Be Prepared¶
Pro-tip: You can never have enough Poke Balls. Funds permitting.
Like an eager Scout make sure you’re always ready to catch a Pokémon when the opportunity arises.
The best way to be prepared is to stock up on Poké Balls whenever you visit town, keeping 30-50 in your bag will ensure you’re never caught short, while a pile of special balls (Net, Dive, Timer etc) will keep you ready for exceptional circumstances.
Poaching Party¶
When you’re going out catching ensure you’ve got a suitable selection of creatures in your party. Pokémon able to send an opponent to sleep with moves such as Hypnosis are essential, while a high defensive stat and stat reducing moves such as leer will also help.
Moves to avoid would be the likes of Confusion, Leech Seed, or anything else that may accidently cause the Pokémon to feint before you snag it.
Nothing satisfies quite like snagging a rare creature so making sure you perform all the essential checks is the difference between a bad and good trainer. Contrary to popular belief, holding down random buttons will not increase your chance of success.
Light Touch¶
While it’s easy enough to take an opponents health into the red it’s just as crucial to notch away a couple more pixels to give you the best chance of capture.
As such it’s a good idea to bring a Pokémon that, while hardy enough to take a few knocks, is armed with rather ineffective attacks with which to chip away a few last shaves of health before trying the capture.
Don’t forget about poor Professor Juniper; she has nice gifts for you!
The best move to use, unless facing a Ghost-type, is False Swipe . Obtained from Professor Juniper once you’ve seen 30 or more Pokemon, this move is guaranteed to leave the opposing Pokemon with at least 1 HP.
Be Prepared 2¶
As vital as it is to damage the creature and try and catch it, the last thing you’ll want is for your Pokémon to all feint in the process. As such, bring Potions and Revives with you to ensure you don’t fluff any chance.
A sturdy Pokemon that’s strong against the wild Pokemon’s moves would be great too, especially against the hard-hitting Legendary Pokemon.
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