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Opelucid City Gym


Dragon type Pokémon are almost always the final type you’ll need to deal with, incredibly powerful creatures they are not weak to many attacks and can deal damage by the truck load.

Need to Train?

Route 10 to the north, or the grass outside Shopping Mall Nine on Route 9 are your best bets if you need to boost your party’s abilities.

Need Help?

If you’re after an effective Pokémon then this one will take some extra boosting. The little bear found in Twist Mountain, little "Cubchoo" IconCubchoo, are found at Level 28-ish which is good enough to battle the opponents on Route 9.

The best way to ‘boost’ an Ice type is to partake in the Battle House and give it a Lucky Egg, all the exp, none of the stress. Level your Cubchoo up until it evolves into Bearctic and it should walk through this gym like a flaming knife through butter.

Speak to the guide to receive… a Fresh Water , yay! This gym is all show, the ‘puzzle’ is little more than fancy window dressing. That said, there are a lot of fights before you’ll tackle the gym’s leader. Head forward to find your first fight.

Trainer Battle 1

Pokemon Level Type
"Fraxure" IconFraxure 41 Dragon

Head right across the thin walkway then right when it splits till you come to…

Trainer Battle 2

Pokemon Level Type
"Deino" IconDeino 41 Dark/Dragon

If you jump onto a square switch, the dragon’s path will change.

Hop off your walkways and hit the button. Run up along the head of the dragon and follow the walkway round to find…

Trainer Battle 3

Pokemon Level Type
"Fraxure" IconFraxure 40 Dragon
"Fraxure" IconFraxure 40 Dragon

Hop off and hit the button here then run up the dragon’s neck again, follow this walkway around until you encounter another trainer.

Trainer Battle 4

Pokemon Level Type
"Fraxure" IconFraxure 41 Dragon

Continue along the walkway, hop off onto the button, and follow the junction down this time where you’ll soon meet…

Trainer Battle 5

Pokemon Level Type
"Druddigon" IconDruddigon 42 Dragon

Run left and follow the route north, taking a right in order to hop off and on to a button. Now run up the dragon’s neck and follow the route round, you’ll need to take a narrow walkway downward past…

Trainer Battle 6

Pokemon Level Type
"Deino" IconDeino 39 Dark/Dragon
"Druddigon" IconDruddigon 39 Dragon
"Fraxure" IconFraxure 39 Dragon

This sneaky section requires you to do a loop and jump on one switch twice.

Follow the path down, eventually hitting yet another switch, this messes things up however. Head north, back to where you where before, and hit the switch again. Now follow the dragon’s head south and upward to meet…

Trainer Battle 7

Pokemon Level Type
"Deino" IconDeino 40 Dark/Dragon
"Druddigon" IconDruddigon 40 Dragon

Run right and hit the button, now follow the dragonhead upward and right, take the linear path and you’ll soon have to fight…

Trainer Battle 8

Pokemon Level Type
"Fraxure" IconFraxure 40 Dragon
"Fraxure" IconFraxure 41 Dragon

Run up until you hop over an arrow then hang a left and jump off onto a switch opening the path to the Gym Leader him/herself!

Gym Leader Drayden/Iris

The Leader is dependent which version of Black/White you’re playing. Either way, they use Dragon types.

Pokemon Level Type
"Fraxure" IconFraxure 41 Dragon
"Druddigon" IconDruddigon 41 Dragon
"Haxorus" IconHaxorus 43 Dragon

Depending which version of Pokémon you are playing, you’ll fight either an old man or a little girl, however this doesn’t change anything about the fight aside from the leader’s sprite and dialogue, the Pokémon used are essentially identical.

The main problem point in this fight is the move Dragon Tail , which will force you to switch Pokémon against your will. If this happens, go for damaging attacks as the worst thing would be to send out your Ice type in to a Dragon Dance it can’t do anything about.

"Haxorus" IconHaxorus is a beast, so ensure your chosen warrior is at least his Level, he’s fast and has a high attack stat to boot.

Go in prepared however, and you should be able to take down your eighth gym leader. Receive your badge and you’ll also get TM82 Dragon Tail for your efforts, you’ve now got a full compliment of badges and can take on the Pokémon league themselves! Well done!

Take the teleporter behind the leader, exit, and get ready for the final leg of your journey…

You’re unlikely to get another Master Ball, so keep it for an important beast.

Outside, you’ll meet the professor again who’ll point you in the direction of the Pokémon League and also give you a Master Ball . This is a Poké Ball that will capture any creature at any time, no matter its health, so keep it safe and don’t waste it on a "Patrat" IconPatrat.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 May 2011
  • Last Updated
    21 February 2021
  • Guide Author
    Daniel Chaviers

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