Powerful and deadly, while at the same time mainly being effective at short range, the M1A1 Giv is one of the weapons you will probably use the most early on in the game, and even after customising it heavily, may well ditch at the first available opportunity.
The iconic M1A1 is one of the starter SMGs in Sniper Elite 5.
M1A1 Gov Pros and Cons¶
The iconic M1A1 (seen here with a customised lightweight stock) has seen plenty of battle action throughout the 20th Century. With such a poor design around its iron sight you sometimes wonder how and why it wasn’t redesigned to make that flawed part of the weapon so much more effective.
- Powerful and versatile
- Limited iron sight visibility
- Poor at long range
Audible Range¶
The rat-a-tat-tat of this particular sub machine gun will be heard up to 120m away so you aren’t getting away with anything stealthy here. Of course, if you are in a position where an SMG is required, stealth has probably gone out of the window by that point anyway.
1x - All the SMGs here are only coming with 1x zoom so it really isn’t a factor. The way you are using them, you probably want to be shooting from the hip rather than looking down the sight anyway.
Magazine size¶
The M1A1 Gov has the smallest magazine capacity of any of the SMGs, carrying just 20 rounds before a reload. That’s still quite a lot obviously compared to other weapons in the game, but as this is a powerful SMG you will soon rattle through that 20 in the heat of an intense battle.
How to get the M1A1 Gov in Sniper Elite 5¶
Unlocked at the start of the game.
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