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Fallout 3

Grognak the Barbarian

Nathan Garvin
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Andale - The Smith’s House Basement

This book is on the floor south-west of the first counter, near some bloodstains in front of a refrigerator. It’s pretty hard to see.

Bethesda Ruins - Bethesda Underworks

You can find this book by heading through the Underworks until you’re directly south of the entrance (the staircase, not the sewer grate). The book is in a small maintenence room, on a metal shelf.

Canterbury Commons

This book can be pick-pocketed from Derek Pacion.

Canterbury Commons Area - Radio Signal Yankee Bravo Drainage Chamber

South of Canterbury Commons you’ll find a radio tower. Activate the electrical switch to find Radio Signal Yankee Bravo. The Drainage Chamber from whence the signal comes is west, over a cliff. This book is in the room to the south.

Chaste Arces Diary Farm Area

Chaste Acres Dairy Farm upstairs in the ruined barn left of the bed with the mutilated body on the floor.

Cliffside Caverns - Raider Outpost

Near the Cliffside Caverns you’ll find a door [Hard] leading to a Raider Outpost. Head west across a wooden bridge to reach a platform with a generator. Search the platform behind the generator to find this book.

Clifftop Shacks - Northern Shack

On a metal shelf, the book is on top of a Small Ruined Book.

Deathclaw Sanctuary Area

South and west of the Deathclaw Sanctuary you’ll find some raiders who have made forts out of old cars. On the northernmost fort (the one with the super sledge on a shelf) you’ll find a wooden crate under a table. The book is inside.

Fort Constantine - Personnel Offices

Right across from the CO Quarters is the larger and more obvious (yet less rewarding in all ways) Personnel Building. The book is inside on the first floor, in a locked storage room with a hard lock near some stairs. It’s on a counter.

Georgetown West Area

In the Georgetown area of the D.C. Ruins, which can be reached via the Tepid Sewers. There is a crumbling building occupied by Super Mutants. The book is on the second story, on a metal shelf.

Hubris Comics Printing

Just south of the door leading to Hubris Comics Publishing is a large room where you’ll find Mad Johhny Wes, some Ghouls, and two (leveled) turrets. The book is in the room Mad Johnny Wes is in.

Megaton - Jericho’s House

In Jericho’s House in Megaton, on the floor between some metal crates and some shelves.

Metro Junction

Enter via the “Vernon Square North” entrance and head into the large metro hub chamber. To your east you’ll see a wooden ramp going over the railing of the platform. Go to the edge of it and look down, where you’ll spy a table with a lantern on it, and your new book.

Minefield - Gillian House

West of Minefield you’ll find the Gillian House, north-west of the Gibson House. The book is upstairs on a bed.

Museum Station

This book is in the Museum Station, on a table in a room with beds and a pool table. This is the same room that contains the stairs that lead to Metro Central.

Red Racer Factory Area

To the left of the doors of the Red Racer factory you’ll find a large metal box containing some barrels of toxic waste. The book is inside the box on the ground. Prepare to take some Rads.

Red Racer Factory Area - Scavenger Shack

North of the Red Racer Factory is a Scavenger-and more importantly his shack. His shack is located on an overpass of the highway just west of Arlington, along a road that leads to Grayditch. The book is on a shelf in the Scavenger’s shack, along with a Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual , and a Duck and Cover! book.


In Scrapyard, near the stairs of a destroyed bus in John’s Treasure Box. The bus is next to a red boxcar.

Statesman Hotel Restaurant

This book is behind the central bar in the Alfresco Lounge, on one of the shelves.

Temple of the Union Area - Raider Bridge

After completing the quest “Head of State” return to the Temple of the Union and head south west until you find a highway. Get on it and you’ll discover some shacks which are now occupied by Raiders. Inside one of the shacks, on a table, is this book. There’s also a Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor nearby.

Tenleytown/Friendship Station

From the exit to the Friendship Station entrance head south and go into an office building on the right. In the room to the south you’ll find two lockers. The book is on the left one, on the upper left shelf. It is fairly hard to see.

The Silver Lining Drive-In Area

This book is located in a metal shack north-west of The Silver Lining Drive-In.

Vault 101

You’ll be given one of these during your 10th birthday party by Amata. When you’re 19, be sure to search the dresser in your room to pick it up again.

Vault-Tec Headquarters - vault-Tec Administration

On the top level in the Administration area there is a room with three doors leading to it, beyond which are two offices. The book is in the left office on a desk.

Yao Guai Tunnels

Find the Yao Guai Tunnels and enter the the Yao Guai Den via the exit to the east. Head through the Den to the exit back to the Tunnels in the south. There’s a ledge past a fence opposite the door. The book is on the ledge near the body of a Raider.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, XB 360
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    6 February 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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War never changes. The Fallout franchise certainly has, however. In 2008 Bethesda revived Interplay’s famous “Post Nuclear Role Playing Game”, moving from third person to first person, and from the west coast to the east coast. You are the Lone Wanderer, an outcast from Vault 101 who sacrifices a relatively easy life in order to brave the terrors of the post-apocalyptic Wasteland and find your Dad, whose mysterious departure from Vault 101 sets a chain of events in motion that will change the Capital Wasteland forever…

This guide is intended to be the ultimate completionist’s guide to Fallout 3.

  • Every area in the game covered extensively including all side quests and main quests.
  • All the Bobbleheads, skill books and schematic locations.
  • A full trophy/achievement guide.
  • An in-depth information about character creation is also provided so you can create whatever Vault Dweller suits you best.
  • Good, evil and neutral alternatives to quests will be presented where applicable.

Become the Last, Best Hope of Humanity… or add to the continuing sum of human misery in your selfish quest for survival. Sneak past foes, talk your way out of confrontations, shoot everything in the head, or create a character who can do it all. The Wasteland is a big, dangerous place, and this guide will help you experience as much as possible.

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