1) Raider House
Book - Tumblers Today
From SatCom Array NW-07c head east until you hit the highway. Yes, this is the highway we explored earlier, but this our goal is to cross the under the highways and scale the cliffs on the other side… preferably finding a spot where we can do so without getting wed (and hence, irradiated). Just keep an eye out for Mirelurks as you scale the eastern cliffs. When you get to the top you’ll find a ruined house with plenty of Raiders lurking about. Kill them and loot their house. In the south-eastern corner you’ll find a metal shelf with drugs and a copy of Tumblers Today on it. In the north-eastern corner you’ll find some ammo boxes, and in the tub you’ll find a Mini Nuke.
2) Mountainside Raiders
These Raiders are just a small part of a larger group-their buddies can be found to the south-east of the Raider House. Follow a road, pass a blue car, and climb a small hill to spot a series of car barricades built into the hillside. Heavily-armed Raiders prowl about, one of them is sure to be armed with a Missile Launcher. They’ve got some goodies worth looting near them, too, but nothing quite so lucrative as the skill book we found back at the Raider House.
The colorful truck in the distance (left) is the abode of a scientist… a scientist who falls victim to his own ineptitude (left). He possesses a Big Book of Science , so be sure to track down his corpse.
3) Explosive Experimentation
Book - Big Book of Science
Return to the Raider House and head it’s western side, then look south-west to spot the nearest highway. On top of the highway you should see an orange and yellow truck. This is our next destination. There are two ways to reach this truck… well, two ways that are worth mentioning, anyways. Head south to reach some rocks close enough to the highway for you to leap from one to the other, or travel north-west a distance until the highway connects to the ground… or you could just head south from the Raider car barricades, where a mudslide as formed a nice little ramp, but now we’re working on three ways to get there, and that’s just one too many.
When you get near the truck, there will be an exposion from within, which will (almost certainly) eject the body of a Scientist. Dumbass. Go find his body (or pieces of it) to claim a Big Book of Science . Maybe they should have done less science and more reading about science, eh? Ah well, his loss, your gain. There are also some goodies in the truck worth grabbing.
4) Broadcast Tower KB5 Drainage Chamber
Book - Tumblers Today
From the Raider House head east, south-east up a hill until you find Broadcast Tower KB5, which has a random encounter near it. Activate the electrical switch to find Radio Signal Alfa Lima and head south-east to find a Drainage Chamber. In the Drainage Chamber you’ll find a skeleton in front of a door with a copy of Tumbler’s Today near it. Do what it couldn’t and unlock the door [Average]. Beyond this door is an untouched trove of goodies for your looting pleasure.
5) Mount Mabel Campground
When you’re done in the Drainage Chamber you can go east, south-east a wee bit to discover the Deathclaw Sanctuary. Sneaking past and staying on high ground is probably a good idea. We don’t need the Bobblehead - Endurance yet, and won’t for a long time. Head mostly south, south-east until you find the Mount Mabel Campground… which is little more than a map marker. Sure, there’s some loot to be found in the trialers and on the picnic tables, but nothing extraordinary. From there head north-east some more until you find the Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel.
6) Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel
Book - Guns and Bullets
This place is the residence of one major douchebag, a Drifter who hides up on some planks and snipes at everyone he can see. He’s annoying, but if you circle around the chapel and approach from the west you can catch him more open, instead of getting into a firefight with him through an elevated window. Get right under him and take pot shots at him with a Combat Shotgun or a 10mm Submachine Gun. Getting into a snipe-fight with him at this point in the game is probably a bad idea, as it’s just hard to fight anything at range effectively. Inside the chapel on the floor you’ll find a number of ammo boxes, a Combat Shotgun, and near a group of three ammo boxes you’ll find a copy of Guns and Bullets . In a wooden crate under some Detergent you’ll find two Stimpaks. Search the Drifter for the Reservist’s Rifle .
Follow Radio Signal Kilo Bravo to a drainage chamber, wherein you’ll find the Bobblehead - Explosives (left). The Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel is home to a nasty Drifter (right), who will shoot trespassers with his unique Sniper Rifle; the Reservist’s Rifle.
7) WKML Broadcast Station
Now head east, south-east towards the large towers in the distance. Your destination isn’t too far off. If you want to explore this area, circle around some until you find stairs leading up. At the top of the stairs you’ll find the WKML Broadcast Station, and antoher random encounter at the top. Enter the Radio Tower Complex and activate the Electrical Switch on the wall, which will allow you to pick up Radio Signal Kilo Bravo.
8) Radio Signal Kilo Bravo
Bobblehead - Explosives
Leave the Radio Tower Complex and head south over the edge of the cliff. Search around the cliff face until you find a ‘Drainage Grate to Sealed Cistern.’ If you get close enough by accident without actually spying it, you should be able to locate it on your Local Map on the Pip-Boy 3000. It is directly south of the Radio Tower complex on your Local Map. Inside you should find some drugs, Purified Water, a Stealth Boy, and of course, the Bobblehead - Explosives .
Now that we’ve explored a great bit of the western Wasteland we finally have what we set out for. There are still Bobblehead prizes to be scored, however, including one we can easily pick up as we explore our way back back to Megaton.
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