There are over 100 Collection Chests for Wizards and Witches to find in Hogwarts Grounds,
Hogsmeade and
The Highlands. Collection Chests can contain either Wand Handles or Recipes for your Room of Requirement. This page will navigate you through the necessary steps to finding all 7 Collection Chests in
Manor Cape.
Manor Cape Collection Chest Location #1 - Bainburgh¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map
Head to this location on the map (left), and you’ll find the chest near the door. (right)
Head to the Bainburgh Floo Flame and you’ll find the Collection Chest containing a Conjuration sitting to the right of the door in the first house southeast of the Floo Flame.
Manor Cape Collection Chest Location #2 - Bainburgh¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map
Head to this location on the map (left), and you’ll find the chest near the door. (right)
Head to the Bainburgh Floo Flame and you’ll find the Collection Chest containing a Wand Handle in the shed to the southeast of the village.
Manor Cape Collection Chest Location #3 - Bainburgh¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map
Head to this location on the map (left), and you’ll find the chest near the stall. (right)
Head to the Bainburgh Floo Flame and you’ll find the Collection Chest containing a Wand Handle sitting behind Agnes Coffey’s Stall.
Manor Cape Collection Chest Location #4 - Bainburgh¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map
Head to this location on the map (left), and you’ll find the chest near the right of the door. (right)
Head to the Bainburgh Floo Flame and walk past Agnes Coffey’s Stall, then continue southeast until you reach a house that has Level 1 Lock. Here you’ll need to have unlocked Alohomora Level 1 which is unlocked via the Main Quest “The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament”. Inside you’ll find the Collection Chest containing a Conjuration sitting to the right of the door.
Manor Cape Collection Chest Location #5 - West Manor Cape¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map
Head to this location on the map (left), and you’ll find the chest in the tent. (right)
Head to the West Manor Cape Floo Flame and fly northeast until you reach a small bandit camp. Here you’ll find a Collection Chest containing a Trait sitting in the large tent.
Manor Cape Collection Chest Location #6 - West Manor Cape¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map
Head to this location on the map (left), and you’ll find the chest in the tent. (right)
Head to the West Manor Cape Floo Flame and fly southeast until you reach a medium bandit camp. Here you’ll find a Collection Chest containing a Trait sitting in a large tent.
Manor Cape Collection Chest Location #7 - Henrietta’s Hideaway Dungeon¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location on the map
Head to this location on the map (left), and you’ll find the chest in a caged room. (right)
Head into Henrietta’s Hideaway Dungeon and proceed through the dungeon until you get to the areas below where you need to lift a small cube over the hole in the gate to land on the pad. Go into the room via the gate and you’ll find the Collection Chest containing a Conjuration. If you need an in-depth walkthrough for this dungeon, then checkout this page: How To Solve The Henrietta’s Hideaway Puzzles
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