There are six Personal Letters to be found on the Atlantic Wall map. These can be easily missed if you don’t know where to look, so we’ve provided screenshots of each and a link to their precise location on the map, using our interactive maps.
Where to Find Personal Letters in Mission 1: The Atlantic Wall¶
Personal Letter - Picked Some Violets¶
This letter can be found on the top of a storage box just off the road opposite a vehicle, on the southern side of the nearby building. The exact location on the map can be seen here.
The letter can be found on top of a storage container.
Personal Letter - Violets Are Wilting¶
This one can be found in the attic of a building in the northern part of the map. You’ll need to climb a ladder to reach it. The letter can be seen on a table directly in front of you as you reach the attic from the ladder. The precise location on the map is shown here.
You’ll find this letter as you ascend the ladder into the attic.
Personal Letter - Upcoming Delivery¶
This letter can be found on the floor in the attic room of a building near the centre of the map. You’ll find it in the southeastern corner of the attic, just beneath a folded chair as you climb the ladder. The precise location on the map can be seen here.
The letter can be found just beneath the chair.
Personal Letter - Violets Don’t Wilt¶
This letter can be found within a safe chest on the second floor of the hotel. As you head up the stairs from the front entrance, turn right and then right again to find the small room where the chest is located. You’ll need a Charge Satchel to blast open the chest, or alternatively the Hotel Safe Code, which can be acquired from the body of a nearby soldier. The precise location of the letter on the map is shown here.
You’ll need to open the safe chest to gain access to this letter.
Personal Letter - Boches at the Door¶
This letter can be found on a sofa in the western side of the house. The precise location of the house on the map is shown here.
You’ll find the letter placed on the sofa.
Personal Letter - Pests in the Garden¶
This letter can be found on a table at the end of the pier in the southwestern part of the map. The precise location is shown on the map here.
You’ll find the letter on a table at the end of the pier.
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