Rough Landing sees us on the hunt for two more hidden items secreted away amongst the forest scenery. One of them is a standard item but the other, weirdly, is actually part of the mission, so you can’t really miss it.
Hey ho, let’s locate them both anyway.
All Hidden Items In Sniper Elite 5: Rough Landing¶
It’s time to go hunting for Hidden Items in Sniper Elite 5 once more.
So, with just two items to find this will either be a simple hide and seek or turn out to be like finding a needle in a haystack. While the map is not huge, it also has a fair few building and locations that are likely candidates scattered about. Let’s see what we can find.
Hidden Item 1: Smoking Pipe¶
Finding the smoking pipe will involve a trip to the church which is located just to the SE of the center of the map. The church is quite heavily guarded so these Germans will need to be taken care of before any in-depth searching can be carried out, but once the coast is clear you can enter the house of worship in a nice, leisurely fashion.
(1 of 2) The imposing gothic church is a popular hangout for Germans, but also where you will locate the Smoking Pipe
The imposing gothic church is a popular hangout for Germans, but also where you will locate the Smoking Pipe (left), Head inside the church and make your way towards the alter, The pipe is on the Pulpit. (right)
Once inside the church you want to head in the direction of the alter. On top of the pulpit, where the priest speaks from, you will locate the first Hidden Item in the Rough Landing mission - the Smoking Pipe.
Hidden Item 2: Film Canister¶
The Film Canister is an integral part of the story missions so it is disappointing to see it as a hidden item. Surely there was something else that could have been added to look for? Oh well. To get your hands on this vital piece of intel you need to head to the Railway Yard at the North side of the map.
Part of your mission is to kill the German officer Hans Becker - the guy who has been hunting down the crashed Allied pilots. You will need to Kill Becker and any of his nearby goods and then search his body.
(1 of 2) The building containing your marker on the above map screen shows the location of the locked room
The building containing your marker on the above map screen shows the location of the locked room (left), Once through the door, simply collect the Film Cannister and be on your way. (right)
This will provide you with a key to a locked door in the nearby building - although you can planet a satchel charge if you prefer a messier entrance. Once inside that room you can collect the hidden Film Canister and the last of this mission’s Hidden Items.
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