During Chapter 8 in Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII: Reunion you’ll find a Locked Safe on the second floor of the Shinra Manor in Nibelheim. This is part of the 7 Wonders side quest you get from the small boy in the village. Unfortunately, the code is different in every person’s game, so you’ll need to do a few things to get the safe code. Read below to find out what this entails.
You will need to solve the riddle of the Laughing Safe for the fourth Seven Wonder.
Nibelheim’s Seven Wonders Laughing Safe Combination in Crisis Core Reunion¶
Once you reach Chapter 8 in the story, you’ll learn about the so-called Nibelheim’s Seven Wonders, myths that dominate conversation in this spooky town. So, as you may have come to expect by now, there’s a Trophy/Achievement to be won by tracking down all of these Seven Wonders.
The Safe Code is, perhaps, the most infamous of all of these. If you’ve played the original Final Fantasy VII, you may remember the safe in the Shinra Mansion and once again, you’ll find the safe in Crisis Core Reunion in that same Shinra Mansion. You’ll have to go into the Nibelheim - Outskirts area first before you can find the Shinra Mansion to the west. Once inside, find the safe and you’ll discover that you need to find a four-digit code.
First Digit¶
Make your way upstairs and approach the door on the right (the northeast) to be given the choice to peer through the keyhole. You’ll immediately see a bookshelf and if you look around, you’ll notice that some books are not on the shelves. Count the number of these books not on there to get your first digit. The books on sitting in a pile on top of the bookshelf should count towards your total number.
Count the number of books NOT on the bookshelf for the first digit.
Second Digit¶
Return downstairs and head to the east again to another door where you can once again peer through the keyhole. This time around, you’ll need to count the number of enemies you can see. Don’t be hasty in your initial count, as the enemies will appear and disappear despite remaining in the same place. You’ll need to move to look to both sides of the room to catch them all, sometimes they will appear right in the corner (again, remember to wait a little after moving the camera).
Count the number of monsters for the second digit.
Third Digit¶
Return upstairs to begin the search for the third digit and go to the door on the left at the top. Peer through the keyhole again and for this digit, you’ll need to count all Banora apples and tins of fruit to get your total number. Be sure to search everywhere for these, on the floor, under furniture and any other places that may not seem so obvious at first glance.
Count the number of Banora apples and tins for the third digit.
Fourth Digit¶
For the final digit, go back downstairs and look through the keyhole of the door to your left. The goal for the final digit is to count the number of chairs in the room, this is perhaps the easiest digit to work out as the chairs are hard to miss.
Count the number of chairs for the fourth digit.
Entering the Code¶
Once you have all four digits, return upstairs and enter the only room you can go in on the west side to find the safe. Enter the code and you’ll cause a cheeky Cactuar to dart out and obtain the Vital Slash Materia along with completing one of the Seven Wonders needed for the Seven Wonders Expert Trophy/Achievement.
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