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No one wants to get hit with potentially fatal Spells, most of all budding Wizards and Witches of the Wizarding World, which is why Defense Against The Dark Arts classes exist. The Unforgivable Curses are the most extreme case of Dark Arts, with the moniker being given to any spell that harms another living thing. The line is also burred in many cases of the Dark Arts, with some extreme spells, like Unforgivable Curses, being banned and others frowned upon. In any case, it’s important for Wizards and Witches to know Defense Against The Dark Arts. Let’s get straight into one of the first lessons for our protagonist at Hogwarts below:

Defense Against The Dark Arts Class in Hogwarts Legacy

Head through the Transfiguration Courtyard and into the Defense Against The Dark Arts Towers after speaking to Professor Fig. Head straight up the first flight of stairs before bearing left up another set. Next, take a right at the interactive globe and head up another flight of stairs to reach the Defense Against The Dark Arts Class.

(1 of 2) Make sure to hit the nessessary face buttons whilst using the left stick for wand movements.

Make sure to hit the nessessary face buttons whilst using the left stick for wand movements. (left), Make sure Defense Against The Dark Arts Class is the active quest and simply follow the marker. (right)

The lesson starts as our Witch or Wizard walks into the classroom to witness two students dueling, one of which is Sebastian Sallow. He’s a handy Slytherin house member whose grit and tenancy towards bending the rules pays off in bags later in the game. His opponent, Leander Prewett, is on the back foot as Sebastian’s Bombara Spell is deflected and accidentally hits a giant skull hanging from the classroom’s rafters. Luckily, Professor Hecat steps in at the right time to save Leander from being crushed with the "Levioso" iconLevioso Spell.

With a unique brand of wit and sarcasm, Professor Hecat requests that the students blast each other to pieces in their own time, stating that she “Gets new students every year but I only have one Hebridean Black skull.” Classy. After giving some details about her career as an Unspeakable for the Ministry of Magic background, Hecat states that the students will be learning about the very Levitation Spell used to save one of their own, stating that it saved her from more Dark Wizards than she can remember.

Learning the Levioso Spell

Students crack on with learning straight away by learning the wand moment and prompts for Levioso. Using the DualSense-Stick-L-Filled L-Stick, Witches and Wizards need to flick to the right, then up, followed by a semicircle arching to the left. Make sure to notice the DualSense-ButtonCross-Filled X / Xbox-ButtonA-Filled A button prompts along the way. The Spell is first practiced on a feather, followed by a mannequin.

(1 of 2) The duel against Sebastian is fairly straight forward. Just break his defenses with Leviosa and hammer it home with the basic command.

The duel against Sebastian is fairly straight forward. Just break his defenses with Leviosa and hammer it home with the basic command. (left), Professor Hecat is an ex Unspeakable at the UK Ministry of Magic. Needless to say she has a few stories to tell. (right)

Hecat then shows students how to break yellow "Protego" iconProtego shields before dealing damage via the basic cast and defending with Protego. Once complete, Witches and Wizards will face off against Sebastian Sallow in an official duel in class. It’s relatively simple in all honesty; just kick things off with Levioso by holding down R2/RT and pressing the relevant mapped button to break his Protego and follow up with basic casts by tapping R2/RT. Don’t forget about defending with Protego if needed by pressing DualSense-ButtonTriangle-Filled Triangle / Joy-Con-ButtonY-Filled Y and following up with a Stupify counter by holding the button down.

After Professor Hecat has a chat with Wizards and Witches about assignments to follow and to commend them for their efforts, they need to speak to Sebastian at the back left-hand side of the class. He’ll also congratulate the protagonist on a good duel and extend an invitation to Crossed Wands, the exclusive, unsanctioned dueling organization. Feel free to take whichever reply one deems fit, we went along with him because it sounded cool. It’s all about being clever enough not to get caught after all. Finishing this conversation also completes the quest, so make sure to head over to Charms Class next if one hasn’t already done so.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    31 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    9 August 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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