As we move into the Channel Islands we certainly have a few more objectives to achieve in MIssion 5. The tasks here have quite a few strands are the are some extra objectives as well, so let’s get cracking and cover off the main ones we need to deal with here.
All three stars for Mission 5. You can do it too.
Find the Stealth Plates
Neautralise Battery Mirus
Destroy the Kraken Prototype
Option A) Overload the Pressure Valves
Option B) Radio in the scuttle code
Option C) Start a chain reaction
This is actually a bit of a pain as it is easy to get lost in the U-Boat enclosure. We managed to begin the chain reaction sequence and then noticed the hook holding the torpedo was glowing red above the sub, so we shot it, the torpedo exploded and we got a message “I’ll have to find another way”, which was both irritating and amusing at the same time. So don’t do that
Optional Objectives¶
Radio comms successfully neutralised. Twice.
Neautralise Radio Communications
Option A) Sabotage the cables
Option B) Disable the Radio equipment
The two ways you can do this include the more action packed cutting of the tower cables, causing it to crash down,. Or you can simple take a crowbar to the radio equipment inside. We did both, because that is just the kind of people we are.
Stop the construction of the second Mirus Gun
Drop the suspended scuttle charge
Kill List Target¶
Find and Kill Lanzo Baumann
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