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Hogwarts Legacy

All Bell Tower Wing Field Guide & Revelio Pages in Hogwarts Legacy

Craig Robinson

The Bell Tower Wing is one of the many wings within the "Hogwarts Grounds" iconHogwarts Grounds. Like with every other wings, there are collection items, field ages, and other collectibles to pick up, In total, there are 34 Bell Tower Field and "Revelio" iconRevelio Pages to acquire, scattered in every crevice, locked room, and classroom you can find. To make it easier for you to get your way to pretty platinum, we’ve made a list of all Bell Tower Field & Revelio Pages in Hogwarts Legacy.

All Bell Tower Field & Revelio Pages in Hogwarts Legacy

There are 34 Field Pages in the Bell Tower. However, the areas you can find these in are anywhere along the northeast to the southeast corners of the grounds, along with the very tiny built area inside the castle. Moreso, bits and pieces are knocking around at the top of the towers, all the way to the basement and everywhere in between. To make it easier to find what you’re looking for, we’ve split the Field Pages into distinct areas, so you can look for them in each area before moving on to the next one.

Bell Tower Courtyard Field Guide and Revelio Pages

The Bell Tower Courtyard area is a very large and dense area for Field Pages, especially Revelio Pages. We have split this section into several headings, broken into the Courtyard, North Hall, and Bell Tower ascent.

In this section, you will find Revelio Pages and Field Guide Pages in the Courtyard proper, showing you all the museum display cabinets and other bits and bobs in the area.

(1 of 10) Next to the Courtyard exit is a broken broom.

  1. "Broken Broom" iconBroken Broom: Teleport to the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and turn and face the main door out of Hogwarts. On the right of the door is a broken broom, which you can access via using Revelio.
  2. "Flattened Armour" iconFlattened Armour: On the other side of the Broken Broom in the Flattened Armor statue. Cast Revelio once again to claim this Field Page.
  3. "Three Sisters Bells" iconThree Sisters Bells: There are three bells in a display case near the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame. Look north from the Floo Flame, and you can see the display case on the right side of the stairs.
  4. "Wooden Cat" iconWooden Cat: Head North up the stairs from the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame. On the right before the arched wooden door is a wooden cat statue. Cast Revelio to get it.
  5. "Goblin Artefact" iconGoblin Artefact: Go up the southern steps from the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, and you will have an ornament on the right as soon as you reach the top of the stairs. Cast Revelio, and get the Goblin Artefact Field Page.
  6. Sir Affpuddle: During the history school side mission, which takes place in the classroom the south of the Courtyard Floo Flame, up the stairs, you get brought into the courtyard. As part of the quest objectives, you must get the Revelio Pages for Sir Affpuddle. Go up the small stairs to the north of the Floo Flame, and head right to the are with the knight statues. He is the one in the corner
  7. Grimbald Weft: During the history school side mission, which takes place in the class room the south of the Courtyard Floo Flame, up the stairs, you get brought into the courtyard. You must get the Revelio Pages for Grimbald Weft as part of the quest objectives. He is behind the small stairs to the south of the Floo Flame.
  8. "Scorch Marks" iconScorch Marks: Go up the southern stairs, then turn left to climb the next set of stairs. At the top, you will find ash on the wall. Cast Revelio, and you will find the Scorch Marks Revelio Page.
  9. Courtyard Flying Book: On the north side of the hall, you may find a Flying book high above flying around.
  10. Courtyard Brazier: There is a Brazier directly below the flying book area, near the statues in the corner of the room. This is next to the Air Affpuddle statue Revelio Page.

North Hall History Classroom

This section will detail the area known as the North Hall. The North Hall is up the southern flight of stairs from the Courtyard, and beyond the doorway where you found the Goblin Artefact. This area is home to the main flight of stairs, the history classroom, and the Hieroglyph Egypt room.

(1 of 7) Go into the History classroom and check the Merlin window out.

