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“The Tale of Rowland Oakes” requires a keen mind for problem-solving, level 1 locks to bend to one’s will, and a dab hand in combat. This is one of the more entertaining side quests in Hogwarts Legacy, including saving someone. The traveling salesman-turned-missing, Rowland Oakes, has a close relationship with his niece Adelaide Oakes. It’s good to see, as she’s noticed that his regular letters aren’t that regular anymore.

The Tale Of Rowland Oakes

Find Adelaide Oakes in the Transfiguration courtyard along the North-East wall. She goes on to explain her dilemma of her missing his weekly letters while out on business. Rowland Oakes’ last letter confirmed he was in dealings with some Ranrok loyalists, which put Adelaide on edge, given the Troll attack on "Hogsmeade" iconHogsmeade and Goblin involvement.

(1 of 2) Fast travel to the Transfiguration Courtyard by using the respective Floo Flame.

Fast travel to the Transfiguration Courtyard by using the respective Floo Flame. (left), Rowland Oakes’s niece Adelaide Oakes will be waiting there to start the side quest. (right)

Luckily he likes to draw maps of where he’ll be stopping off next, and his last message stated he was stopping off in a camp up north. Although the area will be marked on the field guide map already, we found the best way to get to Rowland Oakes campsite was to fast-travel to Jackdaw’s Tomb Floo Flame and head west on a mount. A Broom will do fine, but we have a thing for showing off Black Hippogryphs in screenshots.

Make sure to land just before the campsite to get the edge on the Loyalist Goblins hanging around the campsite. It’s nothing too challenging; just make sure to match up spell types to the color of "Protego" iconProtegos and keep those combos flying. Once they’ve been cleared out, use "Revelio" iconRevelio to note any hidden treasures dropped from Loyalists and any chests. The ones in the tent hold 63 gold and the Venom III collection item.

Look to the west alongside the rock wall to find a wood shelter and Rowland Oakes’ Journal to the right of it. Look on the crates and barrels under this wood structure to find a hand-drawn map featuring landmarks and a clear path to a destination. Looking at the field guide map can be a little confusing, to say the least, so we’ll make it easy for you. Look west from the current location to find Korrow Ruins and a nearby Floo Flame location. This is where Rowland Oakes is being held captive by Ranrok loyalists.

(1 of 5) Best to fast travel to the Jackdaw’s Tomb Floo Flame and head west to Oake’s Campsite.

It’s best to take a clear path toward Korrow Ruins on arrival, removing necessary Loyalists on the way and using cover such as walls to split up the onslaught. Getting to Korrow Ruins entrance takes patience and correctly juggling enemies. Witches and Wizards just need to take their time. Making a waypoint to Korrow Ruins leads straight to the entrance, so no worries there, either.

Once inside, take the two hallways to the main hall and clear out the Loyalists. Then look to the locked Goblin metal door to the North and use "Alohomora" iconAlohomora to unlock this level 1 lock. There’s a Loyalist to be defeated and a chest with 59 gold in the center of the small room. Returning to the main hall, head south through the ruined walls to reach another hall with some "Loyalist Warrior" iconLoyalist Warriors and "Loyalist Sentinel" iconLoyalist Sentinels to take down.

Witches and Wizards should now have a location marker but head east to a statue with a pyre bowl. Use "Incendio" iconIncendio to set it alight to open up a secret passageway and step into the gap for the figure to rotate into a private room with a chest and "Wiggenweld Potion" iconWiggenweld Potion. Heading south will lead into a grand hall with a goddess-like statue behind massive windows, which is also naturally packed full of Loyalists. Juggle enemies and build up combos as usual while using the exploding crates near the giant statue.

Whilst facing the goddess statue, take a right (west) into the small candle-lit room to find Rowland Oakes’ wand on the table. Don’t worry, Witches and Wizards can thank us later for saving some time. Witches and Wizards will then want to head back up the main hall entrance steps and take a left to the balcony. The second doorway looks like it has a wall at the end; keep going for it to open up to find a Wiggenweld Potion and a chest with some gold inside. Head down the right-hand side south passage and head into the undercroft of Korrow Ruins, which is doubled-up as a dungeon. Naturally, it’s packed with "Loyalist Assassin" iconLoyalist Assassins to deal with too. Defeat them all and head straight to an automatic Goblin metal door to find Rowland Oakes.

(1 of 6) The undercroft now doubles up as a dungeon alongside a brilliant hangout for Ranrok loyalists.

Remember the wand that Witches and Wizards picked up a few moments ago? Now players don’t need to backtrack to get it. Rowland explains he can unlock the door without his wand but can’t channel the necessary magic. Players will need to start another conversation to give Rowland his wand. He will then unlock the enchanted door and explain that he’s been robbed of his inventory and left in the cell to rot.

As our protagonist pushes him to get to safety, our short conversation ends and the quest is now complete. Players will get a Handcrafted Necklace and 180 XP as a reward. You’ll then need to roll out of Korrow Ruins, simply backtrack and feel free to hang around and clear out the rest of Ranrok’s royalists.

(1 of 3) Once free, he’ll explain about having his inventory stolen.

More Hogwarts Legacy?

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    31 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    9 August 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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