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Hogwarts Legacy

How To Complete The Daedalian Keys In Hogwarts Legacy

Jacob Woodward
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Hogwarts Legacy has an abundance of quests for you to take part in. While a lot of these are required for the main story, there are some side quests that are completely optional. However, not completing these quests will result in you losing out on both XP and some serious rewards.

The Daedalian Keys is one of these side quests, and an extensive one at that, so knowing how to complete it as fast as possible will be essential. This guide will do just that, taking you through The Daedalian Keys step-by-step so you can get to taking part of other activities around the castle.

How to Find All Daedalian Keys in Hogwarts Legacy

Before getting into the actual steps of The Daedalian Keys, let’s briefly talk about how you start it.

To begin this side quest, you need to speak to Nellie Oggsspire who is located in the Transfiguration Courtyard. However, this quest won’t be available right away so progress the story until she becomes approachable.

Nellie Oggspire in the Transfiguration Courtyard

Once you speak with Nellie, she will tell you about Daedalian Keys, mysterious flying keys that only unlock certain cabinets. When the first conversation is over, you’ll be tasked with heading to the Astronomy Tower and finding a Daedalian Key’s cabinet.

Upon reaching the Astronomy Tower, you’ll encounter the flying Daedallion Key. It will zoom off back down the stairs and you’ll need to follow it. Head back down one flight of stairs and into the first room, you will see that the Daedalian Key will now be next to its desired cabinet.

The first Dedalian Key cabinet in the Astronomy Tower

To get the Key into its lock, hit the button shown on screen and then you’ll enter a minigame of sorts. The aim here is to slap the Key into the lock at a very precise moment. To do so, wait for the Key to hover over the centre, once this happens, hit the slap button and it will go directly into the lock and open the cabinet.

Inside will be a House Token. Return to Nellie with this and she will describe that these are used to open the House Chest. Head to your House’s Chest at the Common Room and insert the Token.

While you may think you’ll be wrapping up The Daedalian Keys side quest, it’s only just begun. This is because you’ll need a total of 16 House Tokens to open your House Chest, meaning finding and unlocking 15 more Daedalian Key cabinets.

As we’ve gone through the process of doing so already, we won’t tell you how to do this again, as it is the same method. However, these Keys are scattered throughout Hogwarts Castle and with little hint as to where.

Therefore, we’ll now take you through each of the Daedalian Key locations so you can finish up this quest. However, one thing to note here is that you are locked out of some of these Keys until you’ve got certain spells so keep that in mind as you progress through.

Daedalian Key Locations In Hogwarts Legacy

Astronomy Wing Daedalian Key

The second Daedalian Key is in the Astronomy Wing, near the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower Floo Flame in fact. Fast travel there and head down the stairs until you reach the Rhinoceros skeleton. The Daedallion Key should be flying around there.

Follow the Key to its cabinet located up on the next level, almost directly above where you found the Key initially.

(1 of 2) The second Daedalian Key location

The second Daedalian Key location (left), The second Daedalian Key cabinet location (right)

Library Annex Daedalian Key #1

The third Key is in the Library Annex. Use the Potions Classroom Floo Flame and immediately enter the double doors. The Key should be right in front of you.

Chase the Key down the staircase and its cabinet will be dead ahead.

(1 of 2) The third Daedalian Key location

The third Daedalian Key location (left), The third Daedalian Key cabinet location (right)

Library Annex Daedalian Key #2

For the fourth Key, you’ll be staying in the Library Annex but moving to the Central Hall. Use the Floo Flame of the same name.

Go down the staircase in front of you and then take a right to go down a further staircase. Do a left turn and the Key should be there.

For the cabinet, head back from where you came but instead of going back up to the Floo Flame, just go straight past the fountain and down the other side. Turn right and you’ll be at the cabinet.

(1 of 2) The fourth Daedalian Key location

The fourth Daedalian Key location (left), The fourth Daedalian Key cabinet location (right)

Central Hall Daedalian Key

The fifth, you’ll be in the Central Hall again. Use the Floo Flame just to reset everything and go up the left staircase. Carry on up and then turn right. The Key will be in a corner where there are three gold rectangles and windows.

For the cabinet, immediately turn around and go down one set of stairs. You should be able to see the cabinet on your right.

(1 of 2) The fifth Daedalian Key location

The fifth Daedalian Key location (left), The fifth Daedalian Key cabinet location (right)

Library Annex Daedalian Key #3

The sixth Key will once again be in the Library Annex, but in the Library itself. Use the Floo Flame and head to the right section of bookshelves. The Key will be right there.

The cabinet is left of the initial Floo Flame so go back there to locate it.

(1 of 2) The sixth Daedalian Key location

The sixth Daedalian Key location (left), The sixth Daedalian Key cabinet location (right)

Great Hall Daedalian Key #1

The seventh Key will take you out of the Library Annex and into the Great Hall. Use the aptly named Floo Flame to get there.