  1. "History of Magic Windows" iconHistory of Magic Windows: Go to the History classroom, which is along the southern set of stairs from the Courtyard Floo Flame. Keep going forward, and you’ll enter the history classroom. On the right of the classroom is a merlin stain glass window. Revelio it to get the page (I believe you need to have completed the history side quest to get this, as it doesn’t show up on my alt character, which hasn’t done this quest yet.)
  2. History Moth Mirror: Go to the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, then take the stairs to their south. Now keep going forward, and go through the door. On your left, you will see a flight of stairs going up and down. Go up the stairs, and the moth mirror is above on the right-hand wall. Cast "Lumos" iconLumos, get your hint, and now go back down the stairs. Turn left, and either go through the level 1 locked corridor, or the level 1 lock in the history room; both lead to the same place. Once inside, the Moth is on pillar on the right side of the room. Return it and get your field page.
  3. Sphinx Statue: The Sphinx Statue is the Hieroglyph room, which is the name of the locked rooms behind the history classroom. Go up to the Sphinx Statue, and cast Revelio to get your page.
  4. Hieroglyph Flying Page: At the back of the Egyptology, you can see a flying book, fluttering between the pillars. Cast "Accio" iconAccio to claim the book.
  5. Hieroglyph Levioso Statue: In the very back corner of the Hieroglyph room, near where you captured the flying book is a statue. Cast "Levioso" iconLevioso on the statue to claim your Field Page.
  6. Locked North Hall Room: Leave the Hieroglyph room, and head towards the Transfiguration Courtyard via the large double doors. Now move left, till you see a level one locked door just to its side. Break in, enter, go down the stairs, and you’ll access a hidden room in North Hall. There is a Levioso statue inside.

Bell Towers Field Guide and Revelio Pages

Now you’re done with the bottom floor, it is time to move to the upper part of the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame. Here, you will need to go up the stairs to the south, and then climb the main flight of stairs you can access if you turn left, rather than going straight forward.

(1 of 2) Inside the locked room at the top of the North Hall staircase.

Inside the locked room at the top of the North Hall staircase. (left), Atop the stairs leading to a higher-up music room the Bell Tower in the Courtyard area. (right)

  1. Brazier: Go up any of the flight of stairs you can find, either in the North Hall or in the Courtyard area. After climbing up the stairs, you will come across a locked door to the side. Break into this with your level 1 "Alohomora" iconAlohomora, and you will find a Brazier in the dusty corridor. Cast "Confringo" iconConfringo and get your prize.
  2. "Frog Choir" iconFrog Choir: Go up the bell tower stairs from the Courtyard Floo Flame, and path around the tight wooden halls. You will eventually make your way into a small music room. Cast Revelio against the lectern with the multiple frogs to get

Basement Field Guide and Revelio Pages

Before leaving the Courtyard area, you must check the basement for the one or two more Field Guide Pages. A very small area in the basement is classed as part of the Bell Tower, and not the Astronomy Wing. So, it’s time to visit that small section. To get here, go south from the Courtyard Floo Flame, up the small flight of stairs, and then through the door. You need to go down the stairs, through the door on the right to reach the basement area.

(1 of 3) There’s a hidden room behind the Tapestry as you enter the basement.

  1. Werewolf Saga Tapestry: Enter the basement area per the instructions above, until you come across the tapestry on the opposing wall with the woman and child in the yellow dress. You’ll find the letter K is actually a doorway for you to enter. Walk through the doorway, then on through the statue corridor. You will then enter a new room, with even more tapestries. The one in the back left corner reveals a Revelio Page.
  2. "Urn of Ashes" iconUrn of Ashes: The Urn of Ashes Revelio Page is just to the left as you enter the basement. Face the tapestry wall, then turn left, and then left again. You will find there’s a small decoration area on the other side of the first set of basement stairs as you enter. Cast Revelio, and you will get the Urn of Ashes Field Page.
  3. Important Muggle Artefact: Proceed down the basement stars, all the way down to the bottom. You will come across a "Sleeping Dragon Statue" iconSleeping Dragon Statue on the left, which is a Revelio Page for the Astronomy Wing. Move down the corridor on the right, and part way through, you’ll find a small drawbridge leading to a classroom door, with a tiny moat along the wall. This brings you to the Muggle room. Inside, you can cast Revelio against a large cannon, and earn yourself the Important Muggle Artefact Revelio Page.

Beasts Classroom Field Guide and Revelio Pages

Now you’re done with the Field Guide and Revelio Pages in The Bell Tower Wing. Now, it’s time to venture out into the outdoors, and claim the few pages around the beast classroom, and the Owl Tower.

(1 of 3) This book is flying around the beast classroom.

  1. Beast Classroom Flying Book: There is a flying book that orbits around the roof area of the Beast classroom. Stand in a spot, wait for it to come around, and grab it with Accio.
  2. Hogwarts Owls: Fly east from the Beasts classroom to the huge tower in the distance. Enter the building, climb the winding stairs, and reach the point before the ladder with the many stationed owls. Now cast Revelio, and reveal the Hogwarts Owls Revelio Page.
  3. Owl Tower Book: Climb the ladder to the very top, or try to land on top of the Owl Tower with your broom or flying mount. There is a flying book that circles the top of the tower.
  4. Owl Tower Statue: You can grab a Levioso statue by using Levioso on it at the top of the Owl Tower as well.

