Sniper Elite 5’s Mission 2 - Occupied Residence takes you deep into interior France to raid a chateau in the countryside. As with Mission 1, there are three Stone Eagles to find an destroy, thus removing a little more Nazi symbolism from the area.
Where to find the Stone Eagles in Mission 2: Occupied Residence¶
The three Stone Eagles in Mission 2: Occupied Residence.
The three Stone Eagles are, once again, spread across the map, but this map isn’t as large as Mission 1, so you can get to them all fairly quickly. Be aware though, there are a lot of enemy troops in every location. Again, our advice would be to clear as much of the level as possible and go back for the collectables.
Stone Eagle 1¶
(1 of 2) The first Stone Eagle sits atop the chimney on the farmhouse.
The first Stone Eagle sits atop the chimney on the farmhouse. (left), Take careful aim and knock the stone birdie from its perch. (right)
Before attacking the chateau it is worth paying a visit to the farmhouse at the far west of the map. It’s heavily guarded but there are lot of ammo to stock up on here. You will know when you get there as you will be told it is an Infiltration Point.
If you now do a quick scan of the rooftops you should see the Stone Eagle sitting proudly on top of the chimney. You can fix that for them can’t you?
Stone Eagle 2¶
(1 of 2) You can spot this Stone Eagle from either bridge, once you have cleared them.
You can spot this Stone Eagle from either bridge, once you have cleared them. (left), It hides a little in the foliage, but is still and easy shot. (right)
Once you have cleared out the farm area make your way back towards the main river crossing. This is once again well guarded but there are some great sniper vantage points to pick soldiers off so don’t worry about, take your first shot and let the rest come into your trap. Watch out for reinforcements arriving on motorbikes. Once you have cleared the enemy, make your way to the central point of the bridge and look East down the river, you will see the Stone Eagle on top of the ledge.
Note you can also see this Stone Eagle from the next bridge along, giving you two angles of attack here.
Stone Eagle 3¶
(1 of 2) This Stone Eagle is dangerously close to the chateau and its guards
This Stone Eagle is dangerously close to the chateau and its guards (left), The shot is easy enough here, the aftermath, less so. (right)
The third and final Stone Eagle of the mission will take you into the chateau grounds themselves. Head East from the garden and hide in the long grass. Scan the rooftops of the outbuildings and you should see it sticking up waiting to be shot.
If you take the shot before clearing the area though you will bring a lot of enemies to your location.
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