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Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII: Reunion

All Missable Items - Chapter 5 Crisis Core Reunion

Matt Chard
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If you want to get 100% in Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion, you’ll need to get all the collectibles. Unfortunately, a lot of these can be missed, and some of them will require you to think outside the box. Thankfully, this page will list every missable collectible in Chapter 5 including items that are still considered useful, but are not needed to get the 100%.

Zack, Tseng, and a familiar SOLDIER in Modeo Ravine.

Every Missable Collectible in Chapter 5 List

This will show you everything that you can miss in Chapter 5 in a chronological order.

All Missable Mail in Chapter 5

In Crisis Core, you’ll receive mail to your flip-phone periodically updating you with news as well as other stuff. There are 102 Mails altogether, and unfortunately you’ll need to get one mail from each sender which means that you’ll need 100 of them if you want the Mail Completionist trophy.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Mail Completionist

Received mail from all senders.

Trophy icon

Mail: Kunsel - Sephiroth’s Whereabouts

When you gain control at the start of Chapter 5, approach the elevator to receive the mail.

Mail: Reporter - The truth about SOLDIER!

This will appear on your map. Go up the stairs and head south from the Sector 8 - Fountain area, and talk to the man dressed in a suit. He’ll plead to you to not turn him in. Choose “Let him go” to get the mail.

Mail: Study Group – Mystery of the Final Act

After you’ve headed into Sector 8 - Loveless Avenue, head north to find the Genesis Fan in her usual place. Speak to her for another mail.

Mail: Shinra News – Analysis of the Midgar attacks

Automatically obtained after the cutscene in Sector 5 Slums - Market.

(1 of 5) Tell the Reporter you’ll let him go.

Mail: Luxiere – From Luxiere

Automatically obtained before you zone into Sector 5 Slums - Church Entrance.

Mail: Kunsel – Snowy Village

Automatically obtained as you head further into Modeoheim.

Mail: Lazard – Shinra’s Shadows

Automatically obtained as you approach the Bathhouse in Modeoheim.

All Missable Fan Clubs in Chapter 5

Head to Sector 6 Slums - Park, and look behind the iconic slide, and you’ll see a Sephiroth Fan waiting there. Answer her following questions correctly to join the Fan Club. The correct answers are:

1. Masamune
2. Super Nova
3. His left hand

(1 of 3) The first answer is “Masamune”.

All Missable DMW Images in Chapter 5

There are two DMW Images to get in Chapter 5, and thankfully, these aren’t missable. The first image you’ll get is "Meteor Shots" iconMeteor Shots (Cloud) after a cutscene in Modeo Ravine. The second "Apocalypse" iconApocalypse will be after a boss battle a little later.

All Missable Side Missions in Chapter 5

Mission: 1-3-1 – Next-Generation Weapons

This Mission will be automatically unlocked as soon as you can reach a Save Point at the beginning of Chapter 5.

Mission: 2-2-1 – Slums of Midgar

This Mission will be automatically unlocked as soon as you can reach a Save Point at the beginning of Chapter 5.

Mission: 3-1-6 – Midgar Defense Operations

This Mission will be automatically unlocked as soon as you can reach a Save Point at the beginning of Chapter 5.

Mission: 5-1-4 – Experiments No. 104

This Mission will be automatically unlocked as soon as you can reach a Save Point at the beginning of Chapter 5.

Mission: 2-1-5 – Highway Closed

Speak to the Trooper who can be found up the stairs from the entrance of the Shinra Building.

Talk to the Trooper at the top of the stairs near the entrance to unlock mission 2-1-5.

Mission: 6-2-1 – Slum Development Plan 1

Talk to the City Planning Executive in-between the reception, and the entrance. He’ll be talking to another employee.

Mission: 2-1-6 – Highway Closed

Speak to the Researcher standing in front of the large blue screen in the Exhibit Room, Shinra HQ AFTER completing missions 2-1-1 to 2-1-5. He won’t appear there until these missions are completed.

(1 of 2) The researcher won’t appear until you complete mission 2-1-5.

