The final Chapter of Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII: Reunion takes place in the Depths of Judgement and the main gimmick for the dungeon involves tracking down the seven Goddess Materia to open the door. This page will detail where to find all of them.
You will need to find all 7 Goddess Materia to open the way to the final boss.
As you progress through Chapter 10, you’ll find yourself at the ruins of what was once Banora Village. Here, you’ll find the Depths of Judgement and it is here that Genesis has retreated to. To reach the inner sanctum of this area, and begin the showdown with Genesis, you’ll need to locate seven Goddess Materia and slot them in the altar in the Howling Fang area.
You’ll find these Goddess Materias in chests throughout the areas in this final dungeon.
Light Materia¶
It’s hard to miss this first Materia as you’ll almost immediately pass by it when you first enter the Depths of Judgement. After dropping down and entering the area from the southwest, head along the path and look to your right to find the chest holding the Light Materia.
Heaven Materia¶
For the next Goddess Materia, continue down the slope nearby and you’ll reach the Save Point in the Depths of Judgement. From here, look to your right and you’ll see a slope, head up there and you’ll find the chest housing the Heaven Materia at the end.
Ground Materia¶
Come back down from the slope and hug the wall to your left to find another cave you can go through, at the end of this short path is another chest containing the Ground Materia.
Star Materia¶
The final Goddess Materia located in the Depths of Judgement can be found to the left of the cave that leads to the western exit, Portal of Severance. Open the chest as you go to turn the corner and enter the cave to obtain the Star Materia.
(1 of 4) You can’t miss the !Light Materia when you first enter the Depths of Judgement
Life Materia¶
The final three Goddess Materia can be found in the Lake of Oblivion. You can reach this area by taking the southern exit in the Depths of Judgement.
Once in the Lake of Oblivion, hug the edge to your right and keep heading north, you’ll find a chest with the Life Materia is hidden here (near one of the battles for the Cage Opener Trophy/Achievement).
Being Materia¶
The next Goddess Materia in the Lake of Oblivion can be found by hugging the southern wall and follow it to the northwest, keep an eye on your right and you’ll spot the next chest sitting there containing the Being Materia.
Sabbath Materia¶
The final Goddess Materia that you need to track down can be found by heading over to the Save Point in the Lake of Oblivion and following the northeastern wall to the southeast a little, the chest will be sitting there containing the Sabbath Materia.
(1 of 3) Search to your right as soon as you enter the Lake to find the !Life Materia
Once you have all of the Goddess Materia, return to the Howling Fang area (to the east of the Depths of Judgement) and insert all seven Goddess Materia. The door in front of you will unlock, paving the way for the final showdown with Genesis. Be sure to make a save here so you can return to finish off Missions and other tasks as you’ll be locked into the end-game once you go through the door.
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