The Steal command is a longtime Final Fantasy staple, and in CRISIS CORE -FINAL FANTASY VII- REUNION, it takes the form of Command Materia. Equip these magic orbs and you’ll be able to use the corresponding Steal command, which tries to steal an item from an enemy. While indisputably useful, Steal isn’t terribly easy to come by and is rather fussy when it comes to Materia Fusion.
(1 of 3) You can Steal (or Mug) from Gremlins to obtain more Steal Materia.
Where to Get Steal¶
You can snag several orbs of Steal Materia during the game, most notably by advancing through Chapter 4, where you should obtain one automatically. If that’s not sufficient, you can also snag one from a chest during Mission 7-4-1 (6-stars) and 8-3-6 (6-stars). Once those three sources are exhausted, your only other source of Steal Materia is from Gremlin enemies in missions 2-5-5, 6-6-4 or 9-4-3, all of which are 10-star difficulty missions. Ironically, you need Steal or Mug Materia to obtain them.
Materia Fusion isn’t any help when it comes to Steal Materia, either, as Steal is the lowest-tier Materia on its own tree of related materia, meaning any fusion will either remain Steal materia (likely only when fusing two low-grade materia) or upgrade to Smart Consumer,
Mug or something else (when using a leveled Steal and/or higher grade/leveled materia). Simply put, you can’t use Materia Fusion to create Steal, and it’s somewhat tricky to add stats to Steal using Materia Fusion, especially if either of the materia you’re using is leveled. The solution is to simply add stats to an unleveled Steal Materia, using an unleveled
Libra Materia and Fusion Items.
You can use Steal to deprive enemies of goodies without damaging them.
What Makes Steal Good¶
Some items - including Steal Materia itself, ironically - is most easily acquired by stealing. That being the case, you really want the ability to perform the Steal or Mug commands, which makes either one a fairly obvious inclusion to your roster of equipped materia. Whether you prefer to attempt to Steal without having to worry about accidentally killing the enemy, or if you prefer to use Mug at the risk of killing your foe before they yield what you want (or equip Brigand’s Gloves to ensure Mug is always successful) is something of a matter of preference. Either way, Steal is useful for the goodies it’ll allow you to nick, so making sure you have one such yellow orb handy - and contributing to your stats - is worth the effort.
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