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Monster Hunter Wilds

Miniature Crown and Giant Crown Farming - Monster Hunter Wilds

Nathan Garvin
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It should be little surprise that there are plenty of reasons to hunt monsters in a "Monster Hunter" iconMonster Hunter game - getting materials to craft arms and armor, increase your Hunter Rank, boredom, or maybe the stupid thing just kept roaring at you while you were trying to gather resources? When those reasons wear thin, achievement/trophy hunters will find another excuse to keep hunting - crowns. This page will cover how to efficiently find monsters with giant crowns in mini crowns in Monster Hunter Wilds and earn the Miniature Crown Master and Giant Crown Master achievements/trophies.

Page Breakdown

Unlocking Crowns

Novice hunters may think a monster is a monster, at least within the same species. Any "Quematrice" iconQuematrice is going to behave and have stats similar to any other Quematric, for example. Monster Hunter veterans know that’s simply not the case, however, as individuals may vary in numerous ways, including having low-rank, high-rank and tempered variants, differing strength scores and a range of sizes.

(1 of 2) You’ll get your first Giant Crown during the story, when you hunt the Alpha Doshaguma.

You’ll get your first Giant Crown during the story, when you hunt the Alpha Doshaguma. (left), You can check which monsters have crowns via the Monster Field Guide. (right)

The last bit is the part that interests us as far as this page goes, as the size of the monsters you hunt are recorded in your Monster Field Guide, and the smallest and largest specimens are marked by Miniature Crowns and Giant Crowns, respectively. This isn’t super important in the main campaign (from chapters 1-3), although you will encounter an Alpha "Doshaguma" iconDoshaguma, which always has a giant crown. This will be your first introduction to the mechanic and likely your only encounter with a crown-worthy monster until you beat the main campaign and reach chapter 4, where the gameplay shifts towards giving the player more freedom.

From chapter 4 on you’ll largely be tasked with hunting monsters that roam the game’s various regions on your own, increasing your Hunter Rank until another quest opens up that unlocks a new monster or mechanic, until at the end of chapter 6 the game’s questline is over, leaving only grinding for materials, Hunter Rank and of course, crowns. The monsters that spawn in regions in chapter 4 or later may vary in type (high-rank or tempered), give bonus rewards and spawn at certain sizes, and this is all pure RNG - if a monster spawns small enough it’ll have a Minature Crown, and if it’s large enough it’ll have a Giant Crown. Defeat a crown-bearing monster to unlock that crown in the monster’s entry in your Monster Field Guide.

(1 of 2) When scouting monsters on the field, use your binoculars and you’ll be informed if the monster has a Miniature Crown,

When scouting monsters on the field, use your binoculars and you’ll be informed if the monster has a Miniature Crown, (left), or a Giant Crown. (right)

Miniature Crown Master and Giant Crown Master Achievements/Trophies

As is the norm for Monster Hunter games, grinding for crowns is the most time-consuming bit if you’re a completionist. There are six achievements/trophies related to crowns, as follows:

  • Miniature Crown: Collect 1 miniature crown.
  • Miniature Crown Collector: Collect 10 miniature crowns.
  • Miniature Crown Master: Collect all miniature crowns.
  • Giant Crown: Collect 1 giant crown.
  • Giant Crown Collector: Collect 10 giant crowns.
  • Giant Crown Master: Collect all giant crowns.

You will earn Giant Crown during the main questline (by defeating the aforementioned Alpha Doshaguma), but more than likely you won’t get any more crowns until you reach chapter 4, but keep in mind that every monster won’t unlock until you complete chapter 6, so we’ll assume you’ve completed chapter 6. Speaking of “unlocking every monster”, most monsters have crowns, but not all - the "Guardian Arkveld" iconGuardian Arkveld and "Zoh Shia" iconZoh Shia are only fought once during the entire game and hence don’t have crowns, while "Jin Dahaad" iconJin Dahaad is something of a scripted boss that can be refought, but it also doesn’t have crowns. That leaves 26 monsters that have both Miniature Crowns and Giant Crowns you need to collect for each monster, or 52 crowns in total.

You will earn a crown when you hunt a monster. You will get a crown if you kill or capture the monster, whether you fight it offline or online. The monsters you’ll encounter during quests tend to not have crowns, so don’t waste your time with Optional Quests - you’re going to have to scout if you want those crowns!

(1 of 3) To farm crowns, spy on monsters you need crowns for with your binoculars, and if you spot a monster with a crown,

Finding Miniature Crown and Giant Crown Monsters

As mentioned earlier, to find monsters with crowns - miniature or giant, it doesn’t matter - you can’t rely on Optional Quests. Fortunately all sorts of monsters with randomized stats and drops can be found roaming the Forbidden Lands starting in chapter 4 and on, and it’s here where you’ll find your crown-bearing specimens. Look at the map, find monsters you don’t have crowns for (early on, this is going to be… almost all of them) tag them, then ride on over with your Seikret. Once you’re close enough (within 50 meters or so) take out your "Binoculars" iconBinoculars and take a gander at them. If they have a crown you will see it marked on the monster’s icon while you’re viewing them through your Binoculars. If that’s not enough info, good news! - it’ll also outright tell you if an enemy is the smallest or biggest of that type you’ve encountered.

If you see a crown, start a Field Survey hunt for the target monster, which functions like any other hunt/quest, save that the target monster will give whatever bonus rewards, strength and size the scouted monster had. Even better, after completing the Field Survey hunt you can save the hunt as an Investigation, which allows you to fight the same monster, with all the same rewards, strength and size stats, up to three more times. So if you find a crown-bearing monster, you can pass that on to friends and, in an ideal world, get your friends to return the favor. This makes a massive chore more manageable, as any player who finds a crown-bearing monster can potentially help themselves and twelve other hunters get the crown in question.

Reach chapter 4 (ideally chapter 6), look up what monsters are in each region, tag the ones you need crowns for, scout them with binoculars, and start a Field Survey if they have a crown. Save the crown-bearing monster as an Investigation and pass it on and ideally get some favors in return. Repeat until you’ve got every crown! Note that some monsters only appear under certain weather conditions or at certain times of day - the apex predators are somewhat uncommon and will likely take more time and effort to track down. You can pass time by resting at the tent - check out the How to Skip Time and Change weather page for more information.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS5, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    23 February 2025
  • Last Updated
    17 March 2025
  • Guide Author

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