If you want a quick way to earn money and get free potion ingredients, then you are going to want to invest your time in capturing beasts. There are beast dens scattered all around the Hogwarts Legacy map, including in smaller regions like Cragcroftshire. The guide below takes a look at all the beast dens in Cragcroftshire, what beasts you can catch there, and where every den is located in the region.
Flying over Cragcroftshire.
There are three different beast dens in the Cragcroftshire region.
Beast Type | Den Location |
![]() |
Map Marker |
Kneazle | Map Marker |
Niffler | Map Marker |
Jobberknoll Den¶
This den is located right next to the Cragcroftshire floo flame in the northern part of the map. Jobberknoll will be flying around when you approach them so use
Accio to pull them towards you so that you can easily capture them with
Glacius or
Arresto Momentum. When cared for Jobberknoll will give you
Jobberknoll Feathers.
(1 of 2) !Jobberknoll den location.
!Jobberknoll den location. (left), !Jobberknoll den in Cragcroftshire. (right)
Kneazle Den¶
The Kneazle can be found nesting in the Cragcroftshire mountains, north of the Cragcroft hamlet. When taken care of, Kneazle will give you
Kneazle Fur.
(1 of 2) !Kneazle den location.
!Kneazle den location. (left), !Kneazle den in Cragcroftshire. (right)
Niffler Den¶
The Niffler den is located on a small island south of the Cragcroft hamlet. They are easy to catch and will give you Niffler Fur when placed in your Vivarium and cared for.
(1 of 2) !Niffler den location.
!Niffler den location. (left), !Niffler den in Cragcroftshire. (right)
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