The main goal in Helldivers 2 is to protect the barrier planets around Super Earth from enemy forces. But, occasionally you will be given a Major Order from the Helldivers command, which the entirety of the force will need to work towards completing.
But, how exactly do you achieve success when it comes to tackling a Major Order? Well, this guide will go over what to do for the current one which has been set.
How to Complete the Current Helldivers 2 Major Order¶
The current Helldivers 2 Major Order is to liberate Tien Kwan in the Theseus Sector in order to protect the production of the EXO-45 Patriot Exosuit. This is the first time the Automaton forces have entered the Theseus Sector and they have brought a lot of their reinforcements which will make liberating it difficult.
Currently, Helldivers are losing liberation percentage fast, and each mission has stronger Automatons than regular missions, due to the coordinated effort by the Automatons. We have three days to liberate the planet before we lose it and the production of the Exosuit, which was set to launch into the game soon. Upon liberation, it appears that all Helldivers will get access to the suit, however, if we lose the planet the Exosuit’s deployment will be delayed.
(1 of 2) Tien Kwan is under attack from a swarm of bots, and we have to take it back to unlock the exosuit mech.
Tien Kwan is under attack from a swarm of bots, and we have to take it back to unlock the exosuit mech. (left), The announcement of the invasion was made on all social media channels. (right)
These Major Orders change and cycle periodically, with some lasting just a day or two and others being longer, drawn-out battles. So, be sure to keep checking in to see the latest Major Order and do your part to save democracy.
Helldivers 2 Major Order reward¶
The Major Order reward for liberating Tier Kwan successfully is 50 Medals, as well as the restoration of the production of the EXO-45 Patriot Exosuit, which should be deployed for Helldivers to use shortly after. This is the first time a new Stratagem has been added to the game via a Major Order, so we will need to deploy all reinforcements to be able to get access to it.
Completing a Major Order is a tough endeavor, and you will need some of the best weapons in Helldivers 2 to succeed. Pairing that with the best Stratagems in Helldivers 2 will allow you to successfully finish Operations.
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