North Exit Field Guide and Revelio Pages

This section of the Bell Tower region will take you in two different directions. So, we have created a list which will take you on the left pathway first. Once that list is exhausted, the following list will take you towards the northeast part of this Floo Flame.

(1 of 3) Find the Thestral stable on the south side of the North Exit Gate. There is a locked butcher room that feeds the animals.

  1. Bloody Meat: Head inside the stable on the south side of the North Exit Floo Flame. Inside you will find two Thestrels. Ignore them,, as there’s a door you want to grab inside the stable. Unlock it, and you will find a mini butcher area. Cart Revelio, and you will get the Bloody Meat Revelio Page.
  2. Caged Bathtub: Follow the wall to the southwest, entering the Ramparts as you go. You will stumble into a dark room, with a jail cell inside it. Inside you will find a Bathtub. Cast Revelio, and you will get the Caged Bathtub Revelio Page. (You can get this pretty naturally during the Amit Thakar Astronomy Class lesson.)
  3. Quidditch Field: Follow the wall down to the most southwestern point, where the wall has collapsed. Go through the collapsed point. Take a sharp right and remain on the rocky edge. Cast Revelio on the rocks, and you’ll get the "Quidditch Pitch" iconQuidditch Pitch Revelio Page.

Northeast side of North Exit Floo

(1 of 7) On the outside wall of the carriage building is a brazier you need to ignite.

  1. North Exit Gargoyle: On top of the wall on the north side of the exit wall, you will find a Gargoyle perched on the bulk of the carriage building. You need to cast Confringo and then use Accio to get the Field Page.
  2. Portcullis Levioso: Travel up the stairs of the wall, and head along the path that leads directly above the North Exit Floo Flame. You will find a wooden door, with a level 1 lock. Unlock it, then cast Levioso on the statue inside to grab the Field Page.
  3. Carriage Moth Mirror: Head inside the carriage room on the left side of the North Exit Floo Flame. Besides the carriage is a locked door, which you need level 1 Alohomora to open. Once inside, there is a Moth Mirror. Cast Lumos and get the hint. Now, you need to leave the Carriage house and head east. Go past the stairs with the door underneath, and its rear wall will have the moth present on the wall.
  4. "Castle Ramparts" iconCastle Ramparts: Follow the Castle Ramparts from the Floo Flame, all the way to the east. You will come across a Rampart room section that makes the wall travel north. Inside you can cast Revelio to get the Revelio Page.
  5. Flying Rampart Book: Head further east from the northern wall into the garden just behind the greenhouse of the Library Annex. You will find a floating book somewhere near the fountain at the end of the path.
  6. "Glumbumbles" iconGlumbumbles: Follow the stone pathway east at the northern part of the ramparts, till you meet the fountain, (see FP 4). Near the fountain, you will find a gap in the garden wall. Go through it, and you will find some bee hive-looking objects. Cast Revelio, and grab the Glumbubles Revelio Page.

Congratulations, you have found all 34 Bell Tower Wing Field Guide and Revelio Pages. If you need more information, feel free to check out our other Field Pages in other wings, like Astronomy, Library Annex, South Wing, Staircase and more.

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Help! I only have one more Field Guide page in all of Hogwarts and it’s in this section. I have all Revelio pages. What am I missing?

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The only other thing I could think of is… do you know if you activate a levioso or confringo field page object, but possibly forget to collect the page and leave the area, what happens?

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Do the books only appear at certain times of day? And I know the gargoyle is not there… but I got the collectors edition achievement so if worse come to worse this last piece can wait. Thank you, though.

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Hey mate. Sorry for the late reply. If I'm to take a guess it's likely one of the annoying floating books. There's a really hard-to-see one in the Bell Tower Courtyard museum area. There's also another one that does a lap around the beast class too, You may have also missed the book flying at the top of the Owl Tower, or potentially the gargoyle along the northwest wall in the grounds.

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Help! I only have one more Field Guide page in all of Hogwarts and it’s in this section. I have all Revelio pages. What am I missing?

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The only other thing I could think of is… do you know if you activate a levioso or confringo field page object, but possibly forget to collect the page and leave the area, what happens?

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Do the books only appear at certain times of day? And I know the gargoyle is not there… but I got the collectors edition achievement so if worse come to worse this last piece can wait. Thank you, though.

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Hey mate. Sorry for the late reply. If I'm to take a guess it's likely one of the annoying floating books. There's a really hard-to-see one in the Bell Tower Courtyard museum area. There's also another one that does a lap around the beast class too, You may have also missed the book flying at the top of the Owl Tower, or potentially the gargoyle along the northwest wall in the grounds.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    31 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    9 August 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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