Another enjoyable mission. The Stone Eagles are sitting proudly in full sight, as long as you remember to look for them and with our help, you will be picking them all off in next to no time.
Where to find the Stone Eagles in Mission 5: Festung Guernsey¶
This map is not overly packed with buildings like some of the others so scanning ahead with your binoculars will usually bring the desired results. As long as you are in the general vicinity you should have no problems targeting them and taking the shot.
As you can see in the map above, there isn’t a whole lot of distance between them so you can certainly concentrate on completing your tasks and then go back for them after should you choose.
Stone Eagle 1¶
You can actually see this Stone Eagle from quite a distance as the landscape is so open on this map. As you traverse the road up from the south and start to approach the area where the bunkers are, if you look out to the North western corner you will see it sitting on top of one of the defensive batteries on the coastline.
Stone Eagle 2¶
The Stone Eagle is pretty much in the dead centre of the map, sitting on the church roof. Again it can be picked off from a distance but the church is worth a visit anyway and it is also the location of the Rifle Workbench on this level, so you can literally kill two birds with one stone.
Stone Eagle 3¶
The final Stone Eagle of Mission five is in the general locations where you have to head for the secondary mission of destroying the construction site, as well as where you Kill List target hangs out. The Eagle is, once again, out in plain site due to the lack of other buildings in the areas, sitting atop the bunker wall.
An easy shot.
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