There are 45 Stratagems available at the launch of Helldivers 2 and each of them offer unique benefits, ranging from starship assistance in the form of artillery fire, extra support weapons, or support items such as Supply Packs. On this page, we’ll guide you through the necessary steps to unlocking Supply Packs and how to use them efficiently.
The Supply Pack can be found in the Engineering Tree.
How to Unlock Supply Packs in Helldivers 2¶
You won’t be able to unlock the Supply Pack until you have access to the ship management system, which will happen naturally after completing a couple missions. You’ll then need to reach level 3 before it becomes available. The Supply Pack is a hellpod/backpack stratagem which contains ammunition that can restore your bullets by pressing D-Pad Up or you can distribute it to your team mates by getting close to them and pressing
The supply pack has an extremely long cooldown (480 seconds to be exact), so you’ll want to avoid using it all the time and instead save it for when you’re about to tackle main or sub-objectives, such as Closing Bug Holes . Additionally, you’ll want to communicate with your teammates in order to decide who needs the resupply more urgently so it doesn’t go to waste.
More Helldivers 2 Guides¶
If you want to learn more about Matchmaking and how to complete optional missions in Helldivers 2, be sure to check the links below.
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