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Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy Roadmap

Jessica Dillon
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If you are looking to get the very most out of Hogwarts Legacy, or love to complete achievements, then you’re going to have to set aside a large chunk of time. Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world RPG with four different paths to choose from in the form of houses. You will also find dozens of sidequests, challenges, and gameplay-related achievements like learning to brew all the potions. The guide below goes over how to get all 45 trophies in Hogwarts Legacy.

The Final Repository is the final main quest in Hogwarts Legacy.

Normal Gameplay Achievements

Every game has a set of trophies that you will naturally obtain just from playing through the game the very first time. Here are all the trophies that you are going to get from naturally playing through the game.

  • The Sort Who Makes an Entrance
  • One of the Four Map Chamber Achievements
  • A Keen Sense of Spell
  • First Class Student
  • Troll with the Punches
  • That’s a Keeper
  • The Defender of Dragons
  • Loom for Improvement
  • Coasting Along
  • Grappling with the !Graphorn
  • The One Who Mastered Memories
  • Room with a View
  • The Hallowed Hero
  • The Hero of Hogwarts
  • The Seeker of Knowledge

All in all, you can beat the main game in around twenty-five hours. If you skip the cutscenes and side content, this total will fall down to around thirteen hours. Additionally, you don’t have to worry about which difficulty you choose in Hogwarts Legacy. There are no difficulty-related trophies in the game. You will get a total of fifteen trophies by just playing through the story.

Side Quest Relate Achievements

This is where things start to get a little bit harder. Not every side quest will give you an achievement. In fact, most of them want until you finish them all. These are the side quests that you will need to beat for achievements.

Poppy in the Forbidden Forest.

Trophy How to Get
The Avenging Gazelle Complete Natsai Onsai’s companionship quest.
Beast Friends Complete Poppy Sweetings companionship quest.
A Sallow Grave Complete Sebastion Sallows companionship quest.
Rise From the Ashes Complete Deek’s quest line
The Good Samaritan Complete every side quest in the game.

This is where a large chunk of your time is going to go. You should set aside an hour or two for each of the companionship quests. In addition to these, there are 58 side quests in the game. For the most part, these will take around 15 to 30 minutes at the very most each to finish. To complete them all, you are looking at around thirteen and a half hours of gameplay time. This accounts for another five trophies.

Collection Related Achievements

This is a much more difficult category to deal with as it involves achievements that relate to things like learning spells, solving puzzles, and using potions. This is where you will find the bulk of the achievements for this game. The chart below goes over each achievement and a tip to help you get it much easier.

Achievement Best Way to Get
Demiguise Dread For this, you simply need to get all the Demiguise statues, you can check how man are at Hogwarts, in "Hogsmeade" iconHogsmeade, and in each Hamlet by hovering over the location, the best way to find them is by using are page here.
Merlin’s Beard! You will need to find and complete every Merlin Trials. You can see them all here.
The Nature of the Beast You will need to breed every type of beast, there are twelve that can breed in all, and this excludes the "Phoenix" iconPhoenix.
Challenge Accepted Complete every tier of a challenge. You will easily unlock this after doing all of the Merlin Trials.
Going Through the Potions You will need to make every potion. Each one brews in real-time, so use a timer. If you are missing some, then go to J. Pippins to pick them up.
Put Down Roots For this achievement, you will want to grow every plant, visit both The Magic Neep and Dogweed and Deathcap to buy the seeds.
Rise to the Challenges You will need to complete the battle arena in "North Ford Bog" iconNorth Ford Bog and in the "Feldcroft Region" iconFeldcroft Region.
The Intrepid Explorer You need to find all cair dungeons. This is part of the following quests: The Helm of Urtkot, Cursed Tomb Treasure, Beeting a Curse, In the Shadow of Time, The Centaur and the Stone.
Floo Around the World You simply need to activate every floo flame on the map.
The Spell Master For this, you need to unlock every spell, including the three dark curses. Check out the guide [here](https://www.gamerguides.com/hogwarts-legacy/guide/spells/all-

There are a total of ten collection-related trophies. You should look at adding on another 5 to ten hours of gameplay to get these all done, depending on your current stats.

How to Get The Collector’s Edition Achievement in Hogwarts Legacy

The hardest achievement by far is the Collector’s Edition. You will need to do a completion run to get it. Here is everything you need to get to unlock the Collector’s Edition trophy.

  • All 150 Field Guide Pages
  • All 75 Traits
  • All 42 Wand Handles
  • All 140 Conjuration Spells
  • All 78 Cosmetic Items
  • Find All 67 Different Types of Enemies
  • Find all Beast Dens
  • Gather all Plant and Potion Materials.
  • Pop All Balloons

Luckily, you will knock some of this stuff out by doing the achievements before this section. The other chunk of items can be bought in stores in "Hogsmeade" iconHogsmeade if it’s plant or potion related.

Attending your first herbology class.

We have a map for all the field guide pages in Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, as well as a Hogwarts Grounds guide section that breaks down where to find all the school-based field guide pages.

Gameplay and Combat-Related Achievements

This final batch of achievements are all related to the gameplay and combat of Hogwarts Legacy.

Popping balloons in Hogwarts Legacy.

Achievement Best Way to Get
Finishing Touches For this spell, you will need to use ancient magic on every enemy in the game.
Third Time’s a Charm Upgrade three pieces of gear at the loom in your Room of Requirements. This can be low-grade gear to make things easy. Just make sure you have beasts to give you upgrade supplies.
A Talent for Spending Use five talent points.
Followed the "Butterflies" iconButterflies All you need to do is follow a set of butterflies. You can use the ones here for easy completion.
Flight the Good Flight Beat all broom races with the fastest time.
Spilled Milk For this achievement, you simply need to go here, a cow pasture is right above this treasure vault. You will then need to use Flippendo on a cow ten times.
The Ends Petrify the Means Use "Petrificus Totalus" iconPetrificus Totalus to take out 50 enemies.
Raising Expectations You need to hit a move combo of 100. This is easier to do quests where enemies don’t stop spawning, like when you fight Victor Rookwood.
The Root of the Problem Use a Mandarake against enemies ten times. To do this while saving money, simply grow them and make them part of your bandit camp raids.
A Forte for Achievement For this achievement, you will need to reach level 40.
Savvy Spender After you reach level 40, unlock every trait.

There are ten trophies to get in this section. Out of these, A Forte For Achievement is the most difficult as it requires you to max out your level. To do this, you pretty much have to complete all the side quests in the game, find a ton of field guide pages and pop a lot of balloons. Most of the tasks above just take a few minutes, but you can expect to be playing the game for around 40 to 50 hours before you hit the max level.

House Alliance Achievements

The final three trophies are arguably the most annoying to get, as you must start the whole game over and make it to the map room as the other three houses. The best way to do this is to save right before you reach Hogwarts. The sorting ceremony is short, but you will need to reach the Map Chamber in every playthrough. When rushed, this will take you around three and a half hours per playthrough or around in total ten hours to unlock all three house-related achievements.

Ravenclaw common room.

Sadly, there is no real way to speed this up and even saving right before you get to Hogwarts only knocks off around twenty minutes of playtime. There is also the problem of these saves having no other use outside of enjoying a replay of the story or trying to see one of the other endings. After you are done with these three, you should unlock the final trophy, Trophy Triumph, with your total overall play time sitting somewhere around 60 hours.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    31 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    9 August 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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