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Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII: Reunion

All Enemy on the March Missions Unlocks

Matt Chard
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There are 300 optional missions in Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII: Reunion. Enemy on the March (M3-1) can be found in the Genesis’s Forces Category.

You can start the M3-1 series of missions at the start of Chapter 3.

How to Unlock the Enemy on the March Missions in Crisis Core Reunion

Thankfully, most of the Enemy on the March set of missions are obtained at the beginning of specific chapters, which means that they can’t be missed. The other few are unlocked by completing the previous missions. This set of missions focuses on primarily machine-type monsters.

Mission Unlock Enemies Reward
3-1-1: Foes on the Waterfront (1★) Automatically Unlocked at the start of Chapter 3 "G Assassin" iconG Assassin, "Guard Hound" iconGuard Hound, "Blood Taste" iconBlood Taste "Bronze Bangle" iconBronze Bangle
3-1-2: Massive Machines (2★) Complete the previous mission M3-1-1 "G Assassin" iconG Assassin, "Guard Spider" iconGuard Spider, "Heli Gunner" iconHeli Gunner "Iron Bangle" iconIron Bangle
3-1-3: Eliminate the Copies (2★) Automatically Unlocked at the start of Chapter 4 "Red Saucer I" iconRed Saucer I, "Sweeper" iconSweeper, "G Avenger" iconG Avenger, "G Eraser" iconG Eraser, "Kactuar" iconKactuar "AP Up" iconAP Up
3-1-4: Destroy the "Death Machine" iconDeath Machines (2★) Complete the previous mission M3-1-3 "Red Saucer I" iconRed Saucer I, "Sweeper" iconSweeper, "Pile Machine" iconPile Machine, "Shot Machine" iconShot Machine, "Cutter Machine" iconCutter Machine "Vit Up" iconVit Up
3-1-5: Eliminate the "Death Machine" iconDeath Machines (3★) Complete the previous mission M3-1-4 "Red Saucer I" iconRed Saucer I, "Sweeper" iconSweeper, "Pile Machine" iconPile Machine, "Shot Machine" iconShot Machine, "Cutter Machine" iconCutter Machine "Mythril Gloves" iconMythril Gloves
3-1-6: Midgar Defense Operations (3★) Automatically Unlocked at the start of Chapter 5 "Bee Saucer I" iconBee Saucer I, "G Assailant" iconG Assailant, "G Warrior" iconG Warrior "Moth Slasher" iconMoth Slasher "Mystile" iconMystile

Most of the rewards in this category are lackluster, and the only real reason to complete the missions is for the Mission Completionist trophy/achievement. All the other rewards you can get elsewhere with little effort. It’s worth noting that you can find a "Kactuar" iconKactuar in Mission 3-1-3 which is needed to unlock mission 10-1-1. This will eventually lead to you obtaining the summon.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Mission Completionist

Completed 100% of all missions.

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Mission 3-1-1: Foes on the Waterfront

Mission 3-1-1 boss.

Unlocked at the start of Chapter 3, this mission only has a small map containing just the two chests. These chests will contain a "Potion" iconPotion and an "X-Potion" iconX-Potion. One chest can be found to the north, then west, near the barrier, while the other chest is to the west, then north. The Boss will be immediately in front of you once the mission begins, and it’ll be a G Assassin with some "Blood Taste" iconBlood Tastes to back it up.

Mission 3-1-2: Massive Machines

M3-1-2 Boss.

Complete M3-1-1 to start this mission. Another small map, that has "G Assassin" iconG Assassins, and "Heli Gunner" iconHeli Gunners in its random encounters. There is only one chest to find here which you’ll find out contains a "Remedy" iconRemedy. You can find the chest halfway through the cave, on your left while you progress west. Once you pick up the chest, continue west to defeat the Boss of the mission which just happens to be a "Guard Spider" iconGuard Spider. As it is a machine, any thunder-based spell will bring it down in no time.

3-1-3: Eliminate the Copies

Mission 3-1-3 boss.