The researcher won’t appear until you complete mission 2-1-5. (left), After completing mission 2-1-6, speak to the researcher again to finish the side quest, and get the Mithril Tools. (right)

Mission: 4-3-1 – Defeat the Scout Units

Capture the first Wutai Spy in Sector 8 - Loveless Avenue during the Wutai Nemesis quest.

Mission: 4-3-2 – Obliterate Advance Elements

Capture the second Wutai Spy in Sector 5 Slums - Market during the Wutai Nemesis quest.

Mission: 4-3-3 – Foes in the Wutai Base

Capture the third Wutai Spy in Shinra HQ - Entrance during the Wutai Nemesis quest.

Mission: 4-3-4 – Mobile Units

Capture the fourth Wutai Spy in Sector 8 – Fountain during the Wutai Nemesis quest.

Mission: 4-3-5 – The Enemy’s Stronghold

Capture the fifth Wutai Spy in Shinra HQ - Exhibit Room during the Wutai Nemesis quest.

Mission: 4-3-6 – Stop the Assailants

Capture the sixth Wutai Spy in Sector 6 Slums – Park during the Wutai Nemesis quest.

All Missable Flower Wagon Parts in Chapter 5

Flower Wagon Part - Shinra Treads

At the start of the Chapter, head over to the Shinra HQ - Training Room, and talk to the NPC in there to start the Squat minigame. Defeat the first NPC, SOLDIER 3rd Class to obtain the "Shinra Treads" iconShinra Treads.

Flower Wagon Part - Shinra Solder

At the start of the Chapter, head over to the Shinra HQ - Training Room, and talk to the NPC in there to start the Squat minigame. Defeat the second NPC, SOLDIER 2nd Class to obtain the "Shinra Solder" iconShinra Solder.

Flower Wagon Part - Shinra Lunch Cart Specs

At the start of the Chapter, head over to the Shinra HQ - Training Room, and talk to the NPC in there to start the Squat minigame. Defeat the third NPC, Trooper, to obtain the "Shinra Lunch Cart Specs" iconShinra Lunch Cart Specs.

Flower Wagon Part - Shinra Ceramic

At the start of the Chapter, head over to the Shinra HQ - Training Room, and talk to the NPC in there to start the Squat minigame. Defeat the final NPC, Captain to obtain the "Shinra Ceramic" iconShinra Ceramic.

Flower Wagon Part - Mythril Tools

You’ll get this as a reward for completing the side quest which ends in the Shinra HQ - Exhibit Room. Complete missions 2-1-1 through to 2-1-5, and you’ll find a Researcher in front of the big blue screen in the exhibit room. Talk to him to unlock mission 2-1-6, and complete it. Talk to him again to finish the mini quest, and the "Mythril Tools" iconMythril Tools will be yours.

Flower Wagon Part - Walnut Wood

The "Walnut Wood" iconWalnut Wood will be rewarded to you when you capture all six spies in the Wutai Nemesis side mission.

All Missable Trophies/Achievements in Chapter 5

Shinra's Squats Champion

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Shinra's Squats Champion

Achieved victory against the SOLDIER 2nd Class in the physical fitness test.

Trophy icon

Speak to the Researcher in the Training Room to start the Squats minigame.

This trophy/achievement can be obtained as early as the start of the Chapter. Make your way over to the Training Room and speak to the Researcher looking at the monitors. He’ll mention to you that he will be testing your physical fitness today, and will ask you if you’re ready. Before accepting, read the tutorial to familiarize yourself with the minigame. This is a little easier than the FFVII Remake minigame of the same type, but it can still be frustrating, especially when the camera transitions when you’re about to speed up.

(1 of 4) It’ll only take a pitiful 22 squats to beat the Trooper.

