There are several different mission types in Helldivers 2, most of which revolve around killing bugs (aka Terminids). One of the first that you’re likely to encounter will be to seal bug holes, and you’ll often see this objective pop up in most of your missions as a side objective. Although it’s one of the easiest and simplest things to do in the game, you’re not given a tutorial explaining exactly how to close the bug holes. On this page, we’ll briefly explain everything you can do to get this objective done as quickly as possible.
Use Grenades to Destroy Bug Holes¶
One of the easiest and quickest ways to close a bug hole in Helldivers 2 is to throw a grenade inside it. This will immediately explode and cause the hole to collapse in on itself, with any bugs that were present around the entrance also being vulnerable to the blast. It’s the main method that you’ll use to close bug holes in a pinch, but it’s rather costly when you consider that you only have 4 grenades to use at the beginning of a map.
(1 of 2) You can throw a grenade into one bug hole to destroy and close it.
You can throw a grenade into one bug hole to destroy and close it. (left), Completing bug hole missions will earn you extra XP requisition points. (right)
Use the Resupply Stratagem for More Grenades¶
With that said, in theory you should be able to continuously replenish your stock of grenades by summoning the resupply stratagem from your starship. You can only do this every two minutes or so, but it’ll fully restock all of your ammo, including grenades, so you can continue to close bug holes. If you’re in a group playing with friends in co-op or with strangers online, they can help to close the bug holes by using their own grenades, but keep in mind that the cooldown for resupply stratagems is shared between players.
Call an Orbital Precision Strike¶
If you’ve used all of your grenades and you’re waiting for the resupply stratagem to become available again, there are other options for closing bug holes in the form of other stratagems. One of the first that you’ll have access to by default is the Orbital Precision Strike. This is a powerful missile that can be ordered to strike any area that you choose, but you need to execute the stratagem and then throw the ball-like device into the bug hole first, similar to how you do it with grenades.
(1 of 2) You’ll sometimes find multiple bug holes in the same area, especially in multiplayer runs.
You’ll sometimes find multiple bug holes in the same area, especially in multiplayer runs. (left), An Eagle Cluster Bomb or Gatling Barrage is ideal for closing multiple bug holes at once. (right)
Alternatively, Use Gatling Barrage or Eagle Cluster Bombs¶
After throwing the stratagem device into the bug hole, it’ll only take a couple of seconds for the Orbital Precision Strike to hit. Although (as the name suggests) it’s a precise hit, there’s still an area-of-effect in which the strike can damage you or allies, so you’ll want to move out of the way before it lands. You can only close one bug hole using this method, but other stratagems with a greater surface area of damage, such as Gatling Barrage or Eagle Cluster Bomb, are capable of closing multiple holes at once if you aim them properly.
You’ll find that pinging or marking objectives on the minimap is useful when you’re trying to complete this mission in a group, so if you want to learn more about how to do that, see our How to Mark and Ping Map Locations page.
If you want to see these methods in action, you can check the video below.
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