top-right of this room containing a Silver Scarf.

South Of West Hogwarts Valley

Find a Striped Sleeping Cap in this Treasure Vault.

Head 325 meters South-West from the last Treasure Vault or head South from the West Hogwarts Valley Floo Flame. Find a platform to land on in the cliff side and head straight into the entrance. Head down the corridor and dive into the pool to surface in a secret area. The chest can be found on the ground of this room.

South-East Of Keenbridge

Find a Decorus Classic School Uniform in this Treasure Vault.

Head South-East from the "Keenbridge" iconKeenbridge Floo Flame, past the Beehives and into the river to find a diving spot. On arriving inside the Treasure Vault, take the second bay and approach the stone door. Peer through the rectangular opening in the rock face to the right to see a keystone hook. Use Accio to pull this into place to open the stone door. Follow the path round to find a small chest with 41 gold and a larger chest.

South-West Of Keenbridge

Refined Duelling Gloves can be found in this Treasure Vault.

Head South-West from the Keenbridge Floo Flame or fly roughly 350 meters South-West from the last Treasure Vault location. Fly over the crooked house to find the next Treasure Vault hug into the hillside with a stone brick face. Atop of the Treasure Vault hill Witches and Wizards will find a ring of standing stone pillars. Cast Incendio in the middle to burn away the vines to reveal the Treasure Vault cube. Use Accio to move it to the Treasure Vault Sigil and then cast Levioso on it.

Pull the key stone hooks in the following order:

  • Right: Top-Right, Middle-Left (Thornback Scurriour attack)
  • Left: Middle-Right ("Thornback Shooter" iconThornback Shooter attack)
  • Left: Top-Right, Middle-Left, Bottom-Right followed by Right: Top-Right, Middle-Right, Bottom-Right.

This will drop the stone gates for Wizards and Witches to find their Treasure in the stone chest.

West Of The Mine’s Eye

A Fringed Crimson Clockwork Scarf can be found in this Treasure Vault.

Head to the Mine’s Eye Floo Flame and travel West on the path, the Treasure Vault can be found built into the cliff face under a ruined train track. Use Depulso to force the ruined Treasure Vault doors open. Head down the corridor into the Treasure Vault room to find a chest in the top-hand corner.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    31 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    9 August 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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