There are four speeds in total, and for each speed, you’ll need to press the button earlier each time. The easiest way for us to do this was to time the button press when the tip of the sword is about to reach the floor. If you mistime a squat, you’ll be temporarily stopped, and reset to the beginning speed, and you’ll have to work your way back up. There are four “competitors” that you’ll need to beat to get the trophy, Trooper, Captain, SOLDIER 3rd Class, and the SOLDIER 2nd Class. You’ll need to accomplish at least a specific amount of squats to beat each participant, which are as follows:

  • Trooper – 22 Squats
  • Captain – 30 Squats
  • SOLDIER 3rd Class – 43 Squats
  • SOLDIER 2nd Class – 55 Squats

After beating each individual, you’ll receive a piece needed for the Flower Wagon, and beating all four will reward you with the trophy/achievement. You can read our in-depth guide on it here.

Wutai's Nemesis

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Wutai's Nemesis

Caught all the Wutai spies that had infiltrated Midgar.

Trophy icon

Talk to the SOLDIER near the entrance of LOVELESS Avenue to start the Wutai Nemesis quest.

When you head into Sector 8 - Loveless Avenue, there will be an NPC right near the entrance. Talk to him, and he’ll tell you how Midgar has been infiltrated by a group of Wutai Spies, and he’ll ask if you can help him find, and detain them. Agree to his proposition, and he’ll give you information on the known location of the first spy. These spies have to be found in a fixed order, and you have to do it before you start the story mission otherwise you’ll miss it. Note, speak to each spy three times otherwise you won’t be able to blow their cover.

(1 of 6) The first Wutai Spy will be walking up and down the street outside the Theater in LOVELESS Avenue.

  • Wutai Spy 1: Sector 8 - Loveless Avenue - A man will be walking up and down the street outside the theater.

  • Wutai Spy 2: Sector 5 Slums - Market - There will be a Shinra Trooper suspiciously walking around the market. You can get to Sector 5 by going to the Train Station to the east of Sector 8 - Fountain.

  • Wutai Spy 3: Shinra Building - Entrance - Wait near the elevator up the stairs from the entrance, and a man should walk out of it. If he doesn’t appear right away, you’ll have to wait a bit.

  • Wutai Spy 4: Sector 8 - Fountain - There will be a woman conversing to a man up the stairs in the fountain area, on your way to the Train Station.

  • Wutai Spy 5: Shinra Building - Exhibit Room - Talk to the man standing in front of the rocket display in the Exhibit Room.

  • Wutai Spy 6: Sector 6 Slums - Park - There will be a young boy wearing a cap running back and forth in front of the slide.

Master Infiltrator

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Master Infiltrator

Infiltrated the mako excavation facility without being discovered once.

Trophy icon

Zack will have to be sneaky if he wants this trophy!

For this trophy/achievement, you’ll need to progress the story until you reach a facility in Modeo Ravine. During the cutscene, you’ll tell Tseng that you’ll infiltrate the facility without being seen. Although you can continue the story if you are seen, you won’t get the trophy/achievement.

Before you start your infiltration, head to your left, and save the game. If you get caught, you’re going to want to reload the save to try again. This is a lot easier than it looks, especially if you don’t care about the chests in there, of which there are five.

Once you start the infiltration, you should see two guards in front of you. One will walk up and down while the second will walk left to right. Wait until they both meet up in the middle, and run left if you want the first chest containing a "Power Attack" iconPower Attack materia. Now run over to the blue boxes, and crouch behind it, and wait until the guard walks past you. Quickly run behind him, and head to the right, and open the chest next to the skip which contains a "Dispel" iconDispel materia.

(1 of 8) When the guards meet up in the middle, you can run to the left to get a chest.

From the chest, turn left, and run straight forward where you’ll find another chest containing some "Sprint Shoes" iconSprint Shoes. Hide behind the wall here until the guard to your left has walked past, and walked back again. Leave the hiding spot, and walk forward towards the Facility entrance. Before you go in, open the chest containing a "Pearl Necklace" iconPearl Necklace, then go through the open door to the right of it. When you go through the door, you’ll get the trophy/achievement. There is a temperature mechanic in this minigame where if your body temperature drops below 26.0 you will lose a chest. There isn’t anything special here, especially if you’ve been doing other side missions, but if you do want everything, you’ll need to perform squats to keep your temperature up.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    11 December 2022
  • Last Updated
    27 March 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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