This mission is unlocked at the start of Chapter 4 and is more difficult than its predecessors. The random encounters here will have Red Saucers, "Sweeper" iconSweepers, and "G Avenger" iconG Avengers which shouldn’t cause too many problems, utilize "Thunder" iconThunder spells on the Red Saucers and Sweepers, while using regular attacks on the G Avengers. There’s only one chest here containing a "Wrist Band" iconWrist Band, which can be discovered by hugging the right wall as soon as you start the mission.

You can find the Kactuar on the east of the map.

If you head all the way east, and then south, you’ll find a Kactuar visible on the map. Defeating this little guy will unlock mission 10-1-1 which is the first step to unlocking the Cactuar Summon which you can find more about here. When you’ve got everything you need, make your way to the center of the map where you’ll need to defeat the Genesis Clone, the "G Eraser" iconG Eraser. This shouldn’t be too tough to defeat as long as you avoid its Combo Attack, and Scorcher attack with the latter taking a while to charge. Other than that, it’ll cast the odd "Fire" iconFire, shoot you with its gun, or a normal attack. It doesn’t have any real weaknesses, although you can "Poison" iconPoison or "Silence" iconSilence it.

3-1-4: Destroy the Death Machines

M3-1-4 Boss.

Unlocked by completing M3-1-3. This mission has three bosses! The first will be straight in front of you which will be a "Cutter Machine" iconCutter Machine. All the enemies in this mission will be machine-type, so all of them will be weak to Thunder. Making use of this spell, and its higher tiers will make everything that the mission throws at you trivial. After the first boss, pick up the chest after it to the left.

This will be just before the second boss which is a "Pile Machine" iconPile Machine. Defeat that, and follow the path north where you’ll find the final chest on the left corner before you go across the platform. Finally, head north to defeat the last boss which is a "Shot Machine" iconShot Machine. Once again, throw as much Thunder at it as you can, and watch its health melt. The two chests in this mission contain a "Hi-Potion" iconHi-Potion and an X-Potion.

3-1-5: Eliminate the Death Machines

Mission 3-1-5 boss.

Unlocked by completing M3-1-4. Everything about this map is on the small side. One boss, one chest, and a small map. The enemies that you’ll encounter here are the "Red Saucer I" iconRed Saucer I, and Sweepers. Follow the path west, and the boss will be in the middle of the area. Before you go to the boss, turn left and open the chest behind the rock for an "Ether" iconEther. This battle is fairly tough, especially if you’re not overpowered. You’ll face three enemies in this encounter, a Cutter Machine, a Pile Machine, and finally a Shot Machine.

They’re all weak to Thunder, so that will be your offense sorted, but due to all three attacking you at the same time, you’ll need to keep dodging to avoid their attacks. "Barrier" iconBarrier, or even better, "Wall" iconWall will help with the damage you’ll take while a smart application of "Guard" iconGuard will negate even more damage. Ideally, you’ll want to dodge, Thunder spell, dodge Thunder spell, rinse, and repeat.

3-1-6: Midgar Defense Operations

Mission 3-1-6 boss.

The final mission of the sub-category will be unlocked once you reach Chapter 5. There are four chests in this mission which will reward you with the following items: Thunder, "Esuna" iconEsuna, "Soma" iconSoma, and a Remedy. Starting at the far west of the map, it’s a big one. Head north and turn east as soon as you can; head south to the end and open the chest in the corner. Go east as soon as you can, and then head south to open the chest in between the two rooms.

Once again, head back up and then go east and north for another chest. Finally, head south onto the main corridor; follow it east and then north, and open the final chest in between the corridor connecting the two rooms. Now continue north where you’ll find the boss who is a "G Warrior" iconG Warrior who’ll be accompanied by two "G Assailant" iconG Assailants. The G Warrior is a bit tougher than the other clones, and it’ll attempt to Silence you throughout the fight. Its most dangerous attacks are its Twin Kick and "Fira" iconFira. For Fira, you can use a "Fire Armlet" iconFire Armlet, "Flame Armlet" iconFlame Armlet, or "Blaze Armlet" iconBlaze Armlet, but you’ll need to avoid the two-hit Twin Attack.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    11 December 2022
  • Last Updated
    27 March 2023
    Version History
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