When there, immediately do a 180 and out of the doors. Go through another two sets of doors and the Key will be right there. Follow the staircase down and to the right for its cabinet.

(1 of 2) The seventh Daedalian Key location

The seventh Daedalian Key location (left), The seventh Daedalian Key cabinet location (right)

Great Hall Daedalian Key #2

For the next Key, you’ll be staying in the Great Hall. Use the Floo Flame and it’ll be on your immediate left next to the fireplace. The cabinet for this one is up the staircase next to the entrance doors so just walk up there and it’ll be in front of you.

(1 of 2) The eigth Daedalian Key location

The eigth Daedalian Key location (left), The eigth Daedalian Key cabinet location (right)

Great Hall Daedalian Key #3

There’s a third and final one in the Great Hall, making the overall count to nine. Use that same Floo Flame and go out of the right hand side doors. Hug the right wall and down the stairs, follow the path and you’ll see the Key.

For the cabinet, use the right stairs again until you hit the floor. Do a 180 and follow the path round and you should be able to see it.

(1 of 2) The ninth Daedalian Key location

The ninth Daedalian Key location (left), The ninth Daedalian Key cabinet location (right)

Grand Staircase Daedalian Key

You’ll be heading to the Grand Staircase for the tenth key. Use the Grand Staircase Tower Floo Flame and head down two flights, past the animal door. You should see the Key.

Now, for the cabinet, you’ll need to carry on down the stairs until you’re on the same level as the next animal door. Take a left and the cabinet will be on your right.

(1 of 2) The tenth Daedalian Key location

The tenth Daedalian Key location (left), The tenth Daedalian Key cabinet location (right)

South Wing Daedalian Key

The eleventh Key is in the South Wing. Use the Faculty Tower Floo Flame to start this one. Once there, head immediately left and then through the first available door on your right. Go up the staircase and the Key will be near the animal door.

The cabinet is back down the stairs and to the left.

(1 of 2) The eleventh Daedalian Key location

The eleventh Daedalian Key location (left), The eleventh Daedalian Key cabinet location (right)

South Wing Faculty Tower Daedalian Key

For Key number 12, you’ll be in the South Wing Faculty Tower again. Follow the same path as last time but go up all the available stairs until you actually see the Key cabinet. Turn around and toward the large gears. The Key will be right in front of you. Go back to the cabinet to unlock it.

(1 of 2) The twelth Daedalian Key location

The twelth Daedalian Key location (left), The twelth Daedalian Key cabinet location (right)

South Wing, Clock Tower Courtyard Daedalian Key

Number 13 will be in the South Wing once more, but we’ll be using the Clock Tower Courtyard this time. Use the Floo Flame and head toward the pendulum. There will be a locked door in front of you which requires "Alohomora" iconAlohomora. Use this spell, enter the door, and go up the stairs. Now, move toward the left side of the area and the Key will be in the corner.

The cabinet for this one is located by going up another set of stairs behind you. Follow the stairs up and it will be on your left.

(1 of 2) The thirteenth Daedalian Key location

The thirteenth Daedalian Key location (left), The thirteenth Daedalian Key cabinet location (right)

Bell Tower Wing Daedalian Key

Key 14 is in the Bell Tower Wing. Use the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame and up one set of stairs to your left. Go into the door ahead and up one more set of stairs where the Key will be waiting for you. Carry on traversing the stairs and the cabinet will be on the left.

(1 of 2) The fourteenth Daedalian Key location

The fourteenth Daedalian Key location (left), The fourteenth Daedalian Key cabinet location (right)

Bell Tower Courtyard Daedalian Key

For Key 15, you’ll be using the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame again. Use the same initial door as before but use the stairs to your left down. Enter the door and follow downwards until you see the dragon statue. The Key will be right here. The cabinet is back up those same stairs you came down, and will be straight ahead.

(1 of 2) The fifteenth Daedalian Key location

The fifteenth Daedalian Key location (left), The fifteenth Daedalian Key cabinet location (right)

Bell Tower, Dragon Statue Daedalian Key

Finally, the sixteenth Key. This one is located in the Bell Tower once more. You can stay where you are at the previous cabinet and go back down to the dragon statue. Head down the thin corridor and the Key should appear.

Carry on down here and when you see a small staircase, go left and the cabinet will be visible.

(1 of 2) The sixteenth Daedalian Key location

The sixteenth Daedalian Key location (left), The sixteenth Daedalian Key cabinet location (right)

Now you’ve collected all of the House Crests using the Keys, go back to the House Chest and unlock it by placing all of the Crests. You’ll receive the Relic House Uniform for your robe for your troubles.

Head back to Nellie and speak with her to finish the quest!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    31 January 2023
  • Last Updated
    9 